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4. The mass fallback rate of the debris in relativistic stellar tidal disruption eventsTaj Jankovič, 2022, published scientific conference contribution abstract Abstract: Highly energetic stellar tidal disruption events (TDEs) provide a way to study black hole characteristics and their environment. We simulate TDEs in a general relativistic and Newtonian description of a supermassive black hole's gravity. Stars, which are placed on parabolic orbits with different impact parameters, are constructed with the stellar evolution code MESA and therefore have realistic stellar density profiles. We focus our analysis on the mass fallback rate of the debris, which can trace the observed light curve of TDEs. I will present the dependence of the mass fallback rate of the debris on the impact parameter, stellar mass and age as well as the black hole's spin and the choice of the gravity's description. Keywords: black hole physics, hydrodynamics, relativistic processes Published in RUNG: 21.10.2022; Views: 2484; Downloads: 7
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5. Search for anisotropy of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays with the Telescope Array experimentT. Abu-Zayyad, Jon Paul Lundquist, 2012, original scientific article Abstract: We study the anisotropy of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray (UHECR) events collected by the Telescope Array (TA) detector in the first 40 months of operation. Following earlier studies, we examine event sets with energy thresholds of 10 EeV, 40 EeV, and 57 EeV. We find that the distributions of the events in right ascension and declination are compatible with an isotropic distribution in all three sets. We then compare with previously reported clustering of the UHECR events at small angular scales. No significant clustering is found in the TA data. We then check the events with E > 57 EeV for correlations with nearby active galactic nuclei. No significant correlation is found. Finally, we examine all three sets for correlations with the large-scale structure (LSS) of the universe. We find that the two higher-energy sets are compatible with both an isotropic distribution and the hypothesis that UHECR sources follow the matter distribution of the universe (the LSS hypothesis), while the event set with E > 10 EeV is compatible with isotropy and is not compatible with the LSS hypothesis at 95% CL unless large deflection angles are also assumed. We show that accounting for UHECR deflections in a realistic model of the Galactic magnetic field can make this set compatible with the LSS hypothesis. Keywords: acceleration of particles, astroparticle physics, cosmic rays, magnetic fields, methods: statistical, relativistic processes Published in RUNG: 19.05.2020; Views: 3911; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |