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* old and bologna study programme


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Match my epistolary freak : sexual desire in the electronic collection Pisma/Letters
Darko Ilin, 2024, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Abstract: The lecture will focus on the exploration of sexuality as reflected in the letters of Slovene women writers at the turn of the century. This event will delve into the rich correspondences found in the PISMA/LETTERS electronic collection, a project that has brought to light the intimate and personal writings of these authors. The lecture will begin with an introduction to the project, providing an overview of the electronic collection's origins and the subsequent publication that emerged from it. We will then explore the unique characteristics of the letter as a medium, discussing its materiality and drawing parallels with contemporary modes of communication. The central focus of the lecture will be an in-depth analysis of the erotic elements within these letters. By examining how sexual desire is narrated across different contexts, we will uncover the subtle ways in which these women expressed their desires and navigated the societal constraints of their time. This exploration promises to offer a fascinating glimpse into the personal lives and inner worlds of Slovene women writers, revealing the complexity and richness of their experiences
Keywords: sexual desire, letters, Pisma
Published in RUNG: 09.09.2024; Views: 630; Downloads: 2
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Dr. Katja Mihurko
2024, radio or television broadcast, podcast, interview, press conference

Keywords: pisma, slovenske pisateljice, slovenska moderna, digitalna humanistika, digitalni repozitoriji
Published in RUNG: 19.08.2024; Views: 792; Downloads: 5
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Shaping the electronic collection Letters : discovering epistolary exchange and naviting metadata
Ivana Zajc, Darko Ilin, 2024, radio or television broadcast, podcast, interview, press conference

Keywords: pisma, korespondence, digitalna humanistik
Published in RUNG: 29.01.2024; Views: 1917; Downloads: 3
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Digitale Repositorien in Zusammenhang mit Zensur aufgrund des Geschlechts durch Sprache
Katja Mihurko, invited lecture at foreign university

Keywords: cenzura, slovensko gledališče, pisma, slovenska moderna, digitalna humanistika, samocenzura
Published in RUNG: 06.12.2023; Views: 1799; Downloads: 0
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Digitalizacija in analiza pisem Vide Jeraj in Ljudmile Poljanec
Lara Vončina, 2023, master's thesis

Abstract: V magistrski nalogi sem digitalizirala pisma dveh slovenskih pesnic Vide Jeraj in Ljudmile Polja-nec, ki sta reprezentativni avtorici slovenske moderne. Obe sta delovali predvsem pred prvo sve-tovno vojno. Vida Jeraj je bila prva slovenska lirična pesnica. Ljudmila Poljanec pa velja za prvo slovensko avtorico, ki v svojih pesmih upodablja tematiko lezbične ljubezni. Prvi del magistrske naloge sem začela s predstavitvijo obeh zgoraj omenjenih avtoric in nadaljevala s predstavitvijo njunih dopisovalk in dopisovalcev. Nato sem prepisala in analizirala njuna pisma. Digitalizirana pisma sem vstavila v elektronsko zbirko Pisma. Digitalizirana korespondenca bo omogočila na-tančnejše razumevanje avtoričinih ustvarjanj. V nadaljevanju sem s pomočjo ključnih besed dolo-čila tematike, ki se pojavljajo v njunih pismih in prišla do ugotovitve, da so največkrat prisotne naslednje tematike: Osebno razmerje in prijateljstvo, kultura in umetnost, literarna kritika, literarne revije, ženske revije, pesnjenje, Dunaj, izobraževanje, zdravje in potovanja. Pri Vidi Jeraj pa še starševstvo in podeželsko življenje. S pomočjo v pismih omenjenih oseb sem raziskala njuno soci-alno mrežo in dognala, da sta največkrat sodelovali in prijateljevali z osebami s področja kulturne-ga delovanja. S primerjanjem tematik, ki se pojavljajo v pismih Vide Jeraj in Ivana Cankarja sem prišla do ugotovitve, da se korespondenca avtorja in avtorice razlikuje. Na koncu sem raziskala še, ali se tematike v njunih pismih pojavljajo tudi v njunih pesmih in ugotovila, da se pojavljajo, in sicer najpogosteje: vreme, podeželsko življenje, religija in ljubezen.
Keywords: Digitalizacija, moderna, pisma, pesmi, Ljudmila Poljanec, Vida Jeraj
Published in RUNG: 21.03.2023; Views: 2815; Downloads: 63
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Pisma : elektronska zbirka Pisma

Keywords: pisma, korespondenca, digitalizacija, kulturna dediščina
Published in RUNG: 27.01.2023; Views: 2714; Downloads: 16
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Katja Mihurko, Aneta Ivanovska, Maksim Gojković, 2022, complete scientific database of research data

Keywords: korespondence, pisma
Published in RUNG: 31.03.2022; Views: 2518; Downloads: 50
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Epistolarna popkovina dnevov in noči
Leonora Flis, 2021, preface, editorial, afterword

Keywords: slovenska književnost, romani, pisma, družinske drame
Published in RUNG: 09.11.2021; Views: 2658; Downloads: 0
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