Keywords: ulivanje z neposrednim hlajenjem, nizkofrekvenčno EM polje, brezmrežne metode, aluminijeve zlitinePublished in RUNG: 16.06.2016; Views: 5921; Downloads: 153 Link to full text
Keywords: aluminijeve zlitine, fazni prehodi, pol-kontinuirano ulivanje, magistrske nalogePublished in RUNG: 15.10.2013; Views: 7510; Downloads: 415 Link to full textThis document has many files! More...
Keywords: trdno-trdno fazne spremembe, homogenizacija, aluminijeve zlitine, fizikalni modeli, model faznega polja, brezmrežne metode, r-prilagodljivost, disertacijePublished in RUNG: 15.10.2013; Views: 5996; Downloads: 306 Link to full textThis document has many files! More...
Keywords: livarstvo, tehnološki postopki, numerični modeli, aluminijeve zlitinePublished in RUNG: 15.10.2013; Views: 8536; Downloads: 337 Link to full textThis document has many files! More...
Keywords: aluminijeve zlitine, primarni aluminij, sekundarni aluminij, borzna cena, fizikalne lastnosti, diplomske nalogePublished in RUNG: 15.10.2013; Views: 6705; Downloads: 1272 Link to full textThis document has many files! More...