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When linearity prevails over hierarchy in syntax
Franc Marušič, Tina Šuligoj, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Hierarchical structure has been cherished as a grammatical universal. We use experimental methods to show where linear order is also a relevant syntactic relation. An identical methodology and design were used across six research sites on South Slavic languages. Experimental results show that in certain configurations, grammatical production can in fact favor linear order over hierarchical structure. However, these findings are limited to coordinate structures and distinct from the kind of production errors found with comparable configurations such as “attraction” errors. The results demonstrate that agreement morphology may be computed in a series of steps, one of which is partly independent from syntactic hierarchy.
Keywords: experimental syntax, syntactic agreement, elicited language production, coordinated, noun phrases, South Slavic languages
Published in RUNG: 15.01.2018; Views: 4205; Downloads: 185
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Formal description of Slavic languages 12.5, Nova Gorica, December 7-9, 2017 : book of abstracts
2017, other monographs and other completed works

Published in RUNG: 13.12.2017; Views: 2998; Downloads: 164
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Povezovanje hierarhije pridevnikov v samostalniški zvezi in kognicije
Franc Marušič, Petra Mišmaš, 2017, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: pridevniki, kognicija, samostalniška zveza, kartografija, skladnja
Published in RUNG: 16.10.2017; Views: 3712; Downloads: 0
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Samostalniški lažni prijatelji v jezikovnem paru slovenščine in srbščine
Kaja Sever, 2017, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Lažni prijatelji so v jezikoslovju imenovani pari besed v različnih jezikih, ki so videti podobno, imajo pa drugačen pomen. Ti besedni pari povzročajo velike probleme pri prevajanju in učenju tujega jezika. Še posebej v sorodnih jezikih, kjer so besede lahko izgovorno popolnoma enake (npr. hlad : hlad), pogosto tudi etimološko sorodne, zato se nam posledično zdijo tudi pomensko povezane, kar pa ni vedno res (hlad v srbščini namreč pomeni senca). Lažnih prijateljev je veliko med slovanskimi jeziki. Jaz sem se odločila za pregled srbskih in slovenskih lažnih prijateljev. V diplomskem delu sem predstavila lažne prijatelje med srbskim in slovenskim jezikom, in sicer samostalnike v imenovalniku ednine, ki so videti popolnoma enaki (npr. lice - lice) oz. se razlikujejo v eni do dveh črkah (npr. kovčeg - kovček). Naloga je sestavljena iz dveh delov, in sicer bom najprej predstavila izhodišča za obravnavo lažnih prijateljih in na podlagi obstoječih virov razložila njihovo tipologijo. V drugem delu pa bom podrobneje predstavila slovensko-srbske lažne prijatelje med samostalniki po abecedi od A do Ž, za vsakega navedla slovarsko razlago (v tabelah) in ponazoritvene stavke pridobljene iz Slovarja slovenskega knjižnega jezika ter Rečnika srpskohrvatskoga književnog jezika. Primeri so prevajani enosmerno, kar pomeni, da sem prevajala samo srbske primere v slovenski jezik, in sicer pravilen in nepravilen prevod obravnavane besede. Ker slovar lažnih prijateljev med srbskim in slovenskim jezikom še ne obstaja, želim z nalogo ljudi, ki se učijo tujega jezika tj. srbščine ali slovenščine, opozoriti na problem lažnega prijateljstva in jim pomagati, da se bodo z njim znali soočati.
Keywords: lažni prijatelji, srbščina, slovenščina, samostalniki
Published in RUNG: 28.09.2017; Views: 6163; Downloads: 384
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Something other than wh-words survives sluicing in Slovenian. What else?
Petra Mišmaš, Franc Marušič, Vesna Plesničar, Tina Šuligoj, 2017, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: sluicing, discourse particles, left periphery, Slovenian, syntax
Published in RUNG: 19.07.2017; Views: 4287; Downloads: 0
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Slovnična kategorija števila pri stavčnem ujemanju: dvojina v koordinaciji : Magistrsko delo
Tina Šuligoj, 2017, master's thesis

Abstract: Magistrsko delo obravnava ujemalne vzorce v primerih koordinacije z veznikom in. Raziskava je bila izvedena med 50-imi govorci tistih slovenskih narečij, kjer je dvojina prisotna v vsakodnevni komunikaciji, in sicer so anketiranci preko spletnega vprašalnika podali sprejemljivostne sodbe za omenjene primere priredij. Ugotovitve, vezane na raziskavo, potrjujejo obstoj različnih ujemalnih strategij, ki pa se pojavljajo različno pogosto. Nadalje so ugotovljene povezave med slovničnimi oznakami za število ter slovničnimi oznakami za spol, pri čemer velja, da imajo oznake za število večji vpliv na izbiro govorcem sprejemljive ujemalne strategije kakor pa oznake za spol. Na osnovi uporabljenih primerov, ki temeljijo na dvojinskih (samostalniških) oblikah v različnih kombinacijah oznak za število in spol, ugotavljamo, da so pojavitve dvojinskih oblik torej vezane tudi na relativno zaznamovanost dvojine v primerjavi z ednino ter množino.
Keywords: stavčno ujemanje, slovenščina, koordinacija, priredje, slovnične oznake, slovnično število, dvojina, tvorbeni eksperiment, sprejemljivostne sodbe
Published in RUNG: 25.05.2017; Views: 6521; Downloads: 226
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Surviving sluicing
Franc Marušič, Petra Mišmaš, Vesna Plesničar, Tina Šuligoj, 2016, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: sluicing, discourse particles, multiple wh-fronting, wh-phrase, left periphery, syntax, Slovenian
Published in RUNG: 14.12.2016; Views: 4673; Downloads: 0
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The Modal Cycle vs. Negation in Slovenian
Franc Marušič, Rok Žaucer, 2016, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: One of the possible ways of expressing possibility in affirmative sentences in Slovenian is with a modal adverb that combines with a finite verb. Under negation, a modal auxiliary must be used instead of the modal adverb. The pattern with a modal adverb that combines with a finite verb is a peculiarity among other Slavic languages as well as European languages more generally (Hansen 2005, Olmen & Auwera, in press). Looking at diachronic data, which reveal an earlier stage without the modal adverb as well as a subsequent stage with cooccurrence of the modal adverb and the modal auxiliary, we propose that the change be analyzed in terms of the linguistic cycle (van Gelderen 2011), with the modal adverb originating as a reinforcer of the modal auxiliary and then grammaticalizing into a modal. The modal-adverb strategy could not generalize to contexts with sentential negation because of the hierarchical order of the relevant functional projections and the characteristics of the negative particle.
Keywords: Modal adverb, modal cycle, linguistic cycle, Slovenian
Published in RUNG: 12.12.2016; Views: 4437; Downloads: 0
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Formal Studies in Slovenian Syntax : In honor of Janez Orešnik
2016, scientific monograph

Abstract: Although in the early days of generative linguistics Slovenian was rarely called on in the development of theoretical models, the attention it gets has subsequently grown, so that by now it has contributed to generative linguistics a fair share of theoretically important data. With 13 chapters that all build on Slovenian data, this book sets a new milestone. The topics discussed in the volume range from Slovenian clitics, which are called on to shed new light on the intriguing Person-Case Constraint and to provide part of the evidence for a new generalization relating the presence of the definite article and Wackernagel clitics, to functional elements such as the future auxiliary and possibility modals, the latter of which are discussed also from the perspective of language change. Even within the relatively well-researched topics like wh-movement, new findings are presented, both in relation to the structure of the left periphery and to the syntax of relative clauses.
Keywords: Slovenian, Slavic syntax, syntax, Theoretical linguistics
Published in RUNG: 12.12.2016; Views: 4449; Downloads: 0
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Introduction with a State of the Art in Generative Slovenian Syntax
Franc Marušič, Rok Žaucer, 2016, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: Although in the early days of generative linguistics Slovenian was rarely called on in the development of theoretical models, the attention it gets has subsequently grown, so that by now it has contributed to generative linguistics a fair share of theoretically important data. Some of the topics where Slovenian data played a prominent role include the feel-like construction, imperative embedding, closest conjunct agreement phenomena, double applicatives, etc. In this Introduction, we outline some of these topics to demonstrate how Slovenian has been brought to bear on issues in generative syntax, and then briefly introduce individual chapters, some of which touch on the above-mentioned topics and some of which address new topics where Slovenian data prove relevant for the study of a particular linguistic phenomenon, such as relativization, modality, and clitics.
Keywords: Generative linguistics, Slovenian, syntax
Published in RUNG: 12.12.2016; Views: 4293; Downloads: 0
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