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Vpeljava in učinki standarda OEKO-TEX v podjetju MEBLO INT : diplomsko delo
Domen Gregorič, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V diplomski nalogi bomo opisali vpeljavo in učinke certifikata OEKO-TEX Standard 100, Razred 1, v podjetju MEBLO INT (polno ime: MEBLO INT, proizvodnja izdelkov za spanje, d.o.o.). OEKO-TEX certifikat je eden izmed najpomembnejših standardov v tekstilni industriji na svetovni ravni in zagotavlja, da je bil izdelek in/ali material testiran proti škodljivim snovem in je za zdravje človeka neškodljiv. OEKO-TEX združenje sta leta 1992 ustanovila nemški mednarodni inštitut za testiranje in raziskave Hohenstein (sedaj Hohenstein Group) in avstrijski inštitut za tekstilne raziskave OETI. Kasneje se je združenju pridružil še švicarski inštitut za testiranje in certificiranje v svetu tekstila TESTEX. Podjetje MEBLO INT d.o.o. je specializirano za proizvodnjo in prodajo izdelkov, kot so vzmetnice, postelje in drugi izdelki. Izdelki za spanje so tretjino časa našega življenja v stiku s kožo, zato morajo biti neškodljivi za zdravje. Zgodovina podjetja MEBLO INT d.o.o. sega v zgodnja šestdeseta leta. Tekom let je podjetje zaradi kakovostnih izdelkov pridobivalo na popularnosti in prepoznavnosti, ime njihove vzmetnice – jogi – pa je postalo univerzalno ime za vzmetnico. Pri delu smo najprej opredelili cilje in metode, nato pa smo sistematično zbrali podatke, analizirali informacije in začeli celoten postopek certifikacije. Vmes smo analizirali tudi vplive standarda pri slovenskih prodajalcih tekstila, ugotovili smo vzroke vpeljave standarda pri drugih podjetjih in tudi korist vpeljave. Splošno gledano je koristno pridobiti standard, sej ima podjetje tako večjo integriteto.
Keywords: diplomske naloge, OEKO-TEX, standardi, certifikati, testiranja, vzmetnice
Published in RUNG: 03.10.2024; Views: 78; Downloads: 1
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Ogrevanje in prezračevanje za zeleni prehod
Henrik Gjerkeš, 2024, professional article

Keywords: trajnostno ogrevanje, toplotne črpalke, sončne elektrarne, lesna kuriva, prezračevalni sistemi
Published in RUNG: 01.07.2024; Views: 608; Downloads: 0
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Kako do kakovostnega zraka v bivalnih prostorih?
Lidija Petrišič, 2024, interview

Keywords: prezračevanje, centralni sistem, lokalni sistem, filtriranje zraka
Published in RUNG: 20.05.2024; Views: 796; Downloads: 0
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Mnenje o energetski učinkovitosti stavbe B srednje šole SVŠGUG Ljubljana
Henrik Gjerkeš, Luka Zupančič, Marjana Šijanec-Zavrl, 2024, expertise, arbitration decision

Keywords: energetska učinkovitost, obnovljivi viri energije, kakovost bivanja v prostorih
Published in RUNG: 11.03.2024; Views: 1059; Downloads: 0
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Pripravimo se na alergije
Nika Arsovski, 2024, interview

Keywords: prezračevanje, filtriranje zraka, plesen, cvetni prah, energijska učinkovitost, intervju
Published in RUNG: 11.03.2024; Views: 1376; Downloads: 7
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Opredelitev in implementacija krožnega gospodarstva
Henrik Gjerkeš, 2023, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: krožno gospodarstvo, trajnostni razvoj, implementacija
Published in RUNG: 27.11.2023; Views: 1351; Downloads: 7
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Analysis of circular economy implementation in local community
Henrik Gjerkeš, Marjana Šijanec-Zavrl, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: An analysis of the implementation of the comprehensive circular economy concept in Slovenia is presented. The concept used takes advantage of the endogenous potential of the area in which it is implemented and is aimed at the development of the forest-wood chain in the municipality of Kočevje. The results of the current 7-year implementation of the circular economy have shown a balanced fulfilment of all three dimensions of sustainable development: sustainable management of forests and products (FSC, PEFC), financial viability of operations and increased contributions to all public treasuries - even in time of crisis, more than 50 new green workplaces, increased interest of private investors, promotion of tourism, and last but not least - positive multiplicative effects on the quality of life of the citizens of Kočevje. Cyclicality is ensured in this way and the circular economy successfully fulfils its purpose.
Keywords: circular economy, sustainable development, implementation
Published in RUNG: 27.11.2023; Views: 1154; Downloads: 7
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Defining worst-performing buildings in Slovenia based on EPCs
Marjana Šijanec-Zavrl, Henrik Gjerkeš, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: The 2021 EC proposal for EPBD recast planned inter alia the harmonization of energy performance certificates (EPCs) across EU and definition of minimum energy performance (MEP) standards to support the renovation of worst-performing buildings. Rescaling of EPCs to a common EU ranking and consequently setting MEP standards is a task for the near future, but current planning of building renovation to meet decarbonization by 2050 may only relay on data in Slovenian EPCs from 2013-2022 data base. The paper presents the analysis of energy related indicators in existing Slovenian EPCs in order to demonstrate that existing EPCs issued in last decade can be used to define 15% of worst-performing buildings prioritized for deep and NZEB renovation, if combined with other indicators, like heat demand.
Keywords: energy performance indicators, decarbonization, energy efficiency, building renovation
Published in RUNG: 27.11.2023; Views: 1263; Downloads: 7
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Implementation of the EPBD in Slovenia – Status in 2020
Marjana Šijanec Zavrl, Miha Tomšič, Henrik Gjerkeš, Erik Potočar, 2021, final research report

Abstract: The Concerted Action EPBD (CA EPBD) addresses the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). It aims to contribute to the reduction of energy use in European buildings, through the exchange of knowledge and best practices in the field of energy efficiency and energy savings between all 28 EU Member States plus Norway. The CA EPBD is a joint initiative between the EU Member States and the European Commission. It involves representatives of national ministries or their affiliated institutions who are in charge of preparing the technical, legal and administrative framework for the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive in each EU Member State, plus Norway. The objective is to enhance the sharing of information and experiences from national adoption and implementation of this important European legislation. The transposition of the EPBD in Slovenia is the overall responsibility of the Ministry of Infrastructure and was primarily transposed by the Energy Act (EZ-1), covering the topics of NZEB, energy performance certification, inspection of heating and AC systems and energy efficiency information programmes. The Act on Energy Efficiency (ZURE) integrates the EZ-1 articles related to the EPBD. The revision of the building codes (PURES) is still in progress and planned for publication in late 2021. It will contain detailed technical requirements for NZEB based on the technical definition given in the national NZEB action plan, and the revision of the calculation methodology according to a new set of CEN EPBD standards. Important recent steps in EPBD implementation are the application of the central national electronic register of EPCs and associated software, the independent control system for EPCs, first steps in the cross-linking of e-registries for EPCs, inspections and public buildings, as well as wide information activities implemented by the Eco Fund concerning financial instruments available for the energy renovation of buildings.
Keywords: Concerted Action, Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, Act on Energy Efficiency, Slovenia
Published in RUNG: 02.11.2023; Views: 1321; Downloads: 12
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