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Implementation of the EPBD in Slovenia – Status in 2020
Marjana Šijanec Zavrl, Miha Tomšič, Henrik Gjerkeš, Erik Potočar, 2021, končno poročilo o rezultatih raziskav

Opis: The Concerted Action EPBD (CA EPBD) addresses the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). It aims to contribute to the reduction of energy use in European buildings, through the exchange of knowledge and best practices in the field of energy efficiency and energy savings between all 28 EU Member States plus Norway. The CA EPBD is a joint initiative between the EU Member States and the European Commission. It involves representatives of national ministries or their affiliated institutions who are in charge of preparing the technical, legal and administrative framework for the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive in each EU Member State, plus Norway. The objective is to enhance the sharing of information and experiences from national adoption and implementation of this important European legislation. The transposition of the EPBD in Slovenia is the overall responsibility of the Ministry of Infrastructure and was primarily transposed by the Energy Act (EZ-1), covering the topics of NZEB, energy performance certification, inspection of heating and AC systems and energy efficiency information programmes. The Act on Energy Efficiency (ZURE) integrates the EZ-1 articles related to the EPBD. The revision of the building codes (PURES) is still in progress and planned for publication in late 2021. It will contain detailed technical requirements for NZEB based on the technical definition given in the national NZEB action plan, and the revision of the calculation methodology according to a new set of CEN EPBD standards. Important recent steps in EPBD implementation are the application of the central national electronic register of EPCs and associated software, the independent control system for EPCs, first steps in the cross-linking of e-registries for EPCs, inspections and public buildings, as well as wide information activities implemented by the Eco Fund concerning financial instruments available for the energy renovation of buildings.
Ključne besede: Concerted Action, Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, Act on Energy Efficiency, Slovenia
Objavljeno v RUNG: 02.11.2023; Ogledov: 1531; Prenosov: 15
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Razogljičenje stavb - usposabljanje, prepoznavanje kakovosti in merila za trajnostno gradnjo in prenovo
Marjana Šijanec-Zavrl, Neva Jejčič, Miha Tomšič, Henrik Gjerkeš, 2023, samostojni strokovni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

Ključne besede: trajnostna gradnja, razogljičenje
Objavljeno v RUNG: 26.10.2023; Ogledov: 2006; Prenosov: 0
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Prenova večstanovanjskih stavb : Trajnostna gradnja
Miha Tomšič, Henrik Gjerkeš, Neva Jejčič, 2020, strokovni članek

Ključne besede: Večstanovanjske stavbe, prenova, stroškovna učinkovitost
Objavljeno v RUNG: 03.12.2020; Ogledov: 3714; Prenosov: 0
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Ukrepi pri celoviti prenovi večstanovanjskih stavb
Miha Tomšič, Henrik Gjerkeš, Jejčič Neva, Marjana Šijanec-Zavrl, 2020, drugi sestavni deli

Ključne besede: Celovita prenova, večstanovanjske stavbe, sistemi
Objavljeno v RUNG: 03.12.2020; Ogledov: 3558; Prenosov: 0
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Celovita prenova po načelih dobrega gospodarja
Miha Tomšič, Henrik Gjerkeš, Neva Jejčič, 2020, drugi sestavni deli

Ključne besede: Energetska prenova, celovita prenova, večstanovanjska stavba
Objavljeno v RUNG: 03.12.2020; Ogledov: 3394; Prenosov: 0
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Determination of Iron in Environmental Water Samples by FIA-TLS
Miha Tomšič, Leja Goljat, Hanna Budasheva, Dorota Korte, Arne Bratkič, Mladen Franko, 2019, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The determination of low concentration of iron in natural waters can be difficult due to the complexity of natural water, but primarily because it requires preconcentration of the sample with solvent extraction. In this work we report on results of thermal lens spectrometry (TLS) coupled to flow injection analysis (FIA) as a highly sensitive FIA-TLS method of iron detection. The concentration of iron redox species was determined using 1,10-phenanthroline (PHN), that forms stable complexes with Fe(II) ions which are characterized by an absorption maximum at 508 nm. The TLS system using a 633 nm probe laser and 530 nm pump laser beam was exploited for on-line detection in flow injection analysis, where a PHN solution was used as the carrier solution for FIA. The concentration of the complexing agent affects the quality of the TLS signal, and the optimal concentration was found at 1 mM PHN. The achieved limits of detection (LODs) for Fe(II) and total iron were 33 nM for Fe(II) and 21 nM for total iron concentration. The method was further validated by determining the linear concentration range, specificity in terms of analytical yield and by determining concentration of iron in a water sample from a local water stream.
Ključne besede: Flow injection analysis, iron concentration, thermal lens spectroscopy
Objavljeno v RUNG: 18.12.2019; Ogledov: 4172; Prenosov: 111
.pdf Celotno besedilo (690,39 KB)

Obnovljivi viri energije kot razvojna priložnost za lokalne skupnosti
Henrik Gjerkeš, Miha Tomšič, Marjana Šijanec-Zavrl, 2018, strokovni članek

Opis: Mednarodni projekt LOCAL4GREEN (Slovenijo zastopa Gradbeni inštitut ZRMK kot projektni partner) je usmerjen v pomoč lokalnim oblastem pri oblikovanju in vzpostavljanju inovativnih lokalnih fiskalnih politik, ki so usmerjene v spodbujanje obnovljivih virov energije v javnem in zasebnem sektorju ter gospodinjstvih.
Ključne besede: Obnovljiva energija, fiskalne politike, energetska učinkovitost
Objavljeno v RUNG: 12.07.2019; Ogledov: 4199; Prenosov: 0
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Zelena energija za trajnostni razvoj : Obnovljivi viri energije v lokalnih skupnostih
Henrik Gjerkeš, Miha Tomšič, Marjana Šijanec-Zavrl, 2018, strokovni članek

Opis: Lokalne politike za zeleno energijo je slogan projekta LOCAL4GREEN iz programa Interreg Mediterranean s specifičnim ciljem povečanja izrabe lokalnih obnovljivih virov energije. Dejavnosti projektnih partnerjev iz devetih evropskih držav sredozemskega območja so usmerjene predvsem v pomoč lokalnim skupnostim pri opredelitvi in izvedbi inovativnih zelenih lokalnih fiskalnih politik z namenom spodbujanja rabe obnovljivih virov energije tako v javnem kot zasebnem sektorju.
Ključne besede: Trajnostni razvoj, zelena energija, fiskalna politika
Objavljeno v RUNG: 12.07.2019; Ogledov: 4210; Prenosov: 0
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Potentials and Limitations of Local Fiscal Policies as Instruments for Sustainable Development in Slovenia
Miha Tomšič, Henrik Gjerkeš, Marjana Šijanec-Zavrl, Irena Bačlija Brajnik, Vladimir Prebilič, 2019, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Opis: Local communities are one of the main cornerstones of sustainable development. They play a vital role in utilisation of national policy instruments and exhibit the largest influence on the energy use in the building and transport sectors. Sensible energy management can also positively enhance evolution of local sustainability features by incorporating concepts of local energy self-supply, decentralised energy production and circular economy. Positive economic and social impacts can be generated by adapting strategies and policies to the local environment while considering its endogenous potentials. By analysing the current status, identifying and quantifying potentials, and setting clear delimitation of responsibilities and legal constraints, local authorities can be helped to shape innovative local fiscal policies focused on intensification of use of local renewable energy sources and fostering of more efficient use of energy both in public and private sectors. Those revenues whose height and content can be determined by local authorities have a very different role in the budget already in 8 analysed Slovenian municipalities. They were quantified and used as an analytical basis for solution-oriented steps in the design of measures to adapt local fiscal policies to the increased use of renewable resources energy.
Ključne besede: fiscal policy, municipality, energy use, renewables, sustainability
Objavljeno v RUNG: 27.03.2019; Ogledov: 4807; Prenosov: 0
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Pri usklajevanju lastnikov imajo ključno vlogo upravniki : Energijske prenove
Julijana Bavčar, 2017, intervju

Opis: Lastnike stanovanj za energijsko prenovo večstanovanjskih stavb motivira ponudba subvencij, veliko vlogo pa igra tudi povračilni rok za posamezne ukrepe. Pogosto se odločijo za tiste, ki so cenejši in se prej izplačajo, zato ostanejo na pol poti. Ker se razmere pri doseganju energetskih kazalnikov vedno bolj zaostrujejo, tehnologije pa so čedalje zahtevnejše, so uspešni projekti, za katere imajo lastniki že v fazi sprejemanja odločitev strokovno tehnično podporo. O nepogrešljivih korakih za uspešno izvedbo celovite energijske prenove, katere najotipljivejša rezultata sta prihranek za energijo in ugodnejše bivanje, smo se pogovarjali z dr. Marjano Šijanec Zavrl, mag. Mihom Tomšičem in dr. Henrikom Gjerkešem z Gradbenega inštituta ZRMK.
Ključne besede: Prenova večstanovanjskih stavb, upravniki, učinkovita raba energije
Objavljeno v RUNG: 24.01.2018; Ogledov: 6169; Prenosov: 0
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