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4. Hidroelektrarna Sava KranjDrago Papler, 2020, professional article Keywords: električna energija, proizvodnja, hidroelektrarne, avtomatizacija, inovacije, čistilni stroji, obnova, transport, jez, hidromehanska oprema, agregati, turbine, generatorji, transformatorji, upravljalni sistemi, center vodenja Published in RUNG: 29.03.2023; Views: 1495; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
5. Modelling dynamic systems with artificial neural networksand related methodsJuš Kocijan, 2023, reviewed university, higher education or higher vocational education textbook Abstract: Modelling Dynamic Systems with Artificial Neural Networks and Related Methods can be used as a textbook for the field it covers or as an introductory textbook for more advanced literature in the field. The textbook comprises introduction to artificial neural networks, identification of linear and nonlinear dynamic systems, control with artificial neural networks, local-model networks and blended multiple-model systems, design of gain-scheduling control and identification of nonlinear systems with Gaussian processes. It is intended for undergraduate students, especially at the postgraduate level, who have sufficient knowledge in dynamic systems, as well as for professionals who wish to familiarise themselves with the concepts and views described. The textbook is not intended to be a detailed theoretically based description of the subject, but rather an overview of the field of identification of dynamic systems with neural networks and related methods from the perspective of systems theory and, in particular, its application. The work is intended to inform the reader about the views on this subject, which are related but treated very differently. Keywords: umetne nevronske mreže, dinamični sistemi, nevronske mreže Published in RUNG: 03.03.2023; Views: 1825; Downloads: 32 Link to full text This document has many files! More... |
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9. Pregled tehnoloških zmožnosti za predvajanje multimedijskih vsebin na pametnih TV napravah : magistrsko deloBlaž Bajec, 2022, master's thesis Abstract: Magistrsko delo obravnava tehnološke zmožnosti, ki nam jih ponujajo sodobne programske rešitve pri implementaciji aplikacij, ki so nameščene na pametnih televizorjih. V delu je najprej predstavljena zgodovina multimedijskih vsebin na televizorjih, poudarek je predvsem na tehnologiji teletekst, katerega osnovno delovanje je opisano. Predstavljene so faze prehoda TV naprav in oddajnikov iz analognih v digitalne sisteme, ki so odprli nove načine razvoja aplikacij in storitev za končne uporabnike. Obravnavi standarda HbbTV sledi osrednji del dela, kjer je obravnavan potek načrtovanja aplikacij in razvojnih vzorcev, ki predstavljajo sestavni del razvoja. Prikazani so praktični primeri različnih implementacij, tako aplikacij, ki ponujajo predvajanje na oddaljenem zaslonu, kot tudi aplikacije, ki s pomočjo tehnologije »WebView« deluje na Android TV sistemih. Za slednjo sta prikazana načrt in struktura, ki omogočata delovanje. Prenovljena aplikacija je bila izdelana z uporabo metode RAD (ang. Rapid Application Development), ki je primerna za manjše ekipe in je osnovana na prototipih, saj pri samem razvoju niso pričakovane bistvene spremembe v programju. V zadnjem delu je obravnavan postopek objave aplikacije v »spletni trgovini«. Keywords: televizorji, aplikacije, teletekst, HbbTV, operacijski sistemi, magistrske naloge Published in RUNG: 04.02.2022; Views: 2839; Downloads: 99 Full text (3,34 MB) This document has many files! More... |
10. Design and implementation of the AMIGA embedded system for data acquisitionA. Aab, Andrej Filipčič, Jon Paul Lundquist, Samo Stanič, Marta Trini, Serguei Vorobiov, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, Lukas Zehrer, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: Sprotno zajemanje podatkov, kontrolni sistemi, algoritmi, baze podatkov, Observatorij Pierre Auger Published in RUNG: 21.07.2021; Views: 2658; Downloads: 183 Link to full text This document has many files! More... |