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3. Statistical models : lecture at the Bridging gaps: formal, computational and experimental approaches in linguistics 2023 (FEAL 2023), 2. 8. 2023, Chemnitz, GermanyAhmad Hosseini, 2023, unpublished conference contribution Abstract: As a collaboration among the University of Nova Gorica (Slovenia), University of Craiova (Romania), and University of Udine (Italy), FEAL 2023 represents an interdisciplinary training opportunity for BA, MA and PhD students from linguistics, applied mathematics, psychology, and neuroscience.
It addresses research topics in contemporary linguistics through formal, computational, and experimental approaches.
In this training opportunity, we will explore some of the most fundamental General Linear Models (GLMs) that have a wide range of applications in various fields. GLMs provide a flexible framework for modeling a variety of data types, including continuous, binary, count, and categorical data, making them an essential tool for any data analyst. During the course, we will briefly cover some GLM models that have applications in diverse fields such as Psychology, Linguistics, Viticulture, Neuroscience, Economics, Biology, and beyond. We will review the basic concepts and tools in GLMs and will discuss how to choose the appropriate model for a given data type and how to interpret the model's output. This course will provide a hands-on learning experience, where you will have the opportunity to apply the concepts you learn to real-world datasets (using SPSS and Excel). We will go as long as time permits to cover as many topics as possible and ensure that you have a good understanding of GLM models and the skills to apply them to your own research projects. Keywords: Experimental Linguistics, Statistical Models, Mathematical and Computational Linguistics, General Linear Models (GLMs) Published in RUNG: 06.01.2025; Views: 246; Downloads: 6
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4. Gender variation in indeclinable inanimate nouns and gender markedness in modern RussianKirill Chuprinko, Varvara Magomedova, Natalia Slioussar, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: Abstract
In this paper, the results of a large web-corpus study on gender of Russian inanimate indeclinable common nouns are presented. In most cases, neuter is assigned to indeclinables as a default. However, morphophonological and semantic analogy may lead to feminine and masculine gender assignment. An extensive variation is observed in the whole group of indeclinables and for particular words, which is much larger than anything that can be found in indeclinable nouns. These data support the idea that both masculine and neuter genders have a special status in the Russian gender system (Magomedova & Slioussar 2023). Masculine tends to be chosen in case of conflicting gender cues. When there are no strong cues pointing to any gender, neuter is assigned as the default option. The results of the study are hardly compatible with various structural approaches to gender assignment, but can be accounted for in competition-based models. Keywords: grammatical gender, Russian, gender variation, corpus study, linguistics Published in RUNG: 26.01.2024; Views: 1536; Downloads: 3
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8. Problemi di traduzione della metafora lessicalizzata : analisi contrastiva del romanzo La sombra del viento di Carlos Ruiz Zafón e della sua traduzione in italianoGreta Mazzaggio, 2016, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph Abstract: La metafora lessicalizzata è insita nel nostro colloquiare quotidiano, tanto che viene sempre più utilizzata senza prestarci attenzione alcuna. Gli studi su questa figura così radicata nel linguaggio sono numerosi poiché tali metafore si riscontrano in tutte le lingue e, mentre a volte esiste una traduzione che possiamo definire perfetta, altre volte si incappa in variazioni semantiche, morfosintattiche o di immagine. A partire dalla letteratura di riferimento, questo lavoro mira alla realizzazione di un corpus di unità fraseologiche presenti nella novella spagnola “La sombra del viento”, dell’autore Carlos Ruiz Zafón (2001), che sarà confrontato con la rispettiva traduzione in italiano, operata dalla traduttrice Lia Sezzi (2006). Keywords: lexicalized metaphor, metaphor, translation, linguistics, italian, spanish Published in RUNG: 20.09.2021; Views: 2858; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
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10. Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 20172020, proceedings of peer-reviewed scientific conference contributions (international and foreign conferences) Abstract: Advances in Formal Slavic Linguistics 2017 is a collection of fifteen articles that were prepared on the basis of talks given at the conference Formal Description of Slavic Languages 12.5, which was held on December 7-9, 2017, at the University of Nova Gorica. The volume covers a wide array of topics, such as control verbs, instrumental arguments, and perduratives in Russian, comparatives, negation, n-words, negative polarity items, and complementizer ellipsis in Czech, impersonal se-constructions and complementizer doubling in Slovenian, prosody and the morphology of multi-purpose suffixes in Serbo-Croatian, and indefinite numerals and the binding properties of dative arguments in Polish. Importantly, by exploring these phenomena in individual Slavic languages, the collection of articles in this volume makes a significant contribution to both Slavic linguistics and to linguistics in general. Keywords: Slavic, linguistics, Formal Description of Slavic Languages, control verbs, instrumental arguments, perduratives, comparatives, negation, n-words, negative polarity items, complementizer ellipsis, impersonal se-constructions, complementizer doubling, indefinite numerals, binding, Russian, Czech, Slovenian, Serbo-Croatian, Polish Published in RUNG: 02.06.2020; Views: 3896; Downloads: 193
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