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Exploring innovation challenges through Art, Science and Technology : MAST SYMPOSIUM 2020
Tere Badia, Peter Purg, Vivianne Hoffman, Michela Magas, Marko Peljhan, unpublished conference contribution

Abstract: The goal of the panel discussion was to bring together policy makers, artists and academics, to debate about the interdisciplinary challenges of open innovation in the interface of the Arts, Sciences and Technologies. Artists and designers shape another relationship between science, technology, and human beings, this dialogue stimulates innovation centred on transversal competencies and unconventional thinking. The combination of artistic research and participatory design strategies is key to find divergent approaches to sustainable development of science and technology, and to transform their social and economic impact. It is necessary to create a context of possibility for the development of skills, knowledge and tools from experimental and collaborative environments, as well as research methods in art, social sciences, sciences and technology, and cultural studies. The discussion focussed on critical, ethical and sustainable ways of cross-collaboration between art-science-technology and the available and needed policy instruments to develop collaboration between artists, academia and industry. Participating speakers: Viviane Hoffman – Deputy Director-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, European Commission Barbara Stacher – European Commission, DG EAC, Cultural Policy Unit Michela Magas – Innovation catalyst who bridges the worlds of science and art, design and technology, more Marko Peljhan – Media artist, professor and entrepreneur – new media arts and technology, more Peter Purg – Assoc. Prof. PhD, University of Nova Gorica School of Arts, MAST project leader Moderated by: Tere Badia, Culture Action Europe
Keywords: hybrid, academy, symposium, art, innovation, science, technology, europe
Published in RUNG: 08.10.2020; Views: 3446; Downloads: 0
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Извештај од симпозиумот "Улогата на астрономијата во општеството и културата"
Tanja Petrushevska, 2009, popular article

Abstract: По завршувањето на церемонијата на отворањето на Меѓународната година на астрономијата (МГА), за која читавте во претходниот број на ЕМИТЕР, во просториите на УНЕСКО во Париз од 19 до 23 јануари беше одржан Симпозиум за улогата на астрономијата во општеството и културата. Симпозиумот беше организиран од страна на Меѓународната астрономска унија (International Astronomy Union, IAU) во рамките на настани за одбележување на МГА. На овој симпозиум учествуваше и македонска делегација.
Keywords: report from the international symposium "The role of astronomy in society and culture! organized by the International Astronomy Union
Published in RUNG: 29.01.2018; Views: 4240; Downloads: 0
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