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The Dark Matter Programme of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
A. Morselli, Christopher Eckner, Gašper Kukec Mezek, Samo Stanič, Serguei Vorobiov, Lili Yang, Gabrijela Zaharijas, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, 2017, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: dark matter, CTA, gamma rays
Published in RUNG: 16.02.2018; Views: 4324; Downloads: 158
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Cherenkov Telescope Array: The Next Generation Gamma-ray Observatory
Rene A. Ong, Christopher Eckner, Gašper Kukec Mezek, Samo Stanič, Serguei Vorobiov, Lili Yang, Gabrijela Zaharijas, Marko Zavrtanik, Danilo Zavrtanik, 2017, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will be the next-generation gamma-ray observatory, investigating gamma-ray and cosmic ray astrophysics at energies from 20 GeV to more than 300 TeV. The observatory, consisting of large arrays of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes in both the southern and northern hemispheres, will provide full-sky coverage and will achieve a sensitivity improved by up to an order of magnitude compared to existing instruments such as H.E.S.S., MAGIC and VERITAS. CTA is expected to discover hundreds of new TeV gammaray sources, allowing it to significantly advance our understanding of the origin of cosmic rays, to probe much larger distances in the universe, and to search for WIMP dark matter with unprecedented sensitivity in TeV mass range. The development of CTA is being carried out by a worldwide consortium of scientists from 32 countries. Consortium scientists have developed the core scientific programme of CTA and institutes of the Consortium are expected to provide the bulk of the CTA components. The construction of CTA is overseen by the CTA Observatory that will in the future manage observatory operations, the guest observer programme, and data dissemination. This talk will review the scientific motivation for CTA, focusing on the key science projects that form the core programme of research. The talk will outline the design of CTA, including the science drivers, overall concept, performance optimization, and array layouts. The current status of CTA, including sites, prototype telescope progress, and steps forward will also be described.
Keywords: CTA, next-generation gamma-ray observatory, gamma rays
Published in RUNG: 16.02.2018; Views: 5397; Downloads: 143
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Very high-energy gamma-ray signature of ultrahigh-energy cosmic-ray acceleration in Centaurus A
Jagdish Joshi, Marlui Miranda, Lili Yang, Soebur Razzaque, 2017, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Abstract: The association of at least a dozen ultrahigh-energy cosmic-ray (UHECR) events with energy 54 EeV or higher detected by the Pierre Auger Observatory from the direction of Centaurus-A, the nearest radio galaxy, supports the scenario of UHECR acceleration in the jets of radio galaxies. Multiwavelength observations of Centaurus-A suggest that the inner jet is likely the site for particle acceleration, which emits in X-ray to very high-energy (VHE) gamma-ray. We model broadband spectral energy distribution with emission from shock-accelerated electrons and protons in a combined synchrotron-self-Compton and photo-hadronic scenario. The UHECR flux from Centaurus-A, required to explain Pierre Auger data, successfully explains observed VHE gamma rays as photo-hadronic emission.
Keywords: Centaurus A, gamma ray, cosmic rays
Published in RUNG: 17.01.2018; Views: 5185; Downloads: 0
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High-Energy Astroparticle Detection
Lili Yang, invited lecture at foreign university

Abstract: Astroparticle Physics has evolved as a new interdisciplinary field at the intersection of particle physics, astronomy and cosmology, addressing some of the most fundamental questions of contemporary physics. Neutrinos, cosmic rays, gamma rays and also gravitational waves as the cosmic messengers, take the information from the universe to tell us more about those energetic astro phenomena. Physicists have been developing experiments to detect and study these messengers. I would like to talk about the basic ideas and searching results from the dedicate cosmic ray detector Pierre Auger Observatory and also the future performance of Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), the next-generation ground based telescope array. CTA will play an very important role in detecting GeV-TeV gamma rays and represents the era of precision gamma ray astronomy. The multi-messenger and multi-wavelength study with various messengers are the main field in astrophysics.
Keywords: Cherenkov Telescope Array
Published in RUNG: 17.01.2018; Views: 4632; Downloads: 0
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Astroparticle studies at the Pierre Auger Observatory
Lili Yang, invited lecture at foreign university

Abstract: The Pierre Auger Observatory (PAO), the world’s largest cosmic ray detector combines a large surface detector (SD) with an air fluorescence detector (FD). It is designed to observe extensive air showers (EAS) of billions of secondary particles induced by the UHECRs in the earths’ atmosphere. The “hybrid” design (i.e., detected simultaneously by SD and FD) provides wealth of information about shower development and excellent event reconstruction. Together with observations of UHECRs, the Surface Detector (SD) of the PAO is sensitive to UHE neutrinos through the observation of deeply initiated inclined down-going showers produced by neutrino interactions in the atmosphere, which method has been well established. On the other hand, high-energy photons can also be discriminated from background of charged cosmic rays based on their characters of the shower front. In this talk, I will give a review on recent results from PAO and introduce the ultra-high energy multi-messenger studies from PAO.
Keywords: Pierre Auger Observatory, cosmic rays, ultra-high energy
Published in RUNG: 17.01.2018; Views: 4624; Downloads: 0
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Multi-messenger study with the Pierre Auger Observatory
Lili Yang, unpublished invited conference lecture

Abstract: The Pierre Auger Observatory is the largest cosmic ray detector in the world, studying particles with energy above 10^17 eV. Even though Auger is dedicated to charged cosmic rays, it’s also sensitive to ultra-high energy neutral particles, such as photons, neutrinos and neutrons, which are undeflected by magnetic field and pointing back to the source site. More exciting, with the breakthrough observations of gravitational-wave signal, the new era of multi-messenger analysis has come. I will present the recent results and prospects of multi-messenger study with Auger and also the first joint detection of gravitational and electromagnetic radiation from the source, with a focus on the UHE neutrino search.
Keywords: Pierre Auger Observatory, multi-messenger, neutrino, gravitational wave
Published in RUNG: 17.01.2018; Views: 4930; Downloads: 0
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