Keywords: kratke zgodbe, predstave, Slovensko stalno gledališče TrstPublished in RUNG: 19.06.2023; Views: 1806; Downloads: 10 Link to fileThis document has many files! More...
Keywords: Kaos, kritike, predstave, SNG Nova GoricaPublished in RUNG: 18.05.2023; Views: 2188; Downloads: 5 Link to fileThis document has many files! More...
Abstract: V SNG Nova Gorica so sinoči premierno uprizorili dramo Šest oseb išče avtorja. Režiral jo je Paolo Magelli.Keywords: Šest oseb išče avtorja, SNG Nova Gorica, ocena predstave, Paolo MagelliPublished in RUNG: 03.01.2022; Views: 2261; Downloads: 0This document has many files! More...
Keywords: Gledališče Glej, intermedijskost, predstave, ocenePublished in RUNG: 05.11.2021; Views: 1905; Downloads: 9 Link to full textThis document has many files! More...