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Cycle fragments : diploma thesis
Tamara Taskova, 2024, diplomsko delo

Opis: Installation art is a form of expression that revolves around the viewer’s experience. The thesis deals with the representation of menstruation in art, art installation, and mainstream media. While art installations can deal with menstruation in different ways, from evoking personal emotions to offering escapism, mainstream media tends to represent only one and thus helps to shape collective experiences. This distinction is reflected in how mainstream media often perpetuates the stigmatization of menstruation and maintains the status quo. These observations are presented through the conceptual development of the installation Cycle Fragments. Through the example of my own work, I will explore the ways of thinking while creating an abstract piece in three-dimensional space. This thesis provides insight into the chronological growth of a piece with the purpose of most honestly and successfully explaining to the public how very different and unique experience, menstruation can be.
Ključne besede: installation art, menstruation, aesthetic experience, body awareness, diploma thesis
Objavljeno v RUNG: 22.10.2024; Ogledov: 580; Prenosov: 7
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Ki(n) : accompanying the self towards a Lived Ethics of planetary kinship and care
2020, radijska ali televizijska oddaja, podkast, intervju, novinarska konferenca

Ključne besede: interspecies reciprocity, language of kinship, 1-2-1 performance, power relations, the gaze, feedback loop, lived experience
Objavljeno v RUNG: 23.02.2021; Ogledov: 3235; Prenosov: 11
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The Experience of Exile and Home in Connection with the Self-Understanding of the Poet in the Poetry by Tomaž Šalamun
Mateja Eniko, 2017, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Opis: For the poetic creation of Tomaž Šalamun, one of the most important Slovenian modernist poets, the experience of staying abroad was crucial. This was his voluntary and conscious decision. Referring to Said, it was his choice to give force to his creativity. Šalamun’s necessity to go out of home borders is closely connected with his understanding of the role of the poet. In his poetry, exile is represented as experience that allows him to establish himself as a poet, gives him the power to create and to step out of the conventional frameworks. The motive of living abroad is presented in a tense relation to home (both in terms of intimacy and socio-political space). Starting from Bakhtin's theory of dialogism, the poet’s self-understanding of himself and his home is closely linked to the relationship with the other.
Ključne besede: Slovenian modernist poetry, Tomaž Šalamun, experience of voluntary exile, motive of home, poetic self-reflection
Objavljeno v RUNG: 09.05.2018; Ogledov: 5406; Prenosov: 0
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Digital and social ICT in the interpretation of Cultural Heritage: a new paradigm for valorisation?
Guendalina Ciancimino, 2016, magistrsko delo

Opis: Today it is widely acknowledged by international institutions, national and local administrations, and the civic society at large, that the whole of Cultural Heritage (CH), in its tangible and intangible forms, is part of our individual and collective memory, a marker of cultural identity and at the same time a demonstration of social heterogeneity and complexity. This has led to a progressive recognition of the importance of not only protecting, but also valorising CH, through its promotion and the facilitation of its fruition. Benefiting from CH depends on what and how is done to promote it and also to create a competitive advantage for the ‘cultural economy’ which is based on its reproduction. Tourism is an industry which uses CH and to some extent achieves the objective of its valorisation, widening the market for its fruition and the significance of heritage for different ‘publics’, but only to the extent that it is sustainable in its widest sense. This sets a number of challenges regarding how the heritage is offered, explained, and made accessible to visitors. In this sense, the valorisation of CH is at the core of value generation in tourism, and the use of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) is the channel through which increasingly cultural resources are experienced in competitive and sustainable way. New ICT tools restructure the relationship between image and word, leading to new ways to imagine and interpret CH, and offer great potential for value creation in tourism whereby perception and visual processing are essential elements of communication and experience. Interpretation, which can be informative, inspirational and entertaining, spurs understanding and appreciation, and ultimately engages visitors in CH. Besides, online social networks have a central place in the shaping of experience of the contemporary visitor and offer potential for a smart marketing approach. This Master thesis aims to demonstrate that managing the flows of information through the new technologies may indeed enhance CH valorisation, and that the introduction of digital devices and virtual technologies should follow a visitor-centred approach. It also intends to acknowledge that the application of ICTs can have a significant return in terms of economic income, stimulating and generating a stronger understanding among cultural and public institutions and organizations. The first section of this work reviews the relationship between CH and its social dimension, presenting CH as a lever to enhance social and economic development; it presents ICT and their relation with cultural tourism, illustrating the ongoing transformation of visitors into active actors in the valorisation of CH. The second section presents two case studies of digital devices applied to CH valorisation in different contexts; the impacts of the two projects in relation to heritage itself, its users and the territory are carefully analised. The research represents a starting point for more work encased in contemporary studies on the management of CH, as well as in the developing area of digital interpretation, towards a more general development of a model of sustainable CH tourism.
Ključne besede: CH management, cultural tourism, ICT, interpretation, CH experience
Objavljeno v RUNG: 17.03.2017; Ogledov: 6341; Prenosov: 236
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Megi Rožič, 2016, doktorska disertacija

Opis: People have travelled and migrated since the early periods of history and the phenomenon of migration, defined as “the movement of large numbers of people, birds or animals from one place to another” (Oxford Advanced Dictionary, 7th ed.) has a history of hundreds of years (Pourjafari, Vahidpour, 2014) and is by no means new. But the way of travelling, migrating and mobility in contemporary reality does have many specific aspects and recently it has been studied in new ways, with new concerns. The experience of migration in the contemporary world is a fundamental characteristic of human societies. “It is a system in which the circulation of people, sources and information follows multiple paths. The energy and barriers that alter the course or deflect the contemporary patterns of movement have both obvious and hidden features. While nothing is utterly random, the consequences of change are often far from predictable” (Papastergiadis, 2000: 1). This unpredictability and multidirectionality has led to changes in approaches to the study of migration in recent decades. In the last few decades the study of migration has increasingly been accompanied by a tendency to study it on the individual level − at the level of personal life stories (Milharčič Hladnik, 2007). These are also markedly expressed in the medium of literature. The present dissertation presents literary oeuvres of seven women writers, who thematise the autobiographical experience of migration, it offers an individually, woman-centred experience and view of migration. In selected oeuvres personal views are expressed on that experience, different strategies of coping with life in new realities and regarding relationships in these environments. The thematisation of the experience of migration in selected oeuvres is also connected with a problematisation of other concepts: the concepts of belonging, borders, nation-state, culture and language. It is also vitally connected with the personal identity construction of the lyrical subjects and literary characters and also because of the autobiographical character of selected literary works of the literary artists themselves. The experience of migration in selected literary works leads to unique identity formations, which in themselves combine elements of different cultural backgrounds and traditions. In their literary works these selected women writers also shape their relationship toward time and space dimensions, tradition and interpersonal relationships through the experience of migration. The experience of migration, the relocation of the subject and a change of the geographical area in selected oeuvres, does not only represent a change of the geographical position: it also allows a deviation from other rigid and seemingly fixed and unvarying patterns and virtual realities that accompany human life. Migration can also present an alienation effect from traditionalisms and determinants that define human lives. In the literary oeuvres of these selected women writers, migration is only in part tied to the traditional concepts related to migrants, with the loss of roots and rupture with the place of origin. In the selected literary oeuvres, migrants are rarely considered to be uprooted and unable to find their anchor or confidently start a new chapter in their lives in a new environment. Migration is mostly connected with the possibility of expanding the horizon of insights and perspectives of looking at life, with the acceptance of its complexities, ambiguities and incompleteness. Mostly, the experience of migration is seen as a new, creative option, which opens and examines the wide range of other issues and dilemmas. The condition of uprooted loss has traditionally negative connotations, but in the selected oeuvres vagueness and fluidity allow a real insight into the real, complex nature of life and human existence.
Ključne besede: The experience of migration, women writers, Maruša Krese, Ifigenija Zagoričnik Simonović, Brina Švigelj-Mérat − Brina Svit, Gabriela Babnik, Stanislava Chrobáková Repar, Erica Johnson Debeljak, Lidija Dimkovska, literary polysystem, nomadic entity, locational feminism, fluid identity, transnationalism, transculturalism
Objavljeno v RUNG: 11.10.2016; Ogledov: 8514; Prenosov: 479
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New Collaboration Forms in Site-specific Blended Courses Abroad: : Lessons Learned in the Curriculum Development Project
Peter Purg, Daniela Brasil, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: A condensed programme of international courses with site-specific focus was developed as part of the collaborative art study programme Media Arts and Practices. Among higher-education partners from Italy, Austria, Croatia, and Slovenia the collaboration crossed the realms of new-media and contemporary art, film, animation, photography and scenography. Aiming at art pedagogy practitioners including art-school managers, who plan to develop or implement similar forms of intensive courses or programmes, the article discusses several key phenomena emerging among different stakeholders of the artistic or media-production education process. A plethora of research-and-development data, gathered along the three years of the collaborative study programme provision and intensive short-term course deployments, were condensed into lessons-learned that focus around the aspects of (blended) course design, interdisciplinary teaching and production methods, academic feedback and critique, as well as impact on local stakeholders. By shedding multi-layered light at site-specific art pedagogy along four short case-comparisons (from Graz, Komiža, Rijeka, and Venice), the article reflects an important trend in the arts—increasingly hybrid, multidisciplinary practices. It shows how social and (aesth)ethical change is well possible within a culturally reflected art pedagogy-cum-production setting that can materialize a collective and meaningful impact on a specific site, and its social tissue.
Ključne besede: Site-specific, Academic Experience Abroad, Collaboration
Objavljeno v RUNG: 23.05.2016; Ogledov: 6100; Prenosov: 0
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