Literarno vrednotenje med literarno zgodovino in recepcijsko teorijo : Ob poeziji Franceta PrešernaBožič Zoran, 2013, original scientific article
Abstract: The study of the evaluation criteria of the leading Slovenian Prešeren experts and their comparison with the experience and evaluation of Prešeren poems by Slovenian secondary school and university students have revealed a significant difference between the literary and receptive approach. While literary historians appreciate very complex reflective poems created during the poet’s most productive period (mostly the ones dealing with existential problems and the sonnets), high school and university students show more appreciation for Prešeren’s linguistically simpler poems, which they can understand better. The latter consider the poems they can experience more intensively, due to their dramatic stories and humour, to have a higher artistic value than others.
Preučevanje vrednotenjskih meril vodilnih slovenskih prešernoslovcev in njihova primerjava z doživljanjem in vrednotenjem Prešernovih pesmi pri slovenskih srednješolcih
in študentih je pokazalo, da obstaja med literarnozgodovinskim in recepcijskim pristopom bistvena razlika. Medtem ko literarni zgodovinarji kot najbolj umetniške povzdigujejo oblikovno
zelo zahtevne refleksivne pesmi iz osrednjega pesnikovega obdobja (to so predvsem pesmi z bivanjsko temtiko oz. soneti), srednješolci in študenti više vrednotijo jezikovno bolj preproste Prešernove pesmi, ki jih laže razumejo. Najbolj umetniške so jim tiste pesmi, ki jih zaradi dramatične zgodbe in humorne obarvanosti globlje doživijo.
Keywords: vrednotenje, literarna zgodovina, recepcija, Prešeren, empirična raziskava
Published in RUNG: 19.08.2016; Views: 6192; Downloads: 220
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