1. New insight into the measurements of particle-bound metals in the urban and remote atmospheres of the Sarajevo canton and modeled impacts of particulate air pollution in Bosnia and HerzegovinaSabina Žero, Silva Žužul, Jasna Huremović, Gordana Pehnec, Ivan Bešlić, Jasmina Rinkovec, Ranka Godec, Noah Kittner, Griša Močnik, Katja Džepina, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: Sarajevo, BiH, aerosol, ETAAS, ICP-MS, BenMAP, ExternE, SAFICA Objavljeno v RUNG: 03.03.2022; Ogledov: 2596; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
2. Sarajevo Canton Winter Field Campaign 2018 (SAFICA) : aerosol source apportionment and oxidative potential in a global hotspotKatja Džepina, Griša Močnik, 2021, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci Opis: Nowadays, urban centres in countries of the Western Balkan (e.g., Bosnia and Herzegovina, B&H) are experiencing some of the poorest air quality worldwide due to the extensive use of solid fuels and an old vehicle fleet. Western Balkan countries lack state-of-the-science atmospheric research despite high levels of ambient pollution, making the efforts to understand the mechanisms of their air pollution imperative. Sarajevo, the capital of B&H, is situated in a basin surrounded by mountains. During the winter months, topography and meteorology cause significant pollution episodes.
The Sarajevo Canton Winter Field Campaign 2018 (SAFICA) took place from Dec 04, 2017 to Mar 15, 2018 with online aerosol measurements and collection of daily, continuous filter PM10 samples for offline laboratory analyses. SAFICA aimed to give the first detailed characterization of the Western Balkans aerosol composition including organic aerosol (OA) to elucidate aerosol emission sources and atmospheric processing and to estimate the adverse health effects. PM10 samples (ntotal=180) were collected at four sites in the Sarajevo Canton: a) Bjelave and b) Pofalići (both urban background); c) Otoka (urban); d) Ivan Sedlo (remote). The urban sites were distributed along the city basin to study the pollutants’ urban evolution and the remote site was chosen to compare urban to background air masses.
SAFICA PM10 samples underwent the following offline laboratory chemical analyses: 1) Bulk chemical composition of the total filter-collected water-soluble inorganic and OA by a high-resolution Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS). The measured AMS OA spectra were further analysed by Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) using the graphical user interface SoFi (Source Finder) to separate OA into subtypes characteristic for OA sources and atmospheric processes. 2) Organic and elemental carbon, water-soluble organic carbon, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (11), levoglucosan, organic acids (16) and 14C total carbon content to evaluate OA chemical composition. 3) Major inorganic anions and cations to evaluate aerosol inorganic species. 4) Aerosol metal content determined by three techniques (AAS, ICP-MS and EESI). 5) Aerosol oxidative potential (OP) by two methods (AA and DTT) to evaluate the ability of particles to generate adverse health effects causing reactive oxygen species. SAFICA online measurements of black carbon (Aethalometer) and the particle number conc. (CPC and OPS) enabled the insights into the daily evolution of primary pollutants and an assessment of aerosol size and number distribution.
The combined SAFICA results for field and lab measurements will be presented. Our results show that carbonaceous aerosols make ~2/3 of PM10 mass and the majority are oxygenated, water-soluble OA species with an average OM/OC = 1.9 (Fig.1). Absolute OP levels are very high compared to other sites globally. However, more work is needed to estimate the contributions of different aerosol sources and species to total aerosol OP. Urban air pollution crises in the Western Balkan will be put in the context of local, regional and global air quality. Finally, we will present the scientific questions opened by SAFICA and give suggestions for future studies. Ključne besede: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, urban air pollution, PM10, PM2.5 Objavljeno v RUNG: 03.09.2021; Ogledov: 3422; Prenosov: 50
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3. SAFICA 2018: an example of collaboration with the Western Balkan : Slovenian e-seminar organized by Dr. Stojan Sorčan, our National Contact Point Pre-seminar to European Commission MSCA e-seminar “EU – Western Balkan” to be held Mar 24-25, 2021Katja Džepina, vabljeno predavanje na konferenci brez natisa Ključne besede: Dr. Stojan Sorčan, Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport Republike Slovenije, EU Horizon2020, Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant No 101028909, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Western Balkan Objavljeno v RUNG: 13.06.2021; Ogledov: 3050; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
4. Analiza utjecaja zagađenja zraka na zdravlje ljudi u Bosni i Hercegovini : predavanje na 2. Studentskom kongresu okolišnog zdravlja s medjunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Rijeka, Hrvatska, 6. 6. 2018Katja Džepina, 2018, prispevek na konferenci brez natisa Ključne besede: PM2.5, Ozone, Sarajevo, Tuzla, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, US EPA BenMAP, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Adverse health effects Objavljeno v RUNG: 29.05.2021; Ogledov: 3565; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
5. Utjecaj atmosferskih lebdećih čestica na ljudsko zdravljeKatja Džepina, 2018, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci (vabljeno predavanje) Opis: Kvalitetu zraka u današnjem svijetu određuju ljudske aktivnosti iz kojih nastaje antropogeno zagađenje zraka. Utjecaj antropogenog zagađenja na kvalitetu zraka snažno se povećao od početka industrijske revolucije prije cc 150 godina. Na globalnom nivou, smanjenje kvalitete zraka u svijetu nakon pre-industrijskih vremena nepobitno uzrokuje zagrijavanje planeta Zemlje zbog ljudskih aktivnosti, kako je nedavno objavljeno i u izvještaju Međunarodnog panela za promjenu klime (eng. Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change, IPCC). Ljudi posebno izloženi lošoj kvaliteti zraka su oni koji žive u područjima gdje standardi kvalitete zraka ne postoje ili se ne sprovode, poput ljudi koji žive pored izvora zagađenja ili u društvima koja se razvijaju.
Tijekom zime 2017. - 2018. u periodu kada se po dostupnim podacima događaju epizode najgore kvalitete zraka u Kantonu Sarajevo (4. decembar 2017. – 15. mart 2018.) u Kantonu Sarajevo odvila su se terenska mjerenja sastojaka atmosfere u sklopu kampanje SAFICA 2017-2018 (“Sarajevo Canton Winter Field Campaign 2017-2018“). SAFICA projekt vodili su Federalni hidrometeorološki zavod BiH, Zavoda za javno zdravstvo Kantona Sarajeva, Univerzitet u Sarajevu i Sveučilište u Rijeci, a mjerenja su se odvijala na tri urbane lokacije unutar grada Sarajeva (Otoka, Pofalići i Bjelave) i jednoj pozadinskoj (planinski prijevoj Ivan Sedlo).
U ovom predavanju, objasnit će se osnove antropogenog zagađenja zraka i njegovog globalnog utjecaja na kvalitetu zraka, i dati primjeri različitih kvaliteta zraka u modernim društvima kao i u onima koja se tek razvijaju. Posebna pažnja bit će posvećena atmosferskim lebdećim česticama i objasnit će se njihov nastanak i važnost parametara čestica poput atmosferske koncentracije, veličine i kemijskog sastava. Također, dat će se prikaz negativnog utjecaja čestica na ljudsko zdravlje i objasniti zašto su atmosferske koncentracije sitnih atmosferskih čestica linearno korelirane sa smrtnošću ljudi. Konačno, predstavit će se preliminarni rezultati mjerenja sastojaka atmosfere u kantonu Sarajevo tijekom SAFICA kampanje i usporedit sa rezultatima iz drugih svjetskih urbanih područja. Ključne besede: Atmosferske lebdeće čestice, Antropogeno zagađenje zraka, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina, SAFICA 2018 Objavljeno v RUNG: 27.05.2021; Ogledov: 3760; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
6. Chemical characterization of atmospheric aerosols in the Sarajevo Canton : results of 2017-2018 Sarajevo Canton Winter Field Campaign (SAFICA)Katja Džepina, 2018, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci (vabljeno predavanje) Opis: The World Health Organization (WHO) identified air pollution as the world’s largest single environmental health risk causing seven million deaths per year, one in eight deaths globally. Of particular concern are heavily polluted and understudied urban centres: while thousands of scientific papers have been published on air quality of the cities such as London, UK and Los Angeles, USA, only 41 papers exist on the top 10 globally most polluted cities. Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), is one of urban centres which often experiences low air quality due to the extensive use of non-renewable energy sources and geographical location. For example, in Sarajevo during 2010, an annual average concentration of particulate matter (PM) with a diameter smaller than 10 µm (PM10) was 50 µg/m3, a value 2.5x higer than the recommended WHO guidelines value of 20 µg/m3.
Sarajevo Canton Winter Field Campaign 2017-2018 (SAFICA) took place in the Sarajevo Canton during the cold winter season of 2017 – 2018 (Dec 4, 2017 – Mar 15, 2018), the period historically characterized with the lowest air quality according to the available data. SAFICA project was lead by Federal hydrometeorological Institute of B&H, Institute of Public Health of the Sarajevo Canton, University of Sarajevo and University of Rijeka, and field measurements took place at three urban locations within the city of Sarajevo (Otoka, Pofalići i Bjelave) i one remote location (Ivan Sedlo mountain ridge).
In this presentation, the basics of anthropogenic air pollution and its global influece on the air quality will be explained. Particular attention will be given to the atmospheric PM or aerosols, and aerosols formation mechanisms and the importance of their characteristics such as atmospheric concentration, size and chemical composition will be explained. Also, the reasons for the adverse effects of aerosols on human health and the correlation of atmospheric fine PM (PM2.5) concentrations and human mortality will be explained. Finally, preliminary results of SAFICA measurements campaign will be presented and compared with those from other global urban centers. Ključne besede: atmospheric aerosol, Sarajevo, urban air pollution, SAFICA 2018 Objavljeno v RUNG: 26.05.2021; Ogledov: 3906; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
7. Sarajevo Canton Winter Field Campaign 2018 : particulate air pollution in a global hotspotKatja Džepina, Vaios Moschos, Anna Tobler, Francesco Canonaco, Deepika Bhattu, Roberto Casotto, Athanasia Vlachou, Jasna Huremović, Sabina Žero, Griša Močnik, 2020, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci Opis: Nowadays, urban centres in countries of the Western Balkan region (including Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)) are experiencing some of the poorest European and global air quality due to the extensive use of solid fuels (e.g., wood, coal) and old vehicle fleet. Western Balkan countries lack state-of-the-art atmospheric sciences research despite high levels of ambient pollution, which makes the efforts to understand the mechanisms of their air pollution imperative. The city of Sarajevo, the capital of B&H, is situated in a basin surrounded by mountains. Particularly during the winter months, topography and meteorology cause significant pollution episodes.
The Sarajevo Canton Winter Field Campaign 2018 (SAFICA) took place from Dec 04, 2017 to Mar 15, 2018 with on-line aerosol measurements and collection of daily, continuous filter PM10 samples for off-line laboratory analyses. SAFICA aimed to give the first detailed characterization of the Western Balkans aerosol composition including organic aerosol (OA) to elucidate aerosol emission sources and atmospheric processing and to estimate the adverse health effects. PM10 samples (ntotal=180) were collected at four sites in the Sarajevo Canton: a) Bjelave and b) Pofalići (urban background); c) Otoka (urban); d) Ivan Sedlo (remote). The urban sites were distributed along the city basin to study the pollutants’ urban evolution and the remote site was chosen to compare urban to background air masses.
SAFICA PM10 samples underwent different off-line laboratory chemical analyses: 1) Bulk chemical composition of the total filter-collected water-soluble inorganic and OA by a high-resolution Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS). The measured AMS OA spectra were further analysed by Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) using the graphical user interface SoFi (Source Finder) to separate OA into subtypes characteristic for OA sources and atmospheric processes. 2) Organic and elemental carbon (OC/EC), water-soluble organic carbon, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, levoglucosan, and 14C content of total carbon to evaluate OA chemical composition. 3) Major inorganic anions and cations to evaluate aerosol inorganic species. 4) Metal content in aerosol determined by two analytical techniques (AAS and ICP-MS). SAFICA on-line measurements of black carbon (Aethalometer) and the particle number concentration (Condensation Particle Counter and Optical Particle Sizer) enabled the insights into the daily evolution of primary pollutants and an assessment of aerosol size and number distribution.
The combined SAFICA results for on- and off-line measurements will be presented. Our results show that the carbon-containing species make ~2/3 of PM10 mass and the majority are oxygenated, water-soluble OA species with an average OM/OC = 1.9 (Fig.1). Urban air pollution crises in the Western Balkan will be put in the context of local, regional and global air quality. Finally, we will present the scientific questions opened by SAFICA, including the advantages and limitations of SAFICA data set, and give the recommendations for future studies. Ključne besede: Sarajevo, urban air pollution, PM10, PM2.5 Objavljeno v RUNG: 26.05.2021; Ogledov: 4216; Prenosov: 25
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8. Analysis of PM[sub](10), Pb, Cd, and Ni atmospheric concentrations during domestic heating season in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, from 2010 to 2019Jasna Huremović, Sabina Žero, Erna Bubalo, Minela Dacić, Amila Čeliković, Irma Musić, Midheta Bašić, Nudžeima Huseinbašić, Katja Džepina, Merjema Cepić, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This paper examines atmospheric concentrations of particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter smaller than 10 μm (PM10) and related particle-phase toxic heavy metals Cd, Ni, and Pb during domestic heating seasons from 2010 to 2019 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In total, 242 daily PM10 samples were collected using medium and high volume air samplers. The mean daily PM10 mass concentration for all measurements is 75.16 μg/m3 (with the range of 28.77–149.00 μg/m3). Variation of ambient PM10 was observed throughout the study in different years. Hourly values for PM10 measurements during two heating seasons are also presented. Metal concentrations in PM10 were analyzed by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS). Quantities of atmospheric mass concentrations of studied trace metals were observed in the following order: Pb > Ni > Cd. The mean concentrations of metals varied with Pb showing the highest concentration (ranging from 1.38 to 234.00 ng/m3), Ni ranging from 0.87 to 42.43 ng/m3, and Cd showing the lowest concentration ranging from 0.26 to 10.09 ng/m3. The concentration of Pb and Cd in PM10 was strongly correlated, suggesting a common source or dependence of these metals in PM10 in Sarajevo. Bioaccessibility of metals in the synthetic gastric juice was also estimated. The quantities of average bioaccessible metal fractions in PM10 samples showed the following trend: Cd > Pb > Ni. The health risk assessment shows that the population of Sarajevo is at increased lifetime risk of experiencing cancer because of exposure to these Cd concentrations in PM10. In addition, parallel PM10 sampling on two samplers showed that obtained results are highly comparable. Ključne besede: air, PM10, heavy metals, Sarajevo Objavljeno v RUNG: 09.04.2021; Ogledov: 3217; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
9. THE SIEGE AND URBICIDE OF LENINGRAD AND SARAJEVO: THE TESTIMONIES FROM LIDIYA GINZBURG AND DŽEVAD KARAHASANGiustina Selvelli, 2017, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci Opis: In this paper, I will present a comparison between the experience of the siege of Leningrad and the one of Sarajevo through the analysis of the works of two writers: Lidiya Ginzburg's “Zapiski blokadnogo cheloveka” and Dževad Karahasan's “Dnevnik Selidbe”.
My contribution will focus in particular on the topic of the relationship between citizens and their city, viewed as an attempt to overcome the opposition between individualism and commonality and the manifestation of the collective resistence to practices of “urbicide”.
The latter will be treated as an issue of crucial importance in understanding the symbolic dimension of city's destructions. In their works, both of the authors depict with accuracy the agony of the isolated city, trying to find out what remains of the human being and their environment after complete destruction and disillusion. Through the analysis of these works on the siege we can identify the traces of a humanity that does not surrender,
continuing to carry on essential cultural and social values notwithstanding the extreme war circumstances. From this point of view, the siege reveals itself as an incommensurable experience allowing both of the authors to reflect on the fundamental principle of “staying human”. Ključne besede: Siege of Leningrad, Siege of Sarajevo, Dževad Karahasan, Lidiya Ginzburg, Urbicide, Dnevnik Selidbe, Zapiski Blokadnogo Cheloveka Objavljeno v RUNG: 22.06.2020; Ogledov: 3718; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
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