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Disinfection of wastewater using porous Fe2O3 thin film : master's thesis
Ranin M. D. Ismail, 2024, magistrsko delo

Opis: The contamination of water bodies by microorganisms is seen as a highly significant issue that poses a threat to human and animal well-being. The primary objective of this master thesis is to develop and evaluate an environmentally friendly photoelectrochemical (PEC) method using porous Fe₂O₃ thin films for the disinfection of wastewater. This thesis presents the novel application of porous Fe₂O₃ thin films, which were produced using a cost-effective spin-coating technique, to improve the process of PEC disinfection. The PEC approach has been demonstrated to be highly effective in disinfection of wastewaters deliberately contaminated with E. coli bacteria. The crystallinity of the Fe₂O₃ porous thin films was confirmed using X-ray diffraction (XRD), while the film morphology was studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The PEC disinfection procedures were conducted in the presence of two separate electrolytes, sodium sulfite (Na₂SO₃) and sodium chloride (NaCl), which were chosen for their specific roles in improving the effectiveness of disinfection. The PEC method shown efficacy in inactivating E. coli, with 45% of the bacteria being inactivated in the presence of 2 mM Na₂SO₃ and complete inactivation achieved with 20 mM NaCl. The findings suggest that the PEC disinfection process is a highly efficient and eco-friendly technology that can be used as a practical substitute for traditional disinfection methods. As a result, it has potential applications in ensuring public safety and safeguarding the environment, particularly in relation to wastewater treatment.
Ključne besede: Treated wastewater, Disinfection, Escherichia coli, Photoelectrochemical oxidation, Fe2O3 thin films, Sodium sulfite and Sodium chloride.
Objavljeno v RUNG: 09.09.2024; Ogledov: 525; Prenosov: 8
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Otroški besedili Sapramiška in Žogica Nogica z vidika emocionalne literarne vede
Ivana Zajc, 2024, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci

Ključne besede: otroška književnosti, Sapramiška, Žogica Nogica, čustva, emocionalna literarna veda
Objavljeno v RUNG: 09.09.2024; Ogledov: 347; Prenosov: 4
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Dust, convection, winds and waves : the 2022 NASA CPEX-CV campaign
Edward P. Nowottnick, Angela K. Rowe, Amin R. Nehrir, Jonathan A. Zawislak, Aaron J. Piña, Will McCarty, Rory A. Barton-Grimley, Kristopher M. Bedka, J. Ryan Bennett, Griša Močnik, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The NASA Convective Processes Experiment - Cabo Verde (CPEX-CV) field campaign took place in September 2022 out of Sal Island, Cabo Verde. A unique payload aboard the NASA DC-8 aircraft equipped with advanced remote sensing and in situ instrumentation, in conjunction with radiosonde launches and satellite observations, allowed CPEX-CV to target the coupling between atmospheric dynamics, marine boundary layer properties, convection, and the dust-laden Saharan Air Layer in the data-sparse tropical East Atlantic region. CPEX-CV provided measurements of African Easterly Wave environments, diurnal cycle impacts on convective lifecycle, and several Saharan dust outbreaks, including the highest dust optical depth observed by the DC-8 interacting with what would become Tropical Storm Hermine. Preliminary results from CPEX-CV underscore the positive impact of dedicated tropical East Atlantic observations on downstream forecast skill, including sampling environmental forcings impacting the development of several non-developing and developing convective systems such as Hurricanes Fiona and Ian. Combined airborne radar, lidar, and radiometer measurements uniquely provide near-storm environments associated with convection on various spatiotemporal scales and, with in situ observations, insights into controls on Saharan dust properties with transport. The DC-8 also collaborated with the European Space Agency to perform coordinated validation flights under the Aeolus spaceborne wind lidar and over the Mindelo ground site, highlighting the enhanced sampling potential through partnership opportunities. CPEX-CV engaged in professional development through dedicated team building exercises that equipped the team with a cohesive approach for targeting CPEX-CV science objectives and promoted active participation of scientists across all career stages.
Ključne besede: convective processesž, Saharan dust, aerosol, airborne measurements
Objavljeno v RUNG: 09.09.2024; Ogledov: 356; Prenosov: 4
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Match my epistolary freak : sexual desire in the electronic collection Pisma/Letters
Darko Ilin, 2024, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci

Opis: The lecture will focus on the exploration of sexuality as reflected in the letters of Slovene women writers at the turn of the century. This event will delve into the rich correspondences found in the PISMA/LETTERS electronic collection, a project that has brought to light the intimate and personal writings of these authors. The lecture will begin with an introduction to the project, providing an overview of the electronic collection's origins and the subsequent publication that emerged from it. We will then explore the unique characteristics of the letter as a medium, discussing its materiality and drawing parallels with contemporary modes of communication. The central focus of the lecture will be an in-depth analysis of the erotic elements within these letters. By examining how sexual desire is narrated across different contexts, we will uncover the subtle ways in which these women expressed their desires and navigated the societal constraints of their time. This exploration promises to offer a fascinating glimpse into the personal lives and inner worlds of Slovene women writers, revealing the complexity and richness of their experiences
Ključne besede: sexual desire, letters, Pisma
Objavljeno v RUNG: 09.09.2024; Ogledov: 362; Prenosov: 1
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First utilization of magnetically-assisted photocatalytic iron ▫$oxide-TiO_2$▫ nanocomposites for the degradation of the problematic antibiotic ciprofloxacin in an aqueous environment
Josip Radić, Gregor Žerjav, Lucija Jurko, Perica Bošković, Lidija Fras Zemljič, Alenka Vesel, Andraž Mavrič, Martina Gudelj, Olivija Plohl, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The emergence of antimicrobial resistance due to antibiotics in the environment presents significant public health, economic, and societal risks. This study addresses the need for effective strategies to reduce antibiotic residues, focusing on ciprofloxacin degradation. Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (IO NPs), approximately 13 nm in size, were synthesized and functionalized with branched polyethyleneimine (bPEI) to obtain a positive charge. These IO-bPEI NPs were combined with negatively charged titanium dioxide NPs (TiO2@CA) to form magnetically photocatalytic IO-TiO2 nanocomposites. Characterization techniques, including X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), infrared spectroscopy (IR), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), electrokinetic measurements, and a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), confirmed the successful formation and properties of the nanocomposites. The nanocomposites exhibited a high specific surface area, reduced mobility of photogenerated charge carriers, and enhanced photocatalytic properties. Testing the photocatalytic potential of IO-TiO2 with ciprofloxacin in water under UV-B light achieved up to 70% degradation in 150 min, with a degradation rate of 0.0063 min−1. The nanocomposite was magnetically removed after photocatalysis and successfully regenerated for reuse. These findings highlight the potential of IO-TiO2 nanocomposites for reducing ciprofloxacin levels in wastewater, helping curb antibiotic resistance.
Ključne besede: photocatalytic degradation, magnetic iron oxide-TiO2 nanocomposites, hetero-agglomeration, multifunctionality, antibiotic ciprofloxacin, antimicrobial resistance
Objavljeno v RUNG: 09.09.2024; Ogledov: 386; Prenosov: 3
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Search for a signal from dark matter sub-halos with the galactic plane survey of CTA Observatory : master's thesis
Zoja Rokavec, 2024, magistrsko delo

Opis: Dark matter (DM), known to be a dominant matter component in the Universe, has been searched for extensively, yet remains undetected. One of the promising avenues of detecting a DM signal is to observe the so called ’DM sub-halos’ within our galaxy. These sub-halos, which are numerous within the Milky Way, are formed by the clustering of DM, as predicted by cosmological simulations, and most of them lack baryonic matter counterparts, making them challenging to detect. How- ever, the annihilation or decay of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs), a leading candidate for DM, within these sub-halos is expected to produce very high-energy (VHE) photons (called gamma-rays) at TeV energies, offering possible indirect DM detection. In this thesis, we focus on the Galactic Plane Survey (GPS) of the Cherenkov Tele- scope Array Observatory (CTAO), an upcoming ground-based gamma-ray obser- vatory, which promises unprecedented sensitivity and resolution in the detection of cosmic gamma-ray sources in the ∼ 30 GeV to ∼ 100 TeV energy range. As dark sub-halos are expected to appear as unidentified (point) sources in the CTAO GPS data, we employ a machine learning (ML)-based approach, the AutoSour- ceID framework, leveraging U-shaped networks (U-Nets) and Laplacian of Gaus- sian (LoG) filter, for automatic source detection and localization, and apply it to simulated GPS data. We establish detection thresholds for U-Nets trained on dif- ferently scaled counts (counts, square root or log of counts) and identify which approach offers best results (in terms of flux sensitivity and location accuracy). Our findings suggest that using log-scaled counts yields a factor of 1.7 lower flux threshold compared to counts alone. In addition, we compare our ML outcomes with traditional methods; however, this comparison is not straightforward, as ML and traditional approaches fundamentally differ in their methodologies and un- derlying assumptions. Nevertheless, The flux threshold obtained using log-scaled counts is comparable to that of the traditional likelihood-based detection method implemented in the Gammapy library, although further study is needed to estab- lish a more definitive comparison. These preliminary results also suggest that the flux threshold for detecting 90% of true sources with the ML approach is approx- imately two times lower than the sensitivity reported for the GPS in the CTAO publication. Although these results are not directly comparable due to differences in methodology, they hint that ML methods may offer superior performance in certain scenarios. Furthermore, we discuss the implications of our results on the sensitivity to DM sub-halos, improving it by a factor of 4, highlighting the possi- bility of detecting at least one sub-halo with a cross section approximately ⟨σv⟩ = 2.4 × 10−23 cm3 /s.
Ključne besede: Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory, dark matter, sub-halos, machine learning, gamma-rays, master's thesis
Objavljeno v RUNG: 06.09.2024; Ogledov: 437; Prenosov: 6
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Kako je razvoj novih tehnologij vplival na filmsko industrijo : diplomsko delo
Staš Zupanc, 2024, diplomsko delo

Opis: Rast in napredek filmske industrije sta se skozi leta skokovito širila. Očetje filma, kot so Edison, Muybridge in brata Lumiere, so že pred več kot 100 leti ustvarili temelje, na katerih gradimo še danes. Razvoj novih tehnologij, kot so uporaba zvoka v filmu, barvne slike ter kasneje še računalniško ustvarjenih vidnih učinkov, je imelo in še ima zelo močan pozitivni vpliv na celotno filmsko industrijo. Digitalne filmske kamere in digitalna video montaža sta precej poenostavili produkcijo filmov ter režiserjem odprla popolnoma nova obzorja idej. Meja za takšne ali drugačne presežne izjemnosti v filmih je postala le avtorjeva ustvarjalnost. Finančni in logistični problemi so se zmanjšali, celotna proizvodnja avdio vizualnih vsebin pa je postala dostopna tudi širši javnosti. Kljub vsej tehnologiji in trenutni zlati dobi filma, pa se z uporabo umetne inteligence stalen razvoj filmskega sveta še dolgo ne bo ustavil.
Ključne besede: zgodovina filma, filmska industrija, filmski trak, digitalizacija, filmske kamere, montaža, ustvarjalnost, umetna inteligenca, pametni telefoni, spletne podlage, diplomske naloge
Objavljeno v RUNG: 05.09.2024; Ogledov: 459; Prenosov: 6
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Alojz Kodre, Iztok Arčon, Jana Padežnik Gomilšek, 2024, znanstveni sestavek v slovarju, enciklopediji, leksikonu

Opis: X-ray absorption spectroscopy of gases is seldom used for structural analysis, except in as much as the extended X-ray absorption fine-structure (EXAFS) signal is used to monitor some specific molecular process. Gas spectroscopy, however, has been the main tool in the systematic study of higher-order photoabsorption processes, multielectron photoexcitations (MEEs), which were introduced with an experiment at the K edge of argon. Along with noble gases, where MEEs are studied in the pure form, free of the structural signal, measurements have been extended to monatomic metal vapours, although at the cost of considerable experimental difficulties. Several types of absorption cells have been devised, among them the ceramic double cell and the heat-pipe cell for experiments in the low-energy region. In a high-temperature oven with considerable technical refinement, edge profiles of nonvolatile metals were measured up to 2500 K. Edge profiles and MEEs, which are strongly dependent on electron correlation, provide sensitive tests of the theory of atomic and molecular structure.
Ključne besede: X-ray absorption spectroscopy, absorption cells, gas and vapour samples, multielectron photoexcitation, effects of electron correlation
Objavljeno v RUNG: 05.09.2024; Ogledov: 428; Prenosov: 2
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