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What kind of man does that: anti-social queer masculinities in Brane Mozetič’s early prose : lecture at the Second International Workshop: Central European Masculinities in a Comparative Perspective, Katowice, Poland, 15. 11. 2024
Darko Ilin, 2024, unpublished conference contribution

Abstract: This paper explores the representation of anti-social queer masculinities in Brane Mozetič's literary works at the turn of the millennium, focusing on the short story collection Passion (1993) and the novels Angels (1996) and The Lost Story (2001). Situated in post-Yugoslav and post-socialist Slovenia, Mozetič’s narratives are examined to uncover how they interact with and possibly appropriate emerging models of masculinity found in queer transgressive fiction from global literary centers. The study investigates the distinct adaptations and circulations of these models within the semi-peripheral context of Central Europe, with a particular focus on Slovenia. By analyzing the depiction of queer masculinities in relation to themes of anti-social behavior and societal marginalization, drawing from both theoretical frameworks (such as those of Hocquenghem and Bersani) and literary traditions, this paper aims to elucidate how Mozetič’s work reflects and diverges from broader literary and cultural movements during a period of democratization, transition, and Westernization. The analysis seeks to provide a nuanced understanding of the representation of anti-social queer masculinities in a post-socialist Central European context, highlighting the cultural exchanges and influences that shape contemporary queer literature in the region.
Keywords: Brane Mozetič, Pasijon, anti-social queer theory, Slovene literature
Published in RUNG: 26.11.2024; Views: 357; Downloads: 0
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Not only is he a pederast, but he is socially unacceptable : queer masculinities under state-socialism in Pavle Zidar’s literary works
Darko Ilin, 2024, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: slovene literature, queer, masculinities, socialism
Published in RUNG: 24.06.2024; Views: 826; Downloads: 5
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Turbo kvir - Nedelja ponosa 2020 : oddaja na spletnem kanalu Beograd Prajd, 4. 10. 2020
Darko Ilin, Goran Vojinović, 2020, radio or television event

Keywords: turbo-folk, queer kultura
Published in RUNG: 22.04.2024; Views: 1873; Downloads: 5
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Sami naši : Darko ilin: kvir književnost v literaturi
Ivana Stipič Lah, Darko Ilin, radio or television event

Keywords: queer, literatura, raziskovanje
Published in RUNG: 24.10.2023; Views: 1888; Downloads: 8
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Alenka Blažič, 2016, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V diplomskem delu z literarnovednega vidika in queer teorije analiziram mladinska besedila, ki tematizirajo iskanje spolne identitete. Feministična literarna veda že od začetka ločuje družbeni spol od biološkega. Judith Butler nadgradi feministično teorijo z idejo o maškaradi spolne identitete, ki pravi, da je družbeni spol performans, ki ga delamo v kulturnem kontekstu. Vsebina diplomskega dela temelji na interpretaciji besedil, v katerih se pojavlja raznolikost spolnih identitet. V besedilih poskušam ugotoviti, kako literarni liki iščejo svojo spolno identiteto in kako se na iskanje spolne identitete odziva družbena resničnost. Izbrana besedila predstavljajo tudi kritiko sodobni družbi, saj se ta v svojem zavračanju drugačnosti neprimerno odziva na nekonvencionalne spolne identitete. Namen obravnavanih besedil je torej dekonstrukcija meja identitet in preseganje binarizma.
Keywords: iskanje spolne identitete, mladinski realistični roman, slikanica, queer teorija
Published in RUNG: 29.08.2016; Views: 6235; Downloads: 304
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