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Hungarian speakers use morphological dependencies in inflecting novel forms
Guy Tabachnick, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Theories of morphology must account for lexicalized variation: lexical items that differ unpredictably in their inflection must be memorized individually and differ in their stored representation. When tested on such cases, adult speakers usually follow the Law of Frequency Matching (Hayes et al. 2009), extending gradient phonological patterns from the lexicon. This paper looks at lexicalized variation in the Hungarian possessive: first, I show that a noun’s choice of possessive is partially predicted by its plural form as well as its phonological shape. Then, using a novel nonce word paradigm, I show that Hungarian speakers productively apply this cooccurrence pattern between the plural and possessive. I handle lexicalized variation with diacritic features marking lexical entries and propose that Hungarian speakers have learned a gradient cooccurrence relation between diacritic features indexing their plural and possessive forms, extending the sublexicon model of Gouskova et al. (2015). In this proposal, morphological knowledge is distributed across rules in a generative grammar, individual lexical items indexed for their morphological properties, and pattern-matching grammars storing generalizations over those indexed lexical items.
Keywords: frequency matching, diacritic features, inflectional paradigms, productivity, wug test, Hungarian
Published in RUNG: 18.06.2024; Views: 1166; Downloads: 7
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Kemijska tipala
Tina Škorjanc, 2021, popular article

Keywords: senzor, tipalo, zaznavalo, alkotest, test nosečnosti, zaznavalo dima, senzor pokvarljivosti hrane
Published in RUNG: 18.01.2023; Views: 1854; Downloads: 0
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Vpliv koaktivacije italijanščine kot drugega jezika na fonološko presojanje besedišča v slovenščini kot prvem jeziku
Matic Pavlič, Sara Andreetta, Penka Stateva, Arthur Stepanov, 2022, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: slovenščina, italijanščina, test presojanja besedišča, večjezičnost, koaktivacija jezikov
Published in RUNG: 15.11.2022; Views: 1888; Downloads: 0
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Fiber Sensor based Pulmonary Function Test
Mohanachandran Nair Sindhu Swapna, 2017, original scientific article

Keywords: Fiber optic sensor, Spirometer, Anemometer, Pulmonary function test
Published in RUNG: 05.07.2022; Views: 2081; Downloads: 0
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Composite films of regenerate cellulose with chitosan and polyvinyl alcohol: Evaluation of water adsorption, mechanical and optical properties
Patricia Cazón, Manuel Vazquez, Gonzalo Velazquez, 2018, original scientific article

Abstract: The aimof this study was to develop composite films from cellulose, chitosan and polyvinyl alcohol to obtain environmentally friendly materials. Toughness, burst strength, distance to burst and water adsorption properties weremeasured and analysed as a function ofcellulose (3–5%), chitosan (0–1%) andpolyvinyl alcohol (0–4%) con- tents. Polynomial modelswere obtained. Light-barrier properties, transparency, morphology, structural and ther- mal analyses were assessed. Results showed that chitosan and polyvinyl alcohol enhanced the mechanical properties of cellulose-based films. Toughness values ranged from 0.47 to 8.01 MJ/m3, burst strength values ranged from 929 to 6291 g, distance to burst ranged from 1.25 to 2.52 mm and water adsorption values ranged from52.30 to 143.56%. Cellulose and chitosan improved the UV light protection effect ofthe films. However, PVA increased the transmittance meanwhile improved the film transparency. FT-IR and DSC showed an interaction between the components ofthe films. Results showed that it is feasible to obtain cellulose-chitosan-polyvinyl alcohol composite films with improvedmechanical properties, high capacity to adsorbwater, good barrier properties against UV radiations and adequate transparency value. These properties could be useful for potential packaging applications in the food industry or as a partial alternative to synthetic films
Keywords: Regenerated cellulose, Puncture test, Water adsorption
Published in RUNG: 14.12.2020; Views: 2885; Downloads: 0
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Vprašanje o koronavirusu : Sen znala jes
Tina Škorjanc, radio or television event

Keywords: PCR test, koronavirus, Covid-19
Published in RUNG: 20.10.2020; Views: 3516; Downloads: 0
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Alice Avian, 2020, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the causative agent for the invasive cervical cancer and its precancerous lesions, furthermore, there are growing evidences of HPV being a relevant factor in other anogenital cancers as well as head and neck cancers. Most sexually active women become infected with HPV at least once in their lifetime, but less than 10% of women becomes persistently infected, and it is precisely the persistent infection that contributes to the development of cervical cancer. The preventive effect of cervical cancer screening largely depends in the high women participation and coverage; indeed, a large number of cervical cancers diagnoses normally arise among under-screened and unscreened women. Increase in the screening coverage is essential to improve the effectiveness of cervical screening programmes. The main purpose of this PhD project was to solve some of the most relevant problems in the cervical cancer screening programmes, as the increase of cost-effectiveness and the amelioration of the screening coverage. My work was focused on the development and validation of the first Ulisse BioMed S.p.A. product, the HPV Selfy™ test, an innovative PCR-based kit for the direct detection and genotyping of 12 high-risk HPV types (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58 and 59) and 2 possible/probable high-risk (66 and 68), specifically optimized for the analysis of self-collected vaginal specimens. The core of this innovative test is based on high-resolution melting (HRM) analysis, a recently developed technique for fast, high-throughput post-PCR analysis of variance in nucleic acid sequences, that characterizes the amplicons by studying thermal denaturation of double-stranded DNA. Based on this approach and through the design of different HPV type-specific primer pairs and the development of a specific master mix, unique melting peaks in a single fluorescence channel were obtained, allowing the multiple detection and genotyping of 14 HPV types in a single PCR well. Three different clinical studies have been carried out to validate the assay on the vaginal self-collected samples with truly amazing results regarding the assay’s performance, but also for self-sampling acceptability by women. Moreover, data collected in these studies suggest a future possible use of this test for the hard-to-reach women, as an alternative of the conventional clinician-collected sample, in order to increase the cervical cancer screening coverage.
Keywords: Human Papillomavirus, HPV test, cervical cancer screening, prevention, diagnostic test, High resolution melting, HRM, genotyping, PCR, Self-sampling, clinical validation.
Published in RUNG: 17.06.2020; Views: 4604; Downloads: 112
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Dileme pri usvajanju pomožnih glagolov v italijanščini s strani slovenskih govorcev
Lionella Costantini, 2019, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Tema diplomske naloge so pomožni glagoli v italijanščini in v slovenščini, izvedena je bila eksperimentalna študija. Glavni cilj raziskave je bil pojasniti, ali imajo Slovenci dileme z izbiro pomožnih glagolov v italijanščini glede na to, da sta v italijanščini dva t.j. essere in avere, v slovenščini pa le eden, t.j. glagol biti. Kot izhodišče sem uporabila študijo Antonelle Sorace (1992). Za raziskavo je bila uporabljena metodologija vprašalnika z likertovo lestvico. S c-testom pa sem ugotovila nivo znanja italijanskih in slovenskih učencev iz srednjih šol. Analiza pridobljenih rezultatov je pokazala, da drži, kar smo predvidevali. Govorci slovenščine raje izberejo stavke s pomožnim glagolom essere, ker ga v slovenščini poznajo. Glagol avere pa uporabljajo manj, ker ga slovenščina nima.
Keywords: Pomožni glagoli v italijanščini, pomožni glagoli v slovenščini, jezikovni prenos, c-test, Likertova lestvica, usvajanje drugega jezika
Published in RUNG: 05.12.2019; Views: 5326; Downloads: 151
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Priprava in izvedba preizkušanja v okviru razvoja novega drsnega obroča : Diplomsko delo
Simon Majnik, 2018, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Razvoj na področju avtomobilske industrije in transporta je v zadnjem desetletju usmerjen predvsem v zamenjavo pogonskega agregata, torej motorja z notranjim izgorevanjem, z okolju prijaznejšimi elektromotorji. Uporaba elektrike kot vira energije pa zahteva ustrezne rešitve prenosa elektrike, za kar skrbijo drsni obroči. Tudi drsni obroči morajo za ustrezno opravljanje svoje funkcije prenosa elektrike med gibanjem izpolnjevati materialne, trdnostne in funkcionalne zahteve. Vsebina diplomske naloge je tako vezana na opis delovanja drsnih obročev in preučitev zahtev kupca o potrebnih lastnostih na novo razvitega drsnega obroča za pogon električnega osebnega avtomobila. Na podlagi teh zahtev je potrebno nato definirati in izvesti preizkuse lastnosti, s katerimi zagotovimo izpolnjevanje zahtev izdelka. Namen diplomskega dela je bil predstaviti teoretične osnove delovanja in izvedb drsnih obročev, opisati preizkuse lastnosti in funkcionalnosti drsnih obročev ter predstaviti rezultate preizkušanja na novo razvitega drsnega obroča vključno z alternativno tehnologijo tesnjenja kontaktne žice. V diplomskem delu so tako predstavljeni rezultati preizkusov tesnosti žice z uporabo različnih materialov žice in s primerjavo različnih tehnologij tesnjenja žice ter rezultati preizkušanja tesnosti po izpostavljenosti agresivnim medijem. V drugem delu so prestavljeni rezultati preizkušanja zvarov na zvarjencih, ki so sestavni del drsnega obroča, z uporabo dveh različnih testnih metod. Rezultati diplomskega dela kažejo, da je nova tehnologija izdelave tesnil iz tesnilne mase primerna za uporabo v primeru drsnih obročev, medtem ko na mestu zvara električnih kontaktov najboljšo trdnost, določeno z dvema različnima testnima metodama, dosežemo z uporabo spajkalne paste in časa varilnega pulza 125 ms.
Keywords: Drsni obroč, električni kontakti, test tesnosti, masna spektrometrija, uporovno varjenje, o-tesnilo, x-tesnilo
Published in RUNG: 26.02.2018; Views: 5478; Downloads: 269
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