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3. Slovene scientists during World War II : The life trajectories of Maks Samec, Fran Ramovš and Ljudmila Dolar Mantuani, and the impact of World War II on their careersŽeljko Oset, 2019, original scientific article Abstract: This paper discusses the impact of World War II and its aftermath on the Slovene
intellectual elite within Slovene national institutions, e.g., the University of Ljubljana and
the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts. The focus is on the life trajectories of three
prominent professors of the University of Ljubljana, among whom two were also members
of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts. They were selected due to their prominence,
scientific field (natural sciences and humanities), and gender. Case studies can provide
a better understanding of decisions, doubts, and anguish of individual scientists, while testy
about the general mood among intellectuals. Everyone tried to find their way through the
war and repression in different ways. Due to their position in society, the intellectuals
were more protected than the general public, but even then they were under pressure to
proclaim loyalty to the occupation authorities, and after a while denounce the liberation
movement. After the war, their lives, connections and wartime actions were placed under
the microscope by the new Communist authorities. Keywords: World War II, Slovene culture, University of Ljubljana, Slovene Academy of
Sciences and Arts, Maks Samec, Fran Ramovš, Ljudmila Dolar Mantuani Published in RUNG: 06.04.2020; Views: 3945; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
4. Odvisnost koncentracije nanodelcev v zunanjem zraku od stabilnosti atmosfereAnja Petra Bencek, 2019, master's thesis Abstract: Nanodelci v zraku škodljivo vplivajo na okolje in na človeka. Še posebej smo jim izpostavljeni v večjih mestih, kjer je njihov glavni izvor promet. Zato smo v zunanjem zraku v Ljubljani merili številčne koncentracije delcev (CN) velikosti 10 – 1083 nm z merilnikom 'Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer' proizvajalca Grimm Aerosol Technik, Nemčija, v vseh letnih časih v letu 2018. Delce smo razvrstili v dve skupini, PM0,1 in PM1,1, in spremljali njihovo odvisnost od stabilnosti atmosfere, ki smo jo določili na osnovi koncentracije radona (222Rn) v zraku. Pozimi in jeseni smo določili šest razredov stabilnosti (R1 – R6), spomladi in poleti pa pet (R1 – R5). Koncentracije delcev smo merili na Institutu "Jožef Stefan", podatke o gostoti prometa pa smo pridobili za Tržaško cesto, ki je oddaljena približno 200 m. Obdobja meritev so bila: (i) 30.12.2017 – 2.1.2018; 20. – 26.1.2018 pozimi, (ii) 12. – 18.4.2018 spomladi, (iii) 9. – 27.7.2018 poleti, in (iv) 5.9. – 6.11.2018 jeseni. Številčne koncentracije delcev so se običajno gibale v naslednjih območjih (v cm–3): (i) 2000 – 20000 PM0,1 in 1000 – 5000 PM1,1 pozimi, (ii) 5000 – 20000 PM0,1 in 1000 – 4000 PM1,1 spomladi, (iii) 1500 – 15000 PM0,1 in 1000 – 3000 PM1,1 poleti, in (iv) 5000 – 20000 PM0,1 in 3000 – 8000 PM1,1 jeseni. V splošnem je koncentracija PM0,1 višja za faktor 2 – 3 od koncentracije delcev PM1,1. Koncentracije delcev PM0,1 so odvisne predvsem od gostote prometa, med delovniki imamo dve izraziti konici, vezani na začetek in zaključek službe, med vikendi so koncentracije približno za polovico nižje. Skozi vse leto so njihove koncentracije v zunanjem zraku podobne, ker pa imajo krajši čas zadrževanja v ozračju, čez dan veliko bolj nihajo kot koncentracije PM1,1. Na koncentracije delcev PM1,1 vpliva promet v manjši meri, nekoliko višje koncentracije so pozimi, spomladi in jeseni, verjetno odraz kurilne sezone. Koncentracije delcev sledijo spremembam v stabilnosti atmosfere, praviloma se višajo z večanjem razreda stabilnosti. Najvišje koncentracije delcev PM1,1 so v razredu R6, to je v času dolgotrajne temperaturne inverzije. Koncentracije delcev PM0,1 se manj ujemajo z razredi stabilnosti. Keywords: Nanodelec, PM1, 1 in PM0, 1, radon, stabilnost atmosfere, kontinuirna meritev, letni čas, Ljubljana Published in RUNG: 14.10.2019; Views: 5488; Downloads: 151 Full text (4,92 MB) |
5. THE RECEPTION OF THE WEST-EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN PLAYWRIGHTS IN SLOVENIAN DRAMA AND THEATRE (1945–1970)Rok Andres, 2019, doctoral dissertation Keywords: reception, drama, Slovenian drama, theatre history, existentialism, absurd drama, SNG Drama Ljubljana, western playwrights Published in RUNG: 27.08.2019; Views: 5040; Downloads: 210 Full text (1,47 MB) |
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7. Life trajectories of three professors of the University of Ljubljana : The impact of the Second World War on their careersŽeljko Oset, 2018, published scientific conference contribution abstract (invited lecture) Abstract: The paper focuses on careers and life trajectories of three university professor of University of Ljubljana: Fran Ramovš (1890-1952, slavicist, assistant professor in University of Graz – 1917-1918, a professor at the University of Ljubljana – 1919-1950, rector of the University of Ljubljana – 1934/1935, president of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts – 1950-1952), Maks Samec (1881-1964, chemist, a professor at the University of Ljubljana – 1919-1945, rector of University of Ljubljana – 1935-1937, purged from the University after Second World War but later became head of the newly established Institute of Chemistry at the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts – 1946-1964) and Ljudmila Dolar Mantuani (1906-1988, geologist, in 1940 became Assistant Professor, and before the end of the war in 1945 emigrated to Canada where she established herself in the private sector. Keywords: The University of Ljubljana, the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, academic freedom, World War II Published in RUNG: 17.09.2018; Views: 4715; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
8. Izgradnja šestpasovnic - bo Slovenija v kratkem postala prometni zamašek?Zoran Božič, 2017, unpublished conference contribution Abstract: Uvodni referat na posvetu Tretji pas na slovenskih avtocestah - nujnost takojšnje izgradnje ali dolgoročni projekt? Keywords: Državni svet, Slovenija, avtocestni križ, prometna pretočnost, tretji pas, šestpasovnica, Singapur, tovornjaki, Autovie Venete, Portogruaro - Palmanova, odstavni pas, Razdrto - Ljubljana Published in RUNG: 16.11.2017; Views: 5978; Downloads: 208 Full text (203,03 KB) |
9. Pogovor s profesorji Fakultete za humanistiko Univerze v Novi Gorici: dr. Katjo Mihurko Poniž, dr. Heleno Dobrovoljc in dr. Zoranom Božičem : Teden Univerze v Novi Gorici 2017Zoran Božič, other performed works Abstract: Pogovor, ki je potekal na Gimnaziji Nova Gorica in je bil namenjen dijakom te srednje šole, sta vodili študentki slovenistike in študent kulturne zgodovine na Fakulteti za humanistiko. Keywords: UNG, Fakulteta za humanistiko, jezikoslovje, književnost, raziskovanje, srednja šola, Katja Mihurko Poniž, Helena Dobrovoljc, Zoran Božič, Maribor, Ljubljana, Kranj Published in RUNG: 09.10.2017; Views: 5372; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
10. Pobude za tretji pas na odseku avtoceste Vrhnika - Razdrto do leta 2025, za razširitev vseh slovenskih avtocest in hitro progo Nova Gorica - PtujZoran Božič, other performed works Abstract: Dopolnjena in razširjena pobuda za tretji pas na primorki, tokrat naslovljena na vlado Republike Slovenije. Pobude upoštevajo povečanje prometne mobilnosti in zmanjšanje pretočnosti, vključujejo pa tudi skrb za trajnostni razvoj in samooskrbo prebivalstva s hrano. Keywords: Državni svet, Vlada RS, svetniška pobuda, avtocesta Ljubljana - Razdrto, avtocestni križ, šestpasovnica, kamionski promet, hitra proga, rimska cesta Oglej - Ptuj Published in RUNG: 18.09.2017; Views: 5533; Downloads: 32 Link to file This document has many files! More... |