1. URBiNAT, Heritage and Circular EconomyAcri Marco, Dobričić Saša, unpublished conference contribution Abstract: The presentation is showing the origin of the concept of the cultural corridor in Rijeka in the CLIC project as originated from the URBiNAT project Keywords: Cultural Corridor, Healthy Corridor, Circular Eocnomy, Adaptive Reuse, Cultural Heritage, Historic Urban Landscape, Built Environment, urban regeneraiton, heritage conservation, heritage valorisaiton, Common Goods, Sustainable Heritage Published in RUNG: 22.06.2021; Views: 3338; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
2. Regenerating the historic urban landscape through circular bottom-up actions: the urban seeding process in RijekaMarco Acri, Saša Dobričić, Maja Debevec, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: The increasing pressure on urban resilience and the parallel interest in the preservation of the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) have opened new frontiers of research that find, in the principles of the circular economy, good responses. Cities need to remake themselves from pure consumption to more resilient and circular centers, finding inspiration in their cultural and natural heritage and the history that generated it. The City of Rijeka, Croatia, one of the partners in the CLIC project (an EU-funded Horizon 2020 research project entitled “Circular models Leveraging Investments in Cultural heritage adaptive reuse”), represents an exceptional example of how to manage the change from an industrial port city to a more sustainable and citizen-oriented living space, looking at the potentials of the cultural and historical layers as opportunities for the population. The City of Rijeka, aware of such potentials, applied successfully as a European Capital of Culture 2020 (ECoC 2020), while unlikely facing the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Rijeka, thanks to the CLIC Heritage Innovative Partnership (HIP) program, the efforts to associate the circular economy and historic urban landscape benefit from an exceptional local awareness of the urban cultural and natural heritage, permitting the elaboration of the cultural corridor concept. By using the historical river of the city, the Rječina, as a connecting line of several heritage assets leading toward the Sea waterfront, the cultural corridor represents a space of culture creation based on continuity and proximity, where all citizens can securely reappropriate dismissed parts of the city, similar to the commons’ management practice. The cultural corridor has been imagined as a spatial implementation model that needs actions to be actuated. A set of actions was designed through the urban seeding process, tested in a workshop methodology, meant to address the HUL regeneration through an awareness-raising and cocreation approach by codesigning through situated learning, possible permanent or temporary actions, activities, assets to be replicated in the corridor and, per extension, in the entire city. This article will explain the way the cultural corridor concept and urban seeding were generated in the City of Rijeka, giving evidence of the motivations and the proposals made in parallel with the existing initiatives of the city and its cultural movements. Keywords: urban regeneration, historic urban landscape, circular economy, adaptive reuse, cultural corridor, urban seeding Published in RUNG: 08.06.2021; Views: 3076; Downloads: 144
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3. The Circular Economy in Adaptive Reuse: Respecting Authenticity and IntegrityMarco Acri, Saša Dobričić, Jukka Jokilehto, 2019, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: One of the main topics of discussion and research at present in the building sector is related to the principles of circular economy in a new global scenario of resilience and sustainability. Given that most of European urban areas and landscapes are considered as cultural, it derives that the circular economy should be also applied to the actions and processes of conservation and valorisation, giving thus new emphasis on the concept of adaptive reuse. Thus, it is not merely an issue of retrofitting historic buildings to respond to energy efficiency parameters, or to adapt them for the climate change threats, but much more: it is about rethinking adaptive reuse of cultural heritage (adaptive in both directions) within and overall sustainable process which intakes reflections on materials, techniques, technologies, praxes, but also policies, businesses, management and governance. This is the effort of the CLIC project, Circular Models leveraging investments in Cultural heritage adaptive reuse, in the Horizon2020 research framework, where the University of Nova Gorica is a partner.
This new approach in a global market economy perspective is strongly looking backwards to the traditional building site mechanisms, techniques and procedures, as matured in logistic and technological constraints. In history though, prior of the enforcing of the conservation theory principles, the aspects of authenticity and integrity were not a reference for the builders as the materials and the technologies were usual, repetitive for centuries, while today they are essential criteria for conservation and reuse. But what does it mean today looking at circular models in adaptive reuse? Adaptive reuse refers to the need to adapt cultural heritage to new needs and uses, but circularity ask also to adapt to the cultural heritage peculiarities and fragilities. May this mean we have an additional ally for the preservation of the integrity and the authenticity, as well as for a new wave in preservation of objects, urban and cultural landscapes? Keywords: Circular Economy, Heritage Adaptive Reuse, Conservation Theory, Authenticity and Integrity of Cultural Heritage, Historic Urban Landscape Published in RUNG: 16.01.2020; Views: 5533; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
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5. Urban Conservation System in China and Its Improvement by Using Historic Urban Landscape ApproachChen Shujie, 2018, doctoral dissertation Abstract: In the last few decades, the Modern Conservation Movement has developed from European-limited practices into a global movement with universal common views and practical measures for managing heritage resources in different cultural contexts. As an innovative idea of this movement, the Historic Urban Landscape approach aims to protect and manage historic urban environments with respect to both the fundamental principles in the international doctrines and the local social/cultural/historical contexts. It recommends local authorities to use the HUL toolkit to identify, conserve and manage the overall landscape of their historic cities.
In the case of China, who is an old civilization, a modern nation and a socialist country at the same time, the conservation practice needs to follow the basic and common conservation principles in the international doctrines, and meanwhile, it shall make its initiatives based on the actual social, cultural and political situations. The establishment of Historically and Culturally Famous City (HCF City in short) system is a positive attempt for such a purpose. The system manages various urban elements relating to the city’s historical and cultural features under a comprehensive notion of HCF City. However, the system is not prefect because it depends excessively on the top-down management of local governments, and also because it overlooks the spatial and spiritual relationships among the protected elements...
The thesis provides a big picture of architectural and urban conservation practices in China. It introduces the forming process and the characteristics of historic urban fabric, as well as the history of urban conservation. Then, it takes a deep look at the existing HCF City system, including its basic ideas, structures and mechanism. It analyses the system’s initiatives and deficiencies. Finally, it provides feasible advices to improve the current system by using the HUL toolkit. Keywords: Urban, History, Heritage, Conservation, Management International Principles, Modern Conservation Movement, Globalization, Localization Historic Urban Area, Historically and Culturally Famous Cities, Conservation System, Historic Urban Landscape Chinese Architecture, Chinese Urban Planning, Conservation History, Policy Published in RUNG: 11.02.2019; Views: 7020; Downloads: 56
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6. General framework for the conservation of historical rural landscape. Case study of Qadisha Valley in Lebanon.Bachir Zarif Keyrouz, 2016, doctoral dissertation Abstract: The international community has reacted to the challenges faced by historic cities and cultural landscapes. In 2011, UNESCO adopted the international recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape in order to draw the attention of governments and local communities to the need to improve the management of historic urban areas. The aim of the present dissertation is to expand the UNESCO definition to Historic Rural Landscapes, and to explore how the proposed methodology could be applied to the management of rural areas. The dissertation takes the Qadisha Valley in Lebanon as an example, where some elements have already been recognised for their outstanding universal value. It is considered however that these historic-cultural elements are part of the larger context of the Qadisha Valley, which has its specificity and its qualities that merit being recognised. It is also considered that the management of the elements already recognised by UNESCO can only be successfully safeguarded if the management is understood in the context of the entire valley. Consequently, the thesis is articulated taking into account the following parameters:
1. UNESCO has already set the restoration plan to solve the problems of Qadisha Valley. Based on this plan, the question can be raised whether or not the rural planning in Qadisha is well managed at the present?
2. In case Qadisha Zone is not well conserved, what improvements could be brought about and implemented in order to safeguard the cultural heritage and historical rural landscape, and what should be the guiding policies of restoration?
3. Once a restoration plan is implemented in Qadisha Zone, what management plan should be brought up and implemented to safeguard its cultural heritage and historical rural landscape?
4. How can conservation of cultural heritage in Qadisha Zone be done culturally and in a socially acceptable way?
5. What sectors of the nation are to be involved in the Management plan? How can the MP preserve and restore Qadisha Zone?
The aim of the dissertation has been to examine the possibilities of involvement of the local community and relevant authorities in a more structured management of their properties within the context of the entire valley and its exceptional historic and landscape qualities. It is hoped that the study can generate more interest in the management of the rural context within the increasingly globalising society, and draw attention to the qualities of historic rural landscapes as the setting for an improved quality of life. Keywords: Historic Rural Landscape, Qadisha World Heritage, Heritage Community, Sustainable Tourism, Strategic Urban Management, Outstanding Universal Values & Conservation Process. Published in RUNG: 07.10.2016; Views: 7530; Downloads: 133
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