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Title:Vrstni red usvajanja konceptov pri predšolskih otrocih
Authors:ID Marušič, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Žaucer, Rok (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Batagelj, Barbara (Author)
Files:.pdf Barbara_Batagelj.pdf (964,07 KB)
MD5: 20FF5588404AE81FC1E0E356E7764919
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FH - Faculty of Humanities
Abstract:Po kartografskih raziskavah sodeč je hierarhija funkcijskih projekcij za vse naravne človeške jezike enaka (Cinque in Rizzi, 2010). Ob tem se pojavlja vprašanje, ali ima ta univerzalna hierarhija temelje v splošni kogniciji (Marušič in Mišmaš, 2018, Mišmaš, Popović in Žaucer, 2018). Če povezava med tem kartografskim modelom in splošnimi kognitivnimi sposobnostmi obstaja, lahko sklepamo na povezavo med vrstnim redom funkcijskih projekcij, ki gostijo določeno vrsto pridevnika, in vrstnim redom otrokovega usvajanja konceptov, ki jih pridevniki določene vrste izražajo. Ker otrok skladenjsko zgradbo usvaja od najnižje projekcije k najvišji (Radford, 1996), lahko sklepamo, da bodo otroci najprej usvojili koncept, ki je v hierarhiji postavljen nižje, kot tistega, ki je postavljen višje. V tem diplomskem delu to povezavo iščemo s preverjanjem usvajanja konceptov velikosti, barve in oblike pri predšolskih otrocih. V diplomskem delu sta predstavljena univerzalna hierarhija pridevnikov v samostalniški zvezi in usvajanje jezika pri predšolskih otrocih, v drugem delu pa še rezultati, ki smo jih pridobili s testiranjem otrok. Na podlagi pridobljenih rezultatov lahko vsaj delno potrdimo, da otroci najprej usvojijo koncept barve, nato oblike in nazadnje velikosti, vendar bi za trdnejše zaključke morali testirati več otrok.
Keywords:univerzalna hierarhija funkcijskih projekcij, pridevniki, usvajanje jezika, koncepti, otroški govor, velikost, oblika, barva
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-4745-54c85118-63c6-65bb-8e69-c4013ccddf8c New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5457147 New window
Publication date in RUNG:01.10.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The order of acquisition of concepts with pre-school children
Abstract:According to the cartographic approach, the hierarchy of functional projections should be the same for all natural human languages (Cinque and Rizzi, 2010). This raises the question of the source of the universal hierarchy. One can hypothesize that the hierarchy is founded in general cognition. This would then suggest that the order of functional projections hosting a certain type of adjective is also the order in which a child acquires concepts expressed by a certain type of adjectives. Since children acquire sentence structures from the lowest projections to the highest (Radford, 1996), it can be assumed that the concepts occupying lower positions in the hierarchy will be acquired sooner that those in higher positions. This thesis tries to explore this possibility by studying the acquisition of three concepts (size, colour and shape) by pre-school children. The experiment that was conducted at least partly confirms that the sequence of acquisition of concepts goes in the predicted order: colour before shape before size. However, to be able to draw a more firm conclusion, the sample of children included in the experiment should have been bigger.
Keywords:universal hierarchy of functional projections, adjectives, language acquisition, concepts, children's speech, size, shape, colour
