1. EmindS -- EntreChallenges 2020other performed works Abstract: The videos in this collection represent the final act of the second learning activity of the EmindS e-minds.eu/ project: 30 students and mentors from 6 countries were tackling mind-boggling challenges of the European futures, from cross-border disabled people transport and fair work cafes to lawyer-service sharing websites, soap&shampoo DIY startups and foodie apps. Ever since the workshops in Cyprus in October mixed student groups were developing their project ideas as responses to challenges, and on Friday, 13-12-19 at 11.30 they were presented to the public -- at the exDaimond future "Centre of Creative Practices", in Nova Gorica, Slovenia, hosted by the University of Nova Gorica, School of Arts (Slovenia) and the Municipality of Nova Gorica. Event coordination by: Peter Purg, University of Nova Gorica, School of Arts; Video production by: University of Nova Gorica, School of Arts , 2019 (Urša B. Potokar). EmindS project is a collaboration of:
Frederick University (Leader)
DIMITRA Educational Organisation
FH Joanneum
University of Applied Sciences
Industry Disruptors – Game Changers
Mediterranean Management Centre
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
University of Nova Gorica
University of Nova Gorica
Funding Agency: Erasmus+
http://e-minds.eu/ Keywords: challenge, interdisciplinary, eminds, innovation, entrepreneurial Published in RUNG: 08.10.2020; Views: 3310; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
2. Under All the Hats of Quality —- from a round table discussion among teachers, students, quality experts, policy makers…Peter Purg, Potokar Urša B., 2016, scientific film, scientific sound or video publication Abstract: This 54-minute full feature documentary and research film features, in a unique intermedia manner, the findings of a
round table, conceived and moderated by dr. pETER Purg; at the "Quality of University Teaching and Learning" international conference, Brdo pri Kranju in April 6, 2016. This video (directed and shot by P. Purg, and edited by Urša .B. Potokar) presents the issues emerging from a round table discussion among teachers, students, quality experts and policy makers from different disciplines and countries.
As a "mixed media publication", It links in with an academic article (to be) published after the conference by P. Purg, discussing the selected utterances as evidence of emerging topics in academic quality, set against a broader theoretical and policy-related argumentation. Such a mixed-media multi-layered interplay of theory and practice, between text and video, may prove that an open discussion, paired with (audio-visual) self-reflection can both articulate and confirm some crucial commitments for increasing the quality of teaching and learning.
The round-table participants mostly agreed academic quality is dependent on teaching and learning quality, while academic practice is moving towards student autonomy and agency. For that both the national and the institutional legislative framework should provide a suitable scaffolding, facilitating better progression through education stages and sustainable student-to-teacher ratios. Good contact with the employment sector remains a key challenge that affects education quality, confirming the need for a wider participation of all higher education stakeholders. Keywords: quality, documentary, research, qualitative, higher education teaching Published in RUNG: 07.07.2016; Views: 5447; Downloads: 0 |
3. IDEATE | Mentor Peter Purg : A videointerview.Peter Purg, Metod Blejec, Urša, B. Potokar, 2015, scientific film, scientific sound or video publication Abstract: A mentor's reflection on the teaching (and learning) experience in the IDEATE course, revolving around how did the IDEATE experience affect their personal development, and how it might influence their academic or other work-related opportunities. Keywords: IDEATE, innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, teaching, methodology Published in RUNG: 07.07.2016; Views: 5694; Downloads: 0 |
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