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From the Primacy of Partisan Politics to the Post-Fordist Tendency in Yugoslav Self-Management Socialism
Gal Kirn, 2013, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: postsocialism, post-Fordism, Yugoslavia, self-management, neoliberalism, market reform, Kardelj, partisan politics, rise and demise of socialism
Published in RUNG: 24.08.2020; Views: 3360; Downloads: 0
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Beyond Neoliberalism : Social Analysis after 1989
Gal Kirn, Marian Burchardt, 2017, scientific monograph

Abstract: This book explores how changes that occurred around 1989 shaped the study of the social sciences, and scrutinizes the impact of the paradigm of neoliberalism in different disciplinary fields. The contributors examine the ways in which capitalism has transmuted into a seemingly unquestionable, triumphant framework that globally articulates economics with epistemology and social ontology. The volume also investigates how new narratives of capitalism are being developed by social scientists in order to better understand capitalism’s ramifications in various domains of knowledge. At its heart, Beyond Neoliberalism seeks to unpack and disaggregate neoliberalism, and to take readers beyond the analytical limitations that a traditional framework of neoliberalism entails.
Keywords: neoliberalism, end of socialism, end of "end of history", transition discourse, end of welfare state, privatisation, deregulation
Published in RUNG: 19.08.2020; Views: 3357; Downloads: 0
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