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Title:Metode določanja mikroorganizmov prisotnih v balastnih vodah
Authors:ID Turk, Valentina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Govednik, Tina (Author)
Files:.pdf Tina_Govednik.pdf (1,05 MB)
MD5: 3DFB351740A064197ADFA4312B30DF3F
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZO - Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Abstract:Tujerodne vrste predstavljajo svetovni problem v morskih in sladkovodnih okoljih ter posledično ustvarjajo nevarnost za zdravje ljudi in okolja ter morsko biotsko raznovrstnost. Čezoceanske plovbe in promet omogočajo globalne povezave in istočasno prenos patogenih in drugih organizmov. Glavno pot vnosa tujerodnih vrst v okolje predstavlja balastna voda in sediment v ladijskih tankih. Z obstoječimi tehnologijami in priporočenimi standardi, ki jih je predlagala Mednarodna pomorska organizacija (IMO) lahko delno obvladujemo biološko onesnaževanje. Do sedaj nobena tehnologija ni bila dovolj učinkovita, da bi lahko odstranila vse organizme iz balastnih vod. Zato je bila predlagana študija določanja biološkega in kemičnega stanja v pristaniščih in s tem določanja kakovosti voda pred črpanjem v balastne tanke. V diplomski nalogi sem povzela nekatere predpise in razpoložljive tehnologije za določanje kakovosti in dezinfekcijsko obdelavo balastnih voda. Namen diplomske naloge je bil predvsem določitev koncentracij fekalnih koliformnih bakterij in celokupne združbe bakterij v ustju reke Rižane, kjer je glavni pomol za privez ladij v luki Koper, dveh drugih bazenov v neposredni bližini in na referenčni postaji na sredini Koprskega zaliva. Analize fekalnih koliformnih bakterij smo opravili z metodo membranske filtracije in pri tem uporabili različna gojišča, priporočena za analize koliformnih bakterij. Rezultati vzorcev morske vode kažejo, da je vzorčeno mesto v ustju reke Rižane onesnaženo, kamor se sicer izlivajo tudi odpadne vode čistilne naprave Koper. Pri vzorcih sedimenta so mikrobiološki rezultati zelo različni, vendar smo visoke vrednosti bakterij zaznali na vseh vzorčnih mestih v področju luke Koper. Primerjali smo tudi razlike v vrstni sestavi celokupne bakterijske združbe med vzorci vode in sedimenta različnih vzorčnih mest v Koprskem zalivu z metodo denaturacijske gradientne gelske elektroforeze.
Keywords:balastne vode, metode membranske filtracije, fekalni koliformi
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-1806 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3432015 New window
Publication date in RUNG:22.04.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Methods of determining microorganisms present in ballast water
Abstract:The establishment of non-indigenous species in marine and freshwater environments is a worldwide issue and a concern to human and environmental health, and aquatic biodiversity. Oceanic shipping and transport has provided a global connection for species dispersal, which has greatly increased the potential for the rate of invasions. The main vectors for species introductions by ships are ballast water and sediments in ballast tanks. With existing technologies and recommended standards proposed by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) we can partially control pollution. However, no method is efficient enough to remove all organisms from ballast water. Therefore, it was also proposed to use a baseline study with chemical and biological data at each port. In this this thesis, the regulations and available technologies for the treatment of ballast tanks were summarized. The aim of the thesis was to determine the concentrations of faecal and total coliform bacteria in the estuary of the river Rižana, which is the location of the main port, two other pools in Koper bay and at the reference station in the outer part of the Bay of Koper. The analyses of faecal coliforms were performed by the membrane filtration method using different growth media, that are recommended for coliforms bacteria analysis. The results of the faecal coliforms in the sea water samples shows high concentrations at the sampling site in the estuary of the river Rižana, where the outlet of the waste water from the treatment plant Koper is located. Microbiological results of faecal coliforms in sediment samples differ, but high levels were detected at all sampling sites. A preliminary study was performed comparing species composition of total bacterial communities in samples of water and sediment from different sampling sites in the Gulf of Koper using the method of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis.
Keywords:ballast water, membrane filtration metods, feacal coliforms
