1. Satiation and uncertainty in the mid-zone of sentence acceptability judgmentsArthur Stepanov, 2024, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph Abstract: Brown, Fanselow, Hall and Kliegl (2021) suggest that the syntactic satiation
effect arises irrespective of sentence type, for those sentences whose acceptability
status falls in the mid-zone range of a discrete Likert scale. They further
propose to treat it as a ‘mere exposure’ effect, but it remains unclear why
repeated exposure only targets the stimuli in the mid-zone area. In this note, I
argue that mid-scale ratings form a region of highest uncertainty as reflected in
maximum variance in speakers’ ratings compared to the other regions of the
scale. Satiation may consequently be seen as an exposure effect targeting the
most unstable or ‘volatile’ portion of the judgments. Keywords: acceptability, satiation, experimental syntax, psycholinguistics Published in RUNG: 17.12.2024; Views: 279; Downloads: 2 Link to file This document has many files! More... |
2. Assessing sentence comprehension in Slovenian using the new JERA test : linguistic background and standardizationArthur Stepanov, Matic Pavlič, Nika Pušenjak Dornik, Penka Stateva, 2024, published scientific conference contribution Keywords: receptive language, Slovenian, language assessment, standardization, psycholinguistics Published in RUNG: 04.12.2024; Views: 364; Downloads: 6 Full text (3,38 MB) This document has many files! More... |
3. Processing feature assignment in Bulgarian : lecture at the Beyond Agreement Workshop, Geneve, 20. 6. 2024Danil Khristov, Penka Stateva, Julie Franck, Dávid György, Arthur Stepanov, 2024, unpublished conference contribution Keywords: Sentence processing, psycholinguistics, memory, feature assignment, Bulgarian Published in RUNG: 26.06.2024; Views: 1070; Downloads: 2 Link to file This document has many files! More... |
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5. Podatkovna zbirka rezultatov naloge presoje sprejemljivosti stavkov, ki so permutacijske različice osnovnega besednega reda v srbohrvaščiniArthur Stepanov, 2024, complete scientific database of research data Abstract: Tabela predstavlja številčne ocene sprejemljivosti stavkov, ki so permutacijske različice osnovnega stavka, ki pomeni »Učenka je prebrala zanimivo knjigo« v srbohrvaščini. Oceno sprejemljivosti vsake permutacijske različice je podalo 65 maternih govorcev srbohrvaščine leta 2021 preko spletne ankete v sklopu eksperimentalne študije besednega reda v slovanskih jezikih na Centru za kognitivne znanosti jezika Univerze v Novi Gorici. Ocene sprejemljivosti so bile podane na Likertovi lestvici od 1 (popolnoma nesprejemljivo) do 5 (popolnoma sprejemljivo). Keywords: besedni red, srbohrvaščina, naloga presoje, sprejemljivosti stavka, psiholingvistika Published in RUNG: 08.04.2024; Views: 1271; Downloads: 6 File (39,55 KB) |
6. Speakers' errors in the use of the 'count form' in Bulgarian numeral phrases : possible sources of the distance effectPenka Stateva, Julie Franck, Arthur Stepanov, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: In Bulgarian, numerals such as pet ('five') assign a special 'count form' feature to the noun: this assignment takes place across any number of intervening modifier phrases, thus forming a long-distance syntactic dependency. In colloquial speech, speakers often erroneously substitute the count form for regular plurals. Previous corpus and psycholinguistic research established that the ratio of such errors correlates with the distance between numeral and the noun in terms of the number of intervening items. In this note we briefly review this line of inquiry and outline two possible explanations for the distance effect: (i) the cost of maintaining and/or retrieving the numeral in the working memory, and (ii) cumulative activation of the plural markings on the intervening adjectivals. Keywords: numeral, syntactic dependency, language processing, working memory, activation, Bulgarian Published in RUNG: 12.02.2024; Views: 1545; Downloads: 5 Link to file This document has many files! More... |
7. Number mismatch effect and processing cataphora in a pro-drop language : the case of SlovenianMatic Pavlič, Arthur Stepanov, 2023, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph Abstract: Cataphora (also known as backward anaphora) is a type of pronominals that prcede their antecedents elinearly. Previous research on processing cataphora has explored the idea that cataphoric pronouns trigger a forward-looking active search for an antecedent to establish a coreference relation similar to a filler-gap dependency between a fronted wh-phrase and its base-generated syntactic position
(Cowart & Cairns 1987). Van Gompel & Liversedge (2003) have shown that in an active search, the parser establishes a cataphoric coreference before considering pronominal phi-features. This results in a gender mismatch effect: sentences with incongruent incoming NP antecedents were more difficult to read than their congruent counterparts, as evidenced by slower reading times and eye movement regressions. In this paper, we report the results of a self-paced reading experiment in which the active search hypothesis is further tested by examining online cataphora resolution with respect to the number feature in Slovenian, a pro-drop language with a rich nominal and verbal morphology. Keywords: cataphora, feature mismatch effect, forward-looking active search, self-paced reading, Slovenian, psycholinguistics Published in RUNG: 16.01.2024; Views: 1813; Downloads: 16 Full text (413,50 KB) This document has many files! More... |
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10. Raba dvojine glede na stavčno funkcijo samostalnika in ohranjenost dvojinskih oblik v šestih slovenskih narečjihMatic Pavlič, Arthur Stepanov, Penka Stateva, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: Izvedli smo psiholingvistični eksperiment izražanja, in sicer opis slike dogodka s prehodnim stavkom na osnovi treh ključnih besed. Na ta način smo v šestih slovenskih narečjih raziskali rabo dvojinskih oblik samostalnika in glagola. Rezultate smo primerjali s tipologijo narečij glede izgube dvojine v slovenščini, ki jo predstavljajo geolingvistične karte v Jakop (2008) na osnovi podatkov iz Slovenskega lingvističnega atlasa. Ugotovili smo, da raba dvojine ni povezana z ohranjenostjo dvojinskih samostalniških oblik v jezikovnih sistemih slovenskih narečij, ampak le s stavčno funkcijo samostalnika. S slednjim smo prvič eksperimentalno potrdili domnevni vpliv (Tesnière 1925)
glagolskega ujemanja na izražanje dvojine v slovenščini. Keywords: dvojina, samostalnik, glagol, ujemanje, slovenščina, psiholingvistika Published in RUNG: 12.06.2023; Views: 1858; Downloads: 24 Full text (1,44 MB) This document has many files! More... |