141. Search for High-energy Neutrinos from Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817Arnauld Albert, Andrej Filipčič, Gašper Kukec Mezek, Ahmed Mohamed Saleh Hassanin Khalil, Samo Stanič, Marta Trini, Serguei Vorobiov, Lili Yang, Marko Zavrtanik, Danilo Zavrtanik, 2017, original scientific article Keywords: izbruhi žarkov gama, gravitacijski valovi, nevtrini Published in RUNG: 15.12.2017; Views: 4696; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
142. Calibration of the logarithmic-periodic dipole antenna (LPDA) radio stations at the Pierre Auger Observatory using an octocopterA. Aab, Andrej Filipčič, Gašper Kukec Mezek, Ahmed Mohamed Saleh Hassanin Khalil, Samo Stanič, Marta Trini, Serguei Vorobiov, Lili Yang, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, 2017, original scientific article Keywords: Kalibracija, dipolna antena, oktokopter, observatorij Pierre Auger Published in RUNG: 23.10.2017; Views: 4722; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
143. Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star MergerAndrej Filipčič, Gašper Kukec Mezek, Ahmed Saleh, Samo Stanič, Marta Trini, Serguei Vorobiov, Lili Yang, Gabrijela Zaharijas, Marko Zavrtanik, Benjamin Abbott, Danilo Zavrtanik, 2017, original scientific article Keywords: gravitacijski valovi, nevtronske zvezde, izbruhi žarkov gama, nevtrini, optični teleskopi Published in RUNG: 20.10.2017; Views: 4709; Downloads: 258
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144. Science with the Cherenkov Telescope ArrayGašper Kukec Mezek, Samo Stanič, Serguei Vorobiov, Lili Yang, Gabrijela Zaharijas, Marko Zavrtanik, B.S. Acharya, Danilo Zavrtanik, 2017, scientific monograph Keywords: astronomija z gama žarki, ekstremna okolja v vesolju, izvori relativističnih kozmičnih žarkov, nevtronske zvezde, črne luknje, temna snov, gravitacija Published in RUNG: 04.10.2017; Views: 6123; Downloads: 207
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145. Spectral calibration of the fluorescence telescopes of the Pierre Auger ObservatoryAndrej Filipčič, Gašper Kukec Mezek, Ahmed Saleh, Samo Stanič, Marta Trini, Darko Veberič, Serguei Vorobiov, Lili Yang, Marko Zavrtanik, A. Aab, Danilo Zavrtanik, 2017, original scientific article Keywords: dušikova fluorescenca, kalibracija, Observatorij Pierre Auger Published in RUNG: 29.09.2017; Views: 5060; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
146. Observation of a large-scale anisotropy in the arrival directions of cosmic rays above 8x10^18 eVA. Aab, Andrej Filipčič, Gašper Kukec Mezek, Ahmed Mohamed Saleh Hassanin Khalil, Samo Stanič, Marta Trini, Serguei Vorobiov, Lili Yang, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, 2017, original scientific article Keywords: kozmični žarki, anizotropija, dipol, izvori, Observatorij P. Auger Published in RUNG: 25.09.2017; Views: 4902; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
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148. Multi-resolution anisotropy studies of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays detected at the Pierre Auger ObservatoryA. Aab, Andrej Filipčič, Gašper Kukec Mezek, Ahmed Saleh, Samo Stanič, Marta Trini, Darko Veberič, Serguei Vorobiov, Lili Yang, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, 2017, original scientific article Keywords: Pierre Auger Observatory, ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECR), UHECR anisotropies, angular power spectrum, needlet wavelet analysis Published in RUNG: 23.06.2017; Views: 5271; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
149. Auger HighlightsAntonella Castellina, Andrej Filipčič, Gašper Kukec Mezek, Ahmed Saleh, Samo Stanič, Marta Trini, Darko Veberič, Serguei Vorobiov, Lili Yang, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, 2014, published scientific conference contribution Keywords: Pierre Auger Observatory, ultra high energy cosmic rays (UHECR), UHECR hybrid detection technique, UHECR energy spectrum, UHECR mass composition, UHECR arrival directions Published in RUNG: 20.06.2017; Views: 7040; Downloads: 398
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150. The Pierre Auger Observatory Upgrade - Preliminary Design ReportA. Aab, Andrej Filipčič, Gašper Kukec Mezek, Ahmed Saleh, Samo Stanič, Marta Trini, Darko Veberič, Serguei Vorobiov, Lili Yang, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, project documentation (preliminary design, working design) Keywords: Pierre Auger Observatory, the Pierre Auger Observatory "AugerPrime" Upgrade, Preliminary Design Report Published in RUNG: 15.06.2017; Views: 5824; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |