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Experimenting with Highest Conjunct Agreement under Left Branch Extraction
Boban Arsenijević, Franc Marušič, Jana Willer-Gold, 2020, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: A debate has developed in the recent theoretical and experimental linguistic literature on the status and the locus of conjunct agreement in South Slavic (SS; Marušič et al. 2007, Bošković 2009, Franks & Willer Gold 2014, Murphy & Puškar 2015; Marušič et al. 2015 and Willer Gold et al. 2016). One of the pertinent issues of the debate is the status of Highest Conjunct Agreement – agreement with the hierarchically highest conjunct (NP1) – in sentences with a preverbal subject. The question around which the debate revolves is a basic one: Is there Highest Conjunct Agreement (HCA) in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (BCS), and how is it blocked, or derived, respectively?
Keywords: syntax, agreement, conjunct agrement, left branch extraction, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
Published in RUNG: 18.05.2020; Views: 4012; Downloads: 0
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Restricting Left Branch Extraction in Slovenian
Petra Mišmaš, 2017, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: noun phrase, NP, DP, Left Branch Extraction, split DP, Slovenian, syntax
Published in RUNG: 26.10.2017; Views: 5312; Downloads: 0
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Arthur Stepanov, Manca Mušič, Penka Stateva, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: In this work, we aim to clarify the empirical paradigm that bears on two aspects of syntactic locality in Slovenian. First, building on previous work, we investigate how robustly Slovenian observes the syntactic locality constraint precluding constituent sub-extraction out of subject noun phrases. Second, we ask whether Slovenian allows Left Branch Extraction in interrogative and non-interrogative sentences. To elucidate both issues, we conducted a magnitude estimation study, the results of which support our previous claim that there is a subject island effect in Slovenian. Furthermore, our results suggest that Slovenian disallows Left Branch Extraction, in contrast with some other Slavic languages. We also discuss theoretical consequences of our empirical findings.
Keywords: syntactic island, Left Branch extraction, magnitude estimation, Slovenian
Published in RUNG: 03.01.2017; Views: 5826; Downloads: 254
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