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4. Regular local hyperrings and hyperdomainsHashem Bordbar, Irina Elena Cristea, Sanja Rasovic, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: This paper falls in the area of hypercompositional algebra. In particular, it focuses on the
class of Krasner hyperrings and it studies the regular local hyperrings. These are Krasner hyperrings R with a unique maximal hyperideal M having the dimension equal to the dimension of the vectorial hyperspace M. The aim of the paper is to show that any regular local hyperring is a hyperdomain. M2 For proving this, we make use of the relationship existing between the dimension of the vectorial hyperspaces related to the hyperring R and to the quotient hyperring R = R , where a is an element in M \ M2, and of the regularity of R. Keywords: hyperring, hypermodule, vectorialhyperspace, dimension, regularhyperring, regular parameter element, hyperdomain Published in RUNG: 27.09.2022; Views: 1580; Downloads: 27 Full text (258,07 KB) |
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8. Tender and naive weak closure operations on lower BCK-semilattices.Hashem Bordbar, 2018, original scientific article Abstract: The notion of tender and naive weak closure operation is introduced, and their relations and properties are investigated. Using a weak closure operation "d" and an ideal A of a lower BCK-semilattice X with the greatest element 1, a new ideal K of X containing the ideal Acl of X is established. Using this ideal K, a new function clt : I(X) → I(X); A → K is given, and related properties are considered. We show that if "cl" is a tender (resp., naive) weak closure operation on I(X), then so are "clt" and clf. Keywords: zeromeet element, meet ideal, relative annihilator, (finite type, tender, naive) weak closure operation. Published in RUNG: 02.12.2019; Views: 3328; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
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