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Afforestation of common land in the Classical Karst : relations between the authorities, the local population, and the economic consequences of afforestation
Nikita Peresin Meden, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: The findings of environmental history are in the service of ecology and represent an important contribution to the understanding of the sustainable management of land. The aim of this article is to shed light on the relations between the local population and the authorities regarding the afforestation of common land in Komen in the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, placing them in a broader Mediterranean context. The local population was not opposed to afforestation per se, but to the prohibition of usufruct on afforested land, which had major economic consequences for the local population. Authorities did not always take into consideration the annual agricultural processes, local customs, and natural resource needs in their afforestation decisions. The prohibition of usufruct was followed by a shortage of fodder and firewood, which led to forest violations to satisfy demands. Thus, afforestation has undermined the basis of agriculture. In addition, already afforested land remained under common ownership for a relatively long time.
Keywords: common land, Karst, afforestation, Mediterranean, environmental history
Published in RUNG: 03.12.2024; Views: 342; Downloads: 3
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Kraljica Vida : a legend from a border land
Pietro Cromaz, 2021, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Culture is one of the fundamental aspects of human existence. Because of that, it is necessary to preserve little aspects of it that make a particular community unique. Popular traditions and local habits are important to create and maintain one's own identity in the context of a vaster society. This research aims to enhance the folk culture of Benečija and to contribute to building a more concrete proof of the existence of this culture. The paper analyzes the history of this border land, focusing on its literature and on a particular legend titled ''Kraljica Vida,” which has been transcribed by the pen of many authors of both Benečija, and elsewhere. Through the comparison of these texts, it is possible to recognize the influence of different cultural currents, that have always characterized the identity of Benečija.
Keywords: folk culture, folklore, legend, Benečija, border land, Friuli Venezia Giulia, #Kraljica Vida, Atilla, San Giovanni d'Antro
Published in RUNG: 13.10.2021; Views: 4830; Downloads: 128
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Insichreflektiertsein : self – reflection through philosophy and art
Josipa Škrapić, 2019, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Self – reflection is treated through philosophical works which were interpreted and reinterpreted for the concept of the installation. Different approaches to it, separating and explaining emotions, feeling them and comprehension of feeling emotions. The approach to consciousness and reflection within is continued in the representation of some artist's works and importance of arts for human cognitive growth in general. Both segments, philosophical and artistic one come together in the part where we are led to the presentation of the installation Insichreflektiertsein, a name coming from Hegel meaning self-reflected within.
Keywords: self-reflection, philosophy, openwork, conceptual art, land art, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Rudolf Arnheim, Antonio Damasio, Gordana Škorić, Nancy Holt, Group OHO, Dragana Sapanjoš, installation
Published in RUNG: 04.09.2019; Views: 4405; Downloads: 236
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Barbara Debeljak, 2018, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: The hyporheic zone has been recognised as a functionally important component of streams and rivers. Due to increasing human impact on ecosystems, studies that assess ecological responses of the hyporheic zone are of great importance. The objectives of the thesis are to study the responses of abiotic parameters, sediment biofilm characteristics (the in situ respiration (R), potential respiratory activity (ETSA), protein content), and invertebrate assemblages (analysed as total assemblages, EPT assemblages and Copepoda assemblages) in the hyporheic zones related to different land use patterns (forest, agricultural and urban areas). The focus of study also includes the impact of clogging. This research is comprised of three sampling campaigns conducted in summer (2013), winter (2013) and spring (2014) in five pre-Alpine Slovenian rivers. For each river, three or six sampling locations were chosen in the downwelling hyporheic sections of three dominant land uses (forest, agriculture and urban) within a 250 m wide impact zone. Three sampling points per location were sampled from two depths (5 –15 cm and 20 – 40 cm) using PVC tube and Bou-Rouch method. The results indicate a significant spatial and temporal heterogeneity of measured hyporheic zone components. Physical and chemical parameters of water revealed moderate response to land use. The effect of land use on the amounts of suspendable fine sediments in the hyporheic zone was observed only in the spring season. The effect of land use was significant for in situ R during summer and spring and for ETSA and protein content in all seasons, indicating that land use, such as agriculture, near a stream can affect biogeochemical processes. A relatively high diversity of invertebrates was recognised in the hyporheic zone. Groups such as Nematoda, Oligochaeta, Copepoda and Chironomidae were found in all samples. Within EPT taxa as representatives of occasional hyporheic invertebrates, 35 taxa were identified. Within Copepoda, as representatives of permanent hyporheic invertebrates, 14 Cyclopoida and 19 Harpacticida taxa were identified. Both assemblages were characterised by high abundance of widespread taxa, such as Baetis sp., Leuctra sp., Diacylops cladestinus and Acanthocyclops hispanicus. Statistically significant differences were observed among land uses in Copopoda assemblages but not for EPT assemblages. Calculated metrics on EPT assemblages showed statistically significant differences in land use in the number of EPT taxa, Simpson index and Shannon-Wiener index. Within Copepoda assemblages, the numbers of Copepoda taxa were significantly higher at forest sites. The hyporheic assemblages were relatively well explained by environmental parameters. This thesis presents a comprehensive study of the hyporheic zone, where both structural and functional measures reflected the ecological integrity of the hyporheic zone. The in situ R and ETSA were generally higher in agriculture stream reaches, indicating that hyporheic functioning responded to nutrients and carbon runoff-derived inputs from agricultural activities within the 250 m impact zone. Thus functional parameters in situ R and ETSA were more efficient indicators of land use impacts in the hyporheic zone than physical and chemical parameters. The potential of using hyporheic invertebrates as bioindicators of environmental conditions was confirmed but should be tested with wider gradients of environmental parameters. The results obtained by this study underlined that the hyporheic zone should be integrated as an additional ecological element by assessing the ecological conditions of surface water bodies.
Keywords: hyporheic zone, ecosystem functioning, land use, biofilm characteristics, invertebrates
Published in RUNG: 02.07.2018; Views: 4994; Downloads: 167
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Building the shared dimension of the rural landscape: tools, principles and methods : An integrated approach to conservation and management of the rural landscape in Venice and its Lagoon
Caterina Groli, 2016, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: This research investigates the rural landscape of the lagoon of Venice and its surrounding territory focusing on the forms of exploitation of its natural resources, the transformations that occurred throughout the course of history and the consequent formation of its primary economical sector. New economic sectors, new agricultural policies and other spatial and sectorial drivers transformed the primary sector itself which changed and adapted its productive schemes to the main economic patterns, heavily affecting the former rural asset of the landscape of the lagoon by changing its demographic, economic activities and land use practices. The study carries out a systematic and detailed analysis of all economic, cultural and social features that have interacted and impacted this specific landscape, relying mainly on the comparison of historical and current land-use maps through three different historical spans: 1823-1840 (pre-industrialization phase), 1933-1966 (industrializing process, considered as a determining factor of the transformation of this landscape) and 2013 (present post-industrialized condition). The maps, combined with relative data, are compared with the aid of the Geographical Information System (GIS) computer software. As a result, a set of new maps has been obtained, which point out the historical landscape permanencies, defined through in situ surveys on the territory. A multitude of other archival documents from direct and indirect sources have been examined in order to build up a sound and detailed socio-economic context and the overall historical background. Resources, goods and services provided by the rural landscape and its development are an important part of regional and EU policy instruments and also an essential factor of identity and growth for local communities. The consumption of resources, their availability and maintenance over time and accessibility through property regulations are all factors that shape the common and public dimension of the rural landscape, which represents another study challenge of this work. This study proposes the establishment of the rural park of the lagoon of Venice, through the implementation of the multi-functional role of agriculture, for the fulfilment of two fundamental conditions of the peri-urban rurality: the need of safeguarding the landscape and its significance, by preserving the authenticity and integrity of the rural characters and the dynamism of the primary sector, which is strictly related to the survival of the rural landscape.
Keywords: Rural landscape of the lagoon of Venice, UNESCO Management Plan 2012–2018, European Landscape Convention, Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), Italian Constitution, Cultural Heritage and Landscape Code, authenticity and integrity of the rural heritage, intangible heritage, landscape evaluation, land-use cartography, Geographical Information System (GIS), fish-farming, multifunctional agriculture, new rural community, common pool resources, public goods, club goods, property rights, rural park
Published in RUNG: 04.10.2016; Views: 6429; Downloads: 223
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