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Title:En busca de las huellas perdidas : dos lectores del Quijote del siglo XIX
Authors:ID Pregelj, Barbara (Author)
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Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:UNG - University of Nova Gorica
Abstract:Članek predstavlja rezultate preliminarne raziskave o Franu Zakrajšku (1835–1903) in Silveriu de Baguerju (1838–1927), ki ju postavlja v kontekst slovenske literarne zgodovine. Zakrajšek in de Baguer sta bila sodobnika, oba sta bivala v Gorici, a sta se gibala v različnih kulturnih in nacionalnih krogih. Imela pa sta tudi skupni interes: Cervantesovega Don Kihota. Najstarejša španska izdaja Don Kihota, ki jo imamo v Sloveniji, se nahaja v Goriški knjižnici Franceta Bevka in je iz leta 1671. Izhaja iz muzeja, ki ga je na gradu Dobrovo zasnoval Silverio de Baguer, knjižnica pa ga je pridobila leta 1955. Prvi slovenski adaptirani prevod Don Kihota je opravil Fran Zakrajšek in je leta 1864 izšel v Goriškem lentiku, prav tako v Gorici. Je mogoče, da bi se Zakrajšek in de Baguer poznala? In je prvi slovenski prevod Don Kihota nastal iz in/ali s pomočjo izvirnika, ki ga je hranil Silverio de Baguer? Za zdaj nimamo nikakršnega dokaza, ki bi domnevo bodisi potrdil, bodisi ovrgel, toda novejši dokumenti iz arhiva grofa de Baguerja, ki so bili najdeni v Madridu in s katerimi razpolaga Goriški muzej bodo morda tudi o tem prispevali kakšne nove informacije.
Keywords:Don Kihot, prevodi v slovenščino, Silverio de Baguer, Fran Zakrajšek, Goriški letnik, bibliofil, posrednik
Year of publishing:2017
Number of pages:241-252
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-3426-f4c5cb39-a483-1d24-c795-cd82f171f5bc New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4970491 New window
DOI:10.4312/vh.25.1.241-252 New window
Publication date in RUNG:11.12.2017
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Verba hispanica
Publisher:Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani
Year of publishing:2017

Secondary language

Title:In searching of lost footsteps: : two readers of Don Quijote from the 19th century
Abstract:The article presents the results of a preliminary research on Fran Zakrajšek (1835–1903) and Silverio de Baguer (1838–1927), contextualizing them within the framework of the Slovene literary history. Contemporaries and both residents of Gorizia who moved in different cultural and national circles, they nevertheless had a common interest: Cervantes’s Quijote. The oldest edition of Don Quixote in Castilian currently present in Slovenia is located in the library of France Bevk in Nova Gorica and dates from 1671. The library acquired it in 1955 and recently we have know that the book was a part of the Silverio de Baguer museum in Dobrovo (Dobra). The first translation of Don Quixote is the work of Fran Zakrajšek and was published in Goriški letnik (Yearbook of Gorizia) in 1864, also in Gorizia. Is it possible that these two men could have known each other? And that the Slovenian translation was made from the copy in the possession of Silverio de Baguer? For now we have no evidence to confirm or reject it, but the new documents provided by the archive of the Count of Baguer, recently founded in Madrid, and currently in the possession of Goriški muzej (Museum of Nova Gorica), may perhaps reveal some new information.
Keywords:Don Quijote, translations into Slovenian, Silverio de Baguer, Fran Zakrajšek, Goriški letnik, bibliophile, mediator
