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Title:Managing karst in Coastal British Columbia, Canada : systems and implementation results
Authors:ID Kranjc, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Stokes, Tim (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Griffiths, Paul Andre (Author)
Files:.pdf Paul_Andre_Griffiths.pdf (136,27 MB)
MD5: 8FC7564165BAE2194F7043F16EA5F3C3
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FPŠ - Graduate School
Abstract:This thesis provides a detailed description and analysis of the system used for managing karst in the forests of coastal British Columbia (BC), where the major land- use activity is industrial forestry. In 2004, BC shifted from a more prescriptive forest management model (the Forest Practices Code) to a less regulated, results-based approach based primarily on the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA). The dissertation examines how this results-based management approach for forest resources has worked – or not worked – with respect to karst. The research focused on the five key realms of an environmental management system as defined by the International Standards Organization (ISO 14001 standard): 1) Legislation and Policy, 2) Planning, 3) Implementation, 4) Checking/Corrective Action, and 5) Management Review. The research also examined the roles of professional reliance (another major foundational element of the FRPA model), karst research, and organizational capacity as external factors which influence on the functioning of the karst management system. A combination of interviews, surveys, document reviews and field observations were used to collect qualitative information relevant to all aspects of the karst management system. This research reveals inadequacies in all five realms of BC’s current karst management framework, including gaps in legislation, a lack of implementation of existing standards and guidelines, and non-existent effectiveness and compliance monitoring. The results suggest that BC’s shift to ‘self-regulation’ has yielded unsatisfactory results so far for karst resources and has hindered progress toward implementing a fully integrated science-based ecosystem approach to karst management in the study area. Professional reliance failures are identified as one of the key factors contributing to a breakdown of the management system for karst. This is the first comprehensive study that examines the systems and processes used for managing karst in coastal BC, and consolidates knowledge for government, industry, and others that wish to study or better understand BC’s approach and methods for managing karst. The findings will be useful for private and public forest sector organizations endeavoring to implement fully-functional and effective systems for managing karst in a forestry context. This information may also have more specific applications for managing karst.
Keywords:karst ecosystems, protection and management, legislation, policies, standards and guidelines, environmental degradation, forestry impacts, professional reliance, British Columbia, Canada
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-5062-cdeb9c91-802f-f131-144e-6179b5b267e3 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5578235 New window
Publication date in RUNG:02.03.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Upravljanje krasa v obalni Britanski Kolumbiji, Kanada: sistemi in izvedbeni učinki
Abstract:V tem doktorskem delu avtor podrobno analizira sistem, ki je bil vpeljan za upravljanje z gozdovi v obalnih delih Britanske Kolumbije, kjer je najpomembnejša gospodarska panoga industrijsko izkoriščanje gozdov. Leta 2004 so v Britanski Kolumbiji opustili do tedaj veljavni Kodeks gozdarske prakse, ki je bil strožji do upravljavcev in ga nadomestili z Zakonom o gozdu in prostoru, ki je manj regulativen in temelji na rezultatih predhodnih raziskav. Za pripravo disertacije je kandidat preučil, če je to upravljanje, ki temelji na izkušnjah pri izkoriščanju gozdnih virov, primerno za kraški svet. Svojo raziskavo je osredotočil na pet področij upravljanja z okoljem, kot jih opredeljuje Mednarodna organizacija za standarde (Standard ISO 14001): 1. Zakonodaja in politika; 2. Načrtovanje; 3. Izvajanje; 4. Preverjanje/Prilagajanje ukrepov; 5. Pregled upravljanja. V raziskavo je avtor vključil tudi analizo vpliva strokovne (ne)zanesljivosti (to je eden temeljnih elementov Zakona o gozdu in prostoru) kot tudi raziskovanje krasa tega dela Britanske Kolumbije ter organizacijske možnosti kot zunanjega dejavnika, ki vpliva na delovanje sistema upravljanja s krasom. S pomočjo najrazličnejših razgovorov, raziskav, pregleda dokumentov in terenskih opazovanj je avtor uspel zbrati kakovostne informacije o vseh vidikih sistema upravljanja s krasom. S svojo raziskavo je avtor dokazal, da so neskladnosti in nepravilnosti na vseh petih področjih sedanjega upravljanja s krasom v Britanski Kolumbiji, tako v zakonodaji, odgovorni zanje ne upoštevajo obstoječih standardov in navodil, ukrepi so neučinkoviti, monitoring pa je neustrezen. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da usmerjanje Britanske Kolumbije proti »samoregulaciji« za kraške vire ni dobro, obenem pa to upočasnjuje napredovanje proti uvajanju celostnega pristopa, ki temelji na znanstveno utemeljenem ekosistemskem upravljanju s krasom na ozemlju, zajetem v to študijo. Avtor ugotavlja, da so prav strokovne napake ključni dejavnik, ki je prispeval k zlomu upravljanja s krasom. To delo je prva celovita raziskava sistemov oziroma postopkov, ki jih uporabljajo za upravljanje s krasom v Britanski Kolumbiji in ki vsebuje tudi osnove poznavanja krasa. To je lahko osnova za vlado, industrijo in za vse, ki bi želeli bodisi preučevati ali le bolje razumeti pristop k upravljanju s krasom in ustrezne metode, ki so v uporabi v Britanski Kolumbiji. Rezultati lahko koristijo tako javnim kot zasebnim gozdarskim organizacijam, ki bi želele ob svoji dejavnosti tudi funkcionalno in učinkovito upravljati s krasom. Lahko pa koristijo tudi posebnim potrebam v zvezi z upravljanjem krasa.
