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Title:Hibridni animirani film : Primer rabe v programu Blender
Authors:ID Prassel, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Leder, Timon (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Stupica, Žiga (Author)
Files:.pdf Ziga_Stupica.pdf (4,00 MB)
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MD5: 15F5B68C8824106A8581C9AB6F6CB44B
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:AU - School of Arts
Abstract:Cilj diplomskega dela je raziskati in obrazložiti pojem hibridne animacije. Na začetku se na kratko razloži definicija same mešanice oz. hibridne animacije, na kratko povzame vsaka zvrst animacije in njeno delovanje. Obrazložena je tudi sama animacija na splošno in kako jo človek dojema skozi vztrajnosti vida. V delu je predstavljena zgodovina hibridne animacije, kje se je prvič pojavila in kateri so ključni dogodki za njen razvoj. Dodane so razlage o ključnih režiserjih, animatorjih in izumiteljih ter kakšna je bila njihova vloga pri razširitvi animacije. Navedene so tehnološke inovacije računalnikov, ki so omogočili razvoj digitalne animacije. Natančneje so razporejene zvrsti kombinacije hibridne animacije ter prednosti in slabosti in tudi postopki dela za izvedbo posameznih animacij. Pri procesu so navedeni tudi primeri iz animacijske industrije ter kakšne so njihove rešitve pri problematiki animiranja dveh ali več medijev. Ob izpisku zahtevnosti hibridne animacije so dodani še obrazložitev zahtevnosti in nasveti, kako se jim izogniti. Sledi seznam razlogov, zakaj bi se nekdo lotil hibridne animacije; iz perspektive vsake zvrsti animacije. Sledi vodnik izdelave hibridne animacije iz odprtokodnega programa Blender. Vsebuje oporne točke in specifične korake s slikami za lažjo vizualizacijo, dodane so tudi razlage za boljše razumevanje. Postopek hibridne animacije je dokumentiran od začetnega ekrana programa Blender, postavitve virtualnih luči in virtualne kamere do zaključka s kompozicijo slike. Za lažje in hitrejše delo je celoten proces animacije v programu Blender obrisan s puščicami in najpogosteje uporabljenimi bližnjicami za ukaze. Prikazuje sposobnost te simulacije in moč risanih senčilnikov.
Keywords:animacija, računalniška animacija, 2D medij, 3D medij, senčilnik, upodabljanje
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-3980-1832af26-bac8-0367-4324-d7483feda7b4 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5173499 New window
Publication date in RUNG:03.07.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Hybrid Animation
Abstract:The purpose of this diploma thesis is to explore and explain the concept of hybrid animation. In the beginning, the definition of mixed media will be described as well as hybrid animation, what animation is in general and how we perceive it from a psychological and technical point of view. We have also walked through the history of hybrid animation and the first major events that led to the advancement of analog and later on digital animation. Animators, scientists and directors that helped to contribute to the progression of animation have also been mentioned along with the tools that they used for their projects. Every sub-genre of hybrid animation is explained and analyzed before going into detail on each genre’s pros and cons regarding production value, time consumption and the complexity of the technique. Tips and warnings concerning the use of an individual genre of animation are also noted. Lastly, the reasons for animators to select this type of animating technique are presented aswell. What follows is a guide for creating hybrid animation through an open source program called Blender. The guide is a step-by-step tutorial with pictures helping you through the user interface of the program. The hybrid animation process has been documented from the Blender start screen, the installation of virtual lights and the virtual camera to the final composed image. For simpler and speedier work, the entire Blender animation process has been demonstrated with arrows and command shortcuts. It showcases Blender's ability to simulate as well as how the toon shader works.
Keywords:hybrid animation, computer animation, 2d medium, 3D media, shader, rendering.
