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Title:Primerjava metod večparametrskega odločanja pri izbiri tehnologije spajkanja : Magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Bohanec, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Rejc, David (Author)
Files:.pdf David_Rejc.pdf (2,77 MB)
MD5: 6A8DE0D83E4E5DB707FB55FA20812B69
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:V magistrskem delu obravnavamo večparametrske odločitvene metode, ki se med seboj razlikujejo po načinu vrednotenja parametrov. Primarni cilj magistrskega dela je medsebojno primerjati odločitvene modele, razvite z različnimi metodami večparametrskega modeliranja. Sekundarni cilj je bil z odločitvenimi modeli vrednotiti, rangirati in analizirati alternativne tehnologije spajkanja fleksibilnega vezja in izbirati najboljšo alternativo. V prvem delu magistrskega dela predstavljamo družbi Hidria AET d. o. o. in SiEVA d. o. o. Predstavili smo trende v avtomobilski industriji in zahteve po razvoju avtomobilskih dizelskih motorjev z manjšo porabo goriva in nižjim izpustom škodljivih emisij. Predstavili smo razvoj svečke s senzorjem tlaka, ki je ključni del regulacije delovanja teh motorjev. Raziskali in predstavili smo tehnološke zahteve za avtomatizacijo procesa spajkanja fleksibilnega vezja. Identificirali smo odločitveni problem pri izbiri ustrezne tehnologije spajkanja, zaželene in nezaželene posledice odločitve in določili zahteve, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati alternative. Predstavili smo vse tri alternative: tehnologijo spajkanja z vročo kladico, infrardečo svetlobo in laserskim žarkom. V drugem delu magistrskega dela smo predstavili področje podpore odločanju in večparametrske odločitvene metode: APIS, PMI, Abacon, Kepner-Tregoe, EVAMIX, AHP in DEX. Z vsemi metodami smo razvili odločitvene modele in z njimi ocenili in rangirali alternative. Rezultate vrednotenja smo analizirali s "kaj-če" analizo. Izdelali smo sintezo rezultatov vrednotenja alternativ in na njeni osnovi primerjali odločitvene modele. Ugotavljamo, da smo z vsemi odločitvenimi metodami najvišje ocenili in rangirali tehnologijo spajkanja z vročo kladico, zato bomo odločevalcem svetovali njeno izbiro.
Keywords:AHP, DEX, EVAMIX, injektor, odločitveni model, ogrevalna svečka, senzor tlaka, tehnologija spajkanja, večparametrsko modeliranje, vroča kladica
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-2076 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4135163 New window
Publication date in RUNG:27.01.2016
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Title:Selecting soldering technology: A comparison of multi-attribute decision-making methods : Master thesis
Abstract:In the master thesis we deal with multi-attribute decision-making methods, which differ according to the mode of evaluation parameters. The primary goal of the master’s thesis is to compare decision models, developed with different multi- attribute decision modelling methods. The secondary goal is to evaluate, rank and analyse alternatives of soldering with these models and to choose the best alternative. In the first part of the master's thesis we presented companies Hidria AET and SiEVA. We presented the trends in automotive industry and requirements for development of automobile diesel engines with lower fuel consumption and lower emissions of harmful discharges. We presented development of the glow plug with the pressure sensor, which is a key part of the regulation of functioning of these engines. We investigated and presented technological requirements for automating of soldering process of a flexible circuit. We identified the decision problem in the selection of appropriate soldering technology, desirable and undesirable consequences of decision-making and determined the requirements that alternatives must satisfy. We studied three alternatives: the technology of soldering with hot iron, infrared light and laser beam. In the second part we presented the scope of decision support and multi-attribute decision-making methods: APIS, PMI, Abacon, Kepner-Tregoe, EVAMIX, AHP and DEX. With all the methods we developed decision-making models and with them evaluated and ranked the alternatives. We analysed the results of evaluation with "what if" analysis. Based on a synthesis of results, we compared the decision-making models. With all decision-making methods, the best evaluated and ranked technology was the soldering with hot iron, which will be advised to decision-makers.
Keywords:AHP, decision-making model, DEX, EVAMIX, glow plug, hot iron, injector, multi-attribute modeling, pressure sensor, soldering technology
