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Title:An economic analysis of biomass potential as an opportunity to increase the share of biogas production for energy purposes in Slovenia : master's thesis
Authors:ID Dabižljević, Stefan (Author)
ID Papler, Drago (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
.pdf Stefan_Dabizljevic.pdf (1,48 MB)
MD5: B5FF1248B2EB87A423F93BEE018AB379
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:One of the biggest global problems, the solution of being put in front of the scientists around the world, is endangering the environment. To preserve it, the transition from non-renewable to renewable energy sources is a rational and necessary solution. One of the energy sources with great potential in the future is biomass. In the master’s thesis, we have studied the economic analysis of the possibility of obtaining energy from biogas in Slovenia for the production of which biomass is used. For the study to be successful, it was necessary to analyse the situation in the field of renewable energy sources and biogas in the European Union and Slovenia to obtain a general picture for further analysis. By analysing the available data from previous years, we gained insight into the situation in the given area. The master’s thesis aims to show that although Slovenia has been facing the problem of a decreasing number of biogas power plants for years, the implementation of a system for obtaining energy from biogas is an economically and environmentally viable investment. The economic analysis was done for a 1 MW plant. The choice of plant size and power was made based on the Kepner-Tregoe method and the method of comparing alternatives. For the project duration of 30 years, through cash flows, as well as through various economic indicators, such as the presentation of loan calculations with a certain interest rate, internal rate of return, repayment period method, present project value, etc., the economic side of the investment is presented, which aims to show the profitability of the project.
Keywords:Renewable energy sources, biomass, biogas, economic analysis, investment, project
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:S. Dabižljević
Year of publishing:2021
Year of performance:2021
Number of pages:XVIII, 109 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-6586 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:75447555 New window
Publication date in RUNG:07.09.2021
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Abstract:Eden največjih svetovnih problemov, katerega rešitev postavljajo pred znanstvenike po vsem svetu, je ogrožanje okolja. Da bi ga ohranili, je prehod z neobnovljivih na obnovljive vire energije racionalna in potrebna rešitev. Eden od virov energije z velikim potencialom v prihodnosti je biomasa. V magistrskem delu smo preučevali ekonomsko analizo možnosti pridobivanja energije iz bioplina v Sloveniji, za proizvodnjo katere se uporablja biomasa. Da bi bila študija uspešna, je bilo treba analizirati razmere na področju obnovljivih virov energije in bioplina v Evropski uniji in Sloveniji z namenom pridobiti splošno sliko za nadaljnjo analizo. Z analizo razpoložljivih podatkov iz preteklih let smo dobili vpogled v stanje na danem območju. Cilj magistrskega dela je pokazati, da čeprav se Slovenija že nekaj let sooča s problemom zmanjšanja števila bioplinskih elektrarn, je uvedba sistema za pridobivanje energije iz bioplina ekonomsko in okoljsko upravičena naložba. Ekonomska analiza je bila narejena za 1 MW elektrarno. Velikost in moč elektrarne smo izbrali na podlagi metode Kepner-Tregoe in metode primerjave alternativ. Za projekt, ki traja 30 let, z denarnimi tokovi, pa tudi z različnimi ekonomskimi kazalniki, kot so predstavitev izračunov posojil z določeno obrestno mero, interna stopnja donosa, metoda odplačilne dobe, sedanja vrednost projekta itd. predstavljena je ekonomska stran naložbe, katere namen je prikazati donosnost projekta.
Keywords:obnovljivi viri energije, biomasa, bioplin, ekonomske analize, investicije, projekti, magistrske naloge
