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* old and bologna study programme


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First-principles investigation of paramagnetic centers in P2O5 based glasses
Matjaž Valant, Luigi Giacomazzi, 2019, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: glasses, phosphates, paramagnetic centers
Published in RUNG: 30.10.2019; Views: 3899; Downloads: 0
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Defect creation and Diffusion under electric fields from first-principles: the prototypical case of silicon dioxide
Matjaž Valant, Giacomazzi Luigi, 2019, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: Structural defect, amorphous structure, first-principle calcualtions
Published in RUNG: 30.10.2019; Views: 3927; Downloads: 0
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Vibrational and structural properties of P2O5 glass: advances from a combined modeling approach
Nikita Shcheblanov, Luigi Giacomazzi, 2019, original scientific article

Keywords: P2O5, phosphate glasses, Raman, first-principles, DFT
Published in RUNG: 29.10.2019; Views: 4138; Downloads: 0
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EuroSLAB - The rheology of the subducting slab and mantle : Final report EuroSLAB Trieste IP
Sandro Scandolo, Luigi Giacomazzi, 2011, final research report

Abstract: The aim of this Individual Project was to study the microscopic phenomena of deformation in mantle minerals by means of atomistic modeling. Understanding such mechanisms and determining their relative importance in different minerals and in the wide range of pressure and temperature found in the mantle, is a prerequisite for any interpretation of deformation experiments, of texture modeling, and of their geophysical implications. The project was approved for funding in mid 2006, and was carried out in large part in collaboration with a postdoctoral fellow funded by CNR (Luigi Giacomazzi), whose fellowship ended on December 15, 2009.
Keywords: gypsum, coesite, silica, dislocations, rheology
Published in RUNG: 08.04.2019; Views: 3913; Downloads: 0
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Investigating silica from first-principles
Luigi Giacomazzi, other performed works

Abstract: Silica (SiO2 ) is a prototypical binary compound showing a complex phase diagram. It is the most abundant mineral in the Earth’s crust, and it has many important technological applications. From a theoretical point of view, SiO2 is a benchmark requiring both accurate atomistic models and a multi-scale approach. As an example of the capabilities of state- of-the-art theoretical modeling, we discuss the vibrational spectra of vitreous SiO2 with particular attention to the information that these spectra can provide on the medium-range structure of the oxide network. Then, as an example of multi-scale approach we present our work on dislocations in coesite within the framework of the Peierls-Nabarro model.
Keywords: silica, coesite, dislocations, Peierls-Nabarro
Published in RUNG: 08.04.2019; Views: 3835; Downloads: 0
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Advanced Electromagnetism lecture notes
Luigi Giacomazzi, 2012, other educational material

Abstract: These notes were written at the ICTP (Trieste) in 2012 as support of the recorded less of the Advanced Electromagnetism course:
Keywords: Electromagnetism, Maxwell's Equations, Lagrangian of the electromagnetic field
Published in RUNG: 22.03.2019; Views: 4150; Downloads: 0
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The dissociation constant of water at extreme conditions: a molecular dynamics study
Rabi Khanal, 2012, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: water, molecular dynamics, pK, dissociation, Bluemoon approach
Published in RUNG: 21.03.2019; Views: 4505; Downloads: 1
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Proprietà dinamiche di 4He liquido: risultati della teoria del funzionale densità
Luigi Giacomazzi, master's thesis

Keywords: Teoria del funzionale densità, TDDFT, 4He liquido, backflow
Published in RUNG: 20.03.2019; Views: 4589; Downloads: 0
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