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* old and bologna study programme


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Interpretation of numerals under memory load by Vietnamese speakers
Andreas Haida, Tue Trinh, Chi Mai Luong, 2019, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: Numerals show an ambiguity between a weak, ‘at least’ meaning and a strong, ‘exactly’ meaning. The Gricean approach takes the weak meaning to be basic and derives the strong meaning as implicature, thus assimilates numerals to other scalar items. The Fregean approach, in contrast, takes the strong meaning of numerals to be basic and derives the weak meaning via type shifting operations. This paper gives a brief summary of these two approaches, followed by a report on a dual-task experiment which is designed to test how Vietnamese speakers interpret numerals under different memory loads. The goal of this experiment is to replicate the results of Marty et al. (2013) which can be interpreted as supporting the Fregean approach. It turns out that this goal could not be achieved, and we give some speculations as to why it was not.
Keywords: numerals, scales, implicatures, memory, Vietnamese
Published in RUNG: 10.01.2025; Views: 315; Downloads: 4
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Exhaustification and contextual restriction
Tue Trinh, 2019, original scientific article

Keywords: implicatures, alternatives, exhaustification, salience, atomicity
Published in RUNG: 10.01.2025; Views: 309; Downloads: 5
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Scalar diversity and second-language processing: the Pragmatic Transfer Hypothesis
Federica Longo, Bob Van Tiel, Penka Stateva, Greta Mazzaggio, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Abstract: This study investigates the impact of language proficiency on the computation of scalar implicatures (e.g., ”some” implying ”not all”) and compares the Pragmatic Default Hypoth- esis and the Pragmatic Transfer Hypothesis. Six scalar terms were studied among native English speakers, native Slovenian speakers, and Slovenian second-language (L2) learners of English. The findings mostly support the Pragmatic Transfer Hypothesis, as the rate of scalar implicatures in the English-L2 group generally aligned with rates in their native language, Slovenian. This suggests that scalar implicature judgments in one’s L2 reflect pragmatic patterns in one’s first language.
Keywords: Second Language processing, Scalar implicatures, Scalar diversity
Published in RUNG: 03.10.2023; Views: 1750; Downloads: 6
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Some (but not all) implicatures gained the same attention in Experimental Pragmatics.
Greta Mazzaggio, other performed works

Keywords: scalar implicatures, pragmatics, experimental pragmatics, linguistics
Published in RUNG: 01.12.2022; Views: 1912; Downloads: 0
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On the cost of scalar implicatures : an eye-tracking study
Greta Mazzaggio, Anne Colette Reboul, Jean-Baptiste van der Henst, Anne Cheylus, Paolo Lorusso, Penka Stateva, 2022, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: scalar implicatures, experimental pragamtics, eye-tracker, quantifiers
Published in RUNG: 08.08.2022; Views: 2327; Downloads: 25
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Find a friend or a scale mate : comparing ad hoc and scalar implicatures
Francesca Foppolo, Francesca Panzeri, Greta Mazzaggio, Luca Surian, 2017, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: implicatures, scalar implicatures, quantifiers
Published in RUNG: 23.09.2021; Views: 2670; Downloads: 58
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Lexical and ad-hoc scales in autism spectrum disorder : lecture at 45° Incontro di Grammatica Generativa (IGG45), University of Padua, Italy, 22. Feb. 2019
Greta Mazzaggio, 2019, unpublished conference contribution

Keywords: implicatures, pragmatics, computation
Published in RUNG: 23.09.2021; Views: 2419; Downloads: 0
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Some implicatures are easier : lecture at Workshop "Scalar Implicatures: Formal and Experimental Exploration", University of Siena, Italy, Jul. 12. 2018
Greta Mazzaggio, 2018, unpublished conference contribution

Keywords: implicatures, pragmatics, quantifiers
Published in RUNG: 23.09.2021; Views: 2504; Downloads: 0
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Scalar vs Ad-Hoc implicatures : guess which one is easier
Greta Mazzaggio, 2018, unpublished conference contribution

Keywords: scalar implicatures, ad-hoc implicatures, pragmatics
Published in RUNG: 23.09.2021; Views: 3423; Downloads: 0
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