1. The Cherenkov transparency coefficient for the atmospheric monitoring and array calibration at the Cherenkov Telescope Array SouthStanislav Stefanik, Christopher Eckner, Gašper Kukec Mezek, Samo Stanič, Serguei Vorobiov, Lili Yang, Gabrijela Zaharijas, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, Lukas Zehrer, 2019, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: Reconstruction of energies of very-high-energy γ–rays observed by imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes is affected by changes in the atmospheric conditions and the performance of telescope components. Reliable calibration schemes aimed at these effects are necessary for the forthcoming Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) to achieve its goals on the maximally allowed systematic uncertainty of the global energy scale. A possible means of estimating the atmospheric attenuation of Cherenkov light is the method of the Cherenkov transparency coefficient (CTC). The CTC is calculated using the telescope detection rates, dominated by the steady cosmic ray background, while properly correcting for the hardware and observational conditions.
The coefficient can also be used to relatively calibrate the optical throughput of telescopes on the assumption of homogeneous atmospheric transparency above the array. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we investigate here the potential of the CTC method for the atmospheric monitoring and telescope cross-calibration at the CTA array in the southern hemisphere. We focus on the feasibility of the method for the array of telescopes of three sizes in different observation configurations and under various levels of atmospheric attenuation. Keywords: very-high-energy gamma-ray astronomy, Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) Observatory, imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs), atmospheric monitoring, IACT calibration Published in RUNG: 14.11.2024; Views: 555; Downloads: 5
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4. Satellite Data for Atmospheric Monitoring at the Pierre Auger ObservatoryA. Puyleart, Andrej Filipčič, Jon Paul Lundquist, Samo Stanič, Serguei Vorobiov, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, Lukas Zehrer, 2022, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: Atmospheric monitoring over the 3000 km^2 of the Pierre Auger Observatory can be supplemented by satellite data. Methods for night-time cloud detection and aerosol cross-checking were created using the GOES-16 and Aeolus satellites, respectively. The geostationary GOES-16 satellite provides a 100% up-time view of the cloud cover over the observatory. GOES-13 was used until the end of 2017 for cloud monitoring, but with its retirement a method based on GOES-16 data was developed. The GOES-16 cloud detection method matches the observatory’s vertical laser cloud detection method at a rate of ∼90%. The Aeolus satellite crosses the Pierre Auger Observatory several times throughout the year firing UV-laser shots. The laser beams leave a track of scattered light in the atmosphere that can be observed by the light sensors of the observatory fluorescence telescopes. Using a parametric model of the aerosol concentration, the laser shots can be reconstructed with different combinations of the aerosol parameters. A minimization procedure then yields the parameter set that best describes the aerosol attenuation. Furthermore, the possibility of studying horizontal homogeneity of aerosols across the array is being investigated. Keywords: Pierre Auger Observatory, indirect detection, fluorescence detection, ultra-high energy, cosmic rays, atmospheric monitoring, satellite monitoring, cloud detection, aerosols, UV laser shots Published in RUNG: 04.10.2023; Views: 2100; Downloads: 7
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5. The Monitoring, Logging, and Alarm system for the Cherenkov Telescope ArrayAlessandro Costa, Saptashwa Bhattacharyya, Barbara MARČUN, Judit Pérez Romero, Samo Stanič, Veronika Vodeb, Serguei Vorobiov, Gabrijela Zaharijas, Marko Zavrtanik, Danilo Zavrtanik, Miha Živec, 2021, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: We present the current development of the Monitoring, Logging and Alarm subsystems in the framework of the Array Control and Data Acquisition System (ACADA) for the Cherenkov Tele-scope Array (CTA). The Monitoring System (MON) is the subsystem responsible for monitoring and logging the overall array (at each of the CTA sites) through the acquisition of monitoring and logging information from the array elements. The MON allows us to perform a systematic approach to fault detection and diagnosis supporting corrective and predictive maintenance to minimize the downtime of the system. We present a unified tool for monitoring data items from the telescopes and other devices deployed at the CTA array sites. Data are immediately available for the operator interface and quick-look quality checks and stored for later detailed inspection. The Array Alarm System (AAS) is the subsystem that provides the service that gathers, filters, exposes, and persists alarms raised by both the ACADA processes and the array elements su-pervised by the ACADA system. It collects alarms from the telescopes, the array calibration, the environmental monitoring instruments and the ACADA systems. The AAS sub-system also creates new alarms based on the analysis and correlation of the system software logs and the status of the system hardware providing the filter mechanisms for all the alarms. Data from the alarm system are then sent to the operator via the human-machine interface. Keywords: Cherenkov Telescope Array, Array Control and Data Acquisition System, Monitoring System, Array Alarm System Published in RUNG: 18.09.2023; Views: 1566; Downloads: 5
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6. Observation of the Cumbre Vieja volcano plume above the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos with the Barcelona Raman LIDARMiha Živec, Otger Ballester, Oscar Blanch, Juan Boix, Paolo G. Calisse, Anna Campoy Ordaz, Michele Doro, Lluis Font, Rafael Garcia, Markus Gaug, Roger Grau, Manel Martinez, David Roman, Samo Stanič, Santiago Ubach Ramírez, Marko Zavrtanik, 2022, published scientific conference contribution Keywords: lidar, remote sensing, CTA, CTAO, Cumbre Vieja, atmospheric monitoring, volcano Published in RUNG: 13.02.2023; Views: 2115; Downloads: 22
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7. Reflecting the quality degradation of engine oil by the thermal diffusivity : radiative and nonradiative analysesVijayakumar Gokul, Mohanachandran Nair Sindhu Swapna, Dorota Korte, Sankaranarayana Iyer Sankararaman, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: engine oil, thermal diffusivity, thermal lens technique, oil degradation, quality monitoring Published in RUNG: 12.01.2023; Views: 2421; Downloads: 24
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