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À MON SEUL DÉSIR : Muzejski torkov večer
Narvika Bovcon, Aleš Vaupotič, Vanja Mervič, Katja Mihurko, Gregor Jug, other performed works

Abstract: Muzejski torkov večer na Gradu Kromberk, 28. novembra 2017 ob 19. uri. Predstavitev knjige umetnika in razstava À MON SEUL DÉSIR. V okviru dogodka bodo potekali: razstava knjige umetnika s povečanimi stranmi (v aplikaciji Layar), 3D vizualizacije zgodovine literarnih avtoric (skuplture in grafika), predavanje Katje Mihurko Poniž o projektu “Potujoči teksti”, ki je podlaga za umetniški intervenciji, degustacija hrane, ki je narejena po receptih literarnih avtoric (Gregor Jug iz domačije Lisjak, Zalošče). Sodelujejo: Narvika Bovcon, Vanja Mervič, Aleš Vaupotič in prof. Katja Mihurko Poniž.
Keywords: À MON SEUL DÉSIR, predavanje, predstavitev knjige umetnika, literarne avtorice, umetnikova predstavitev, kulinarični dogodek
Published in RUNG: 05.03.2018; Views: 3536; Downloads: 0
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Corn silage fungal-based solid-state pretreatment for enhanced biogas production in anaerobic co-digestion with cow manure
Marina Tišma, Mirela Planinc, Ana Bucić Kojić, Mario Panjičko, Gregor Drago Zupančič, Bruno Zelić, 2018, original scientific article

Abstract: The objective of this research was to use white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor for corn silage pretreatment and to investigate the effect of pretreatment on biogas productivity. Semi-continuous pilot-scale experiment, comprised of two experimental phases, was carried out. In the first phase, operational conditions of the full-scale biogas plant were reproduced at pilot-scale. In that phase, the reactor was daily fed with the mixture of cow manure, digestate from industrial postfermentor, corn grits and ensiled corn silage, and the average methane generation rate was 0.167 m3 CH4 per kgVS. In the second phase, corn grits and ensiled corn silage were replaced with corn silage pretreated with T. versicolor, and the average methane generation rate increased up to 0.236 m3 per CH4 kgVS. The results of this study suggest that application of fungal-based solid-state pretreated corn silage has positive effect on pH stability and increase the biogas productivity.
Keywords: Semi-continuous anaerobic co-digestion Fungal-based pretreatment Corn silage Cow manure
Published in RUNG: 17.01.2018; Views: 3880; Downloads: 0
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A Mechanistic Study of Magnesium Sulfur Batteries
Ana Robba, Alen Vižintin, Jan Bitenc, Gregor Mali, Iztok Arčon, Matjaž Kavčič, Matjaž Žitnik, Klemen Bučar, Giuliana Aquilanti, Charlotte Martineau-Corcos, Anna Randon-Vitanova, Robert Dominko, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Magnesium sulfur batteries are considered as attractive energy storage devices due to the abundance of electrochemically active materials and high theoretical energy density. Here we report the mechanism of a Mg-S battery operation, which was studied in the presence of simple and commercially available salts dissolved in a mixture of glymes. The electrolyte offers high sulfur conversion into MgS in the first discharge with low polarization. The electrochemical conversion of sulfur with magnesium proceeds through two well-defined plateaus, which correspond to the equilibrium between sulfur and polysulfides (high-voltage plateau) and polysulfides and MgS (low-voltage plateau). As shown by XANES, RIXS and NMR studies, the end discharge phase involves MgS with Mg atoms in a tetrahedral environment resembling the wurtzite structure, while chemically synthesized MgS crystalizes in the rock-salt structure with octahedral coordination of magnesium.
Keywords: magnesium, sulfur, rechargeable batteries, XAS, NMR
Published in RUNG: 19.10.2017; Views: 4385; Downloads: 0
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The electrochemical synthesis of dendritic polymethylsilane
Andraž Mavrič, Artem Badasyan, Gregor Mali, Matjaž Valant, 2017, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: electropolymerization, polysilane, dendrimer
Published in RUNG: 11.09.2017; Views: 4209; Downloads: 0
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Biogas production from brewery spent grain as a mono-substrate in a two-stage process composed of solid-state anaerobic digestion and granular biomass reactors
Mario Panjicko, Gregor Drago Zupančič, Romana Marinšek-Logar, Lijana Fanedl, Marina Tišma, Bruno Zelić, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Anaerobic digestion of brewery spent grain as a mono-substrate was studied. Brewery spent grain is a substrate consisting largely of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, which are difficult to degrade anaerobically, mostly due to the presence of degradation products, such as phenolic compounds, which cause process inhibition. Therefore, a two-stage system was used for anaerobic digestion. Anaerobic digestion was phase separated in a solid-state anaerobic digestion reactor, where microbiological hydrolysis and acidogenesis occurred and in a granular biomass reactor where mostly methanogenesis was performed. The overall process exhibited total solids degradation efficiency between 75.9 and 83.0 %. Average specific biogas production was 414±32 L/kg, whereas biomethane production was 224±34 L/kg of added total solids. Granular biomass after adaptation exhibited stable operation at substrate C/N ratios in range 0.16 – 4.68. p-cresol was present in concentrations up to 45 mg/L and during the process was successfully degraded by granular biomass. The excellent adaptability of granular biomass was confirmed by 68.2 % shift in bacterial and a 31.8 % shift in archaeal community structure in a granular biomass reactor. The structure of the bacterial community from granular biomass reactor and solid-state anaerobic digestion reactor remained 79.4 % similar at the end of the experiment, whereas archaeal community was only 31.6 % similar. The process exhibited stable operation for 198 days, which shows that brewery spent grain can be successfully anaerobically digested and used for biogas production.
Keywords: biogas production, brewery spent grain, C/N ratio, dry digestion, microbial biomass, solid-state anaerobic digestion
Published in RUNG: 18.08.2017; Views: 4293; Downloads: 0
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Mineralizacija odvečnega blata iz čistilnih naprav za komunalne odpadne vode s pomočjo ozonacije : Diplomsko delo
Špela Hudobivnik, 2017, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Odvečno blato predstavlja veliko finančno breme, saj strošek odstranjevanja blata na čistilnih napravah predstavlja kar 50% do 60% celotne finančne porabe. V današnjem svetu poznamo in uporabljamo več različnih načinov in procesov, ki potrjeno zmanjšujejo odvečno blato nastalo med procesom čiščenja odpadnih voda. Eden izmed teh procesov je ozonacija. Za namene primerjave v raziskovalnem delu, se je najprej ozoniralo samo blato, nato se je postopek ozonacije integriral v proces čiščenja odpadne vode s šaržnim biološkim reaktorjem (SBR). Za ovrednotenje procesa smo analizirali parametre KPK, TN, TP, NO3--N in NH4+-N, z analizo sušin in žarin pa se je določila koncentracija blata in koncentracija hlapne snovi v blatu za oceno uspešnosti odstranjevanja blata. S samo ozonacijo smo uspeli doseči znižanje koncentracije blata za 60,7% pri dozi 80 g ozona/kg suhe snovi. Koncentracije KPK, TN in TP v supernatantu so se z višjo dozo ozona pričakovano povišale, saj slednji poškoduje celično steno celic v blatu, to pa povzroči da se znotrajcelične snovi razpustijo v supernatant. Točko preloma smo določili pri dozi 30 g ozona / kg suhe snovi, zaradi najvišjega skoka KPK ter sorazmerno nizkega in obvladljivega povečanja koncentracij TN in TP. Pri integraciji ozonacije v proces čiščenja odpadne vode smo dosegli 83% znižanje količine odvečnega blata, pri povprečni dozi 11,1 g ozona/kg suhe snovi blata. KPK, TN, TP, NO3-N in NH4-N so bili pri čiščenju odpadne vode na iztoku pod mejno vrednostjo za izpust. Največji problem je predstavljal TN zaradi velikega vpliva ozonacije na denitrifikacijo. Poraba energije za ozonacijo je znašala 453 kW h na tono dehidriranega blata, kar, po naših izračunih, znese 46,95 € po toni.
Keywords: Čiščenje odpadne vode, odvečno blato, ozon, ozonacija, mineralizacija blata
Published in RUNG: 04.07.2017; Views: 8028; Downloads: 304
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Miha Skočir, 2017, master's thesis

Abstract: Papirna industrija je ena od večjih porabnikov vode in energije na svetu in eden največjih proizvajalcev odpadne vode. Posebno ravnanje z odpadno vodo je zelo pomembno zaradi zaostrovanja okoljskih omejitev za ta sektor industrije. Aerobni, anaerobni in kombinirani sistemi se uporabljajo za čiščenje odpadne papirniške vode. Sodobna uporaba in obdelava papirniškega mulja običajno zajema sežiganje ali uporabo v gradbene namene ter produkcijo encimov. Ker je papirniški mulj biološko skoraj nerazgradljiv smo poskušali s hidrolizo izboljšati anaerobno razgradnjo mulja, kar bi ob produkciji biometana omogočilo energetski povratek procesu utekočinjanja mulja. S tem bi tudi bistveno zmanjšli količino primarnega in sekundarnega odpadnega papirniškega mulja iz odpadne papirniške vode. Namen naloge je bil preučiti postopek utekočinjanja papirniškega mulja v majhnem visokotlačnem reaktorju pri različnih temperaturah, različnih zadrževalnih časih in koncentracijah klorovodikove kisline (HCl). Optimalno utekočinjanje smo dosegli pri 280 ºC z učinkovitostjo 94 % (7 % HCl), sledijo učinkovitosti 91 % (6 % HCl), 87 % (5 % HCl) ter 71 % (4 % HCl). Po predhodnih raziskavah smo predvideli, da bosta anaerobno razgradnjo zavirala toluen in vinil krotonat, ki sta prisotna kot kemikaliji v proizvodnem procesu papirja. Za kvalitativno in kvantitativno določanje prisotnosti toluena in vinil krotonata - kot potencialna inhibitorja biorazgradnje - smo uporabili plinsko kromatografijo sklopljeno z masno spektrometrijo (GC-MS). Rezultati so pokazali da v mulju ni prisotnosti vinil krotonata, koncentracija toluena pa je nihala med 6,5±0,6 in 5±0,8 ppm, s čem smo dokazali da teh dveh inhibitorjev ni v mulju. Nadaljnja obdelava utekočinjenega mulja je potekala z anaerobno razgradnjo, kjer smo uporabili suspendirano in granulirano biomaso. Najboljši rezultat biometanskega potenciala je znašal 182 L/kgKPK, z 52 % biorazgradljivostjo. Z upoštevanjem porabe energije za izvedbo procesa utekočinjenja, je neto kurilna vrednost utekočinjenega mulja v najboljšem primeru znašala 2075 kJ/kg, kar je nižje kot običajna metoda sežiganja dehidriranega papirniškega mulja, ki daje energijsko vrednost med 2800 in 3600 kJ/kg.
Keywords: Biometanski potencial, biorazgradljivost, energetska bilanca, GC-MS, toluen, utekočinjanje papirniškega mulja, vinil krotonat.
Published in RUNG: 29.06.2017; Views: 4763; Downloads: 256
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Biogas Production from Brewer’s Yeast Using an Anaerobic Sequencing Batch Reactor
Gregor Drago Zupančič, Mario Panjicko, Bruno Zelić, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Renewable energy sources are becoming increasingly important in the beverage and food industries. In the brewing industry, a significant percentage of the used raw materials finishes the process as secondary resource or waste. The research on the anaerobic digestion of brewer’s yeast has been scarce until recent years. One of the reasons for this is its use as a secondary resource in the food industry and as cattle feed. Additionally, market value of brewer’s yeast is higher than its energy value. Due to the increase of energy prices, brewer’s yeast has become of interest as energy substrate despite its difficult degradability in anaerobic conditions. The anaerobic co-digestion of brewer’s yeast and anaerobically treated brewery wastewater was studied using a pilot-scale anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR) seeded with granular biomass. The experiments showed very good and stable operation with an organic loading rate of up to 8.0 kg/(m3·day), and with a maximum achieved organic loading rate of 13.6 kg/(m3·day) in a single cycle. A specific biogas productivity of over 0.430 m3/kg of the total chemical oxygen demand (COD) inserted, and total COD removal efficiencies of over 90 % were achieved. This study suggests that the brewer’s yeast can be successfully digested in an ASBR without adverse effects on the biogas production from brewer's yeast/wastewater mixtures of up to 8 % (by volume). By using the brewer's yeast in the ASBR process, the biogas production from brewery wastewater could be increased by 50 %.
Keywords: anaerobic digestion, ASBR, biogas, brewer’s yeast
Published in RUNG: 15.06.2017; Views: 5290; Downloads: 0
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Growth mechanism and structure of electrochemically synthesized dendritic polymethylsilane molecules
Andraž Mavrič, Artem Badasyan, Gregor Mali, Matjaž Valant, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: The study of an electrochemical synthesis of polymethylsilane from trifunctional trichloro- methylsilane monomers identified a single polymerization pathway involving reduction of the monomer to silyl anions and their addition to the growing polymer. The sizes of the synthesized macromolecules, measured with dynamic light scattering, are much larger than the theoretical size estimated for an ideal dendrimer. The reason for this, found by NMR analysis, is in a large number of branching irregularities (defects) contained in the molecular structure, which can be described as a hyperbranched dendritic polymer. Theoretical estimates of sizes for an ideal dendrimer were corrected assuming a branching defect is a cavity with the volume of one monomer. Appropriateness of the theoretical and experimental models was confirmed with a good quantitative agreement between the experimental densities and the theoretically calculated values.
Keywords: Polymethylsilane Dendritic polymer Electropolymerization
Published in RUNG: 20.03.2017; Views: 4306; Downloads: 14
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