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Teaching women writers with NEWW Virtual Research Environment
Katja Mihurko, Narvika Bovcon, Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Viola Parente-Čapková, Amelia Sanz, Suzan Van Dijk, Aleš Vaupotič, 2018, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci

Opis: The underrepresentation of women in cultural historiography has challenged a number of feminist responses in the form of supplementary female canons since the 1970s. The DARIAH Working Group Women Writers in History ( takes this task a step further, and investigates historical sources until 1930 to find out whether female authors were read in the past. The objective of the DARIAH Working Group WWIH is: to carry out research about female authorship in history, the international reception of women’s writing and the connections between women authors. Evidence of readership, translations and commentary is contained in the digital repository NEWW VRE (Virtual Research Environment), which serves as a collaborative research tool for the above mentioned working group.
Ključne besede: digital humanities, literary history, women writers
Objavljeno v RUNG: 15.04.2019; Ogledov: 5116; Prenosov: 121
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