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Title:Optimizacija procesa razvoja elektronskih regulatorjev
Authors:ID Podgornik, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Martelanc, Matjaž (Author)
Files:.pdf Matjaz_Martelanc.pdf (1,87 MB)
MD5: 9407B9CF757F6498A2C34A441A6CF8C0
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:Zaradi vedno hitrejšega napredka tehnologije v regulacijski tehniki se morajo podjetja temu in posledično željam strank prilagajati, če želijo ostati konkurenčna ali sploh relevantna. Z razvojem novih komponent in možnosti mikroprocesorjev pa postaja tudi sam razvoj frekvenčnih pretvornikov vse krajši in vedno bolj zahteven. Tako je eden od ključnih dejavnikov pri hitrem razvoju prototipov, poleg samega načrtovanja frekvenčnega pretvornika, prav ustrezno vodenje procesa razvoja in projektov, ki vključuje vodenje in naročanje kritičnih komponent, beleženje predelav ter sledenje prototipu od začetka izdelave, preizkušanja do končnega kupca. Diplomsko delo, ki je nastalo v okviru zaposlitve, tako zajema pregled teorije o vodenju procesov razvoja in projektov. Sledi preučevanje delovanja sistema v analiziranem podjetju in identifikacija problemov in pomanjkljivosti na oddelku razvoja elektronike, ki so vzrok za neoptimalen potek procesa razvoja frekvenčnih pretvornikov. V delu predlagamo rešitve za optimizacijo procesa razvoja od katerih pričakujemo, da bodo po vgraditvi omogočile skrajšanje zamud, večjo fleksibilnost razvoja in učinkovito sledenje prototipov tokom celotnega procesa razvoja.
Keywords:projekt, načrtovanje in razvoj proizvoda, optimizacija, sledenje
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-4087-00975b90-657b-f19a-2e67-5ddd01046e70 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5235963 New window
Publication date in RUNG:01.10.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Optimization of electronic regulators development process
Abstract:Due to ever-increasing advancements in control technology, companies must adapt to trends to better fit the customers requests, if they want to stay competitive. With the development of new components and the power of microprocessors, the development of variable-frequency drives (VFD) is becoming shorter and more complex. This is why one of the key reasons for rapid prototype development, in addition to designing the VFD, is the proper management of the development process and projects. This includes the management and procurement of critical components, writing down customizations that were made and prototype tracking from production, testing to the final customer. This thesis, which was created during employment in the company, that was used as case study, starts with an overview of the theory about the development process and projects management. This is followed by the study of the development process in the company along with the identification of problems and deficiencies in the electronics development department. The latter have notable impact on loss of optimality in the process of VFD development. It is expected that the solutions will result in shortening of delays, greater flexibility of development and effective prototype tracking throughout the development process.
Keywords:project, product planning and development, optimization, tracking
