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62. Predstavitev mnenja Komisije DS za kulturo, znanost, šolstvo in šport : Nasprotovanje 1. členu novele Zakona o visokem šolstvuZoran Božič, druga izvedena dela Opis: Komisija opozarja, da je predlagani 1. člen novele Zakona o visokem šolstvu v nasprotju z 12. členom Ustave RS, z 11. členom Zakona o javni rabi slovenščine in z Resolucijo o Nacionalnem programu za jezikovno politiko. Nasprotuje mu tudi stroka. Ključne besede: visoko šolstvo, učni jezik, državni jezik, uradni jezik, slovenščina, tuji jeziki, internacionalizacija, Rektorska konferenca Objavljeno v RUNG: 17.10.2016; Ogledov: 5480; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
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67. Does Grammatical Structure Accelerate Number Word Learning? Evidence from Learners of Dual and Non-Dual Dialects of SlovenianFranc Marušič, Rok Žaucer, Vesna Plesničar, Tina Razboršek, Jessica Sullivan, David Barner, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: How does linguistic structure affect children’s acquisition of early number word meanings? Previous studies have tested this question by comparing how children learning languages with different grammatical representations of number learn the meanings of labels for small numbers, like 1, 2, and 3. For example, children who acquire a language with singular-plural marking, like English, are faster to learn the word for 1 than children learning a language that lacks the singular-plural distinction, perhaps because the word for 1 is always used in singular contexts, highlighting its meaning. These studies are problematic, however, because reported differences in number word learning may be due to unmeasured cross-cultural differences rather than specific linguistic differences. To address this problem, we investigated number word learning in four groups of children from a single culture who spoke different dialects of the same language that differed chiefly with respect to how they grammatically mark number. We found that learning a dialect which features “dual” morphology (marking of pairs) accelerated children’s acquisition of the number word two relative to learning a “non-dual” dialect of the same language. Ključne besede: števila, številke, slovnično število, dvojina, narečja, usvajanje, učenje, slovenščina, angleščina, numbers, grammatical number, dual, dialects, acquisition, learning, Slovenian, English Objavljeno v RUNG: 10.08.2016; Ogledov: 6262; Prenosov: 250
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69. Conjunct Agreement and Gender in South Slavic: From Theory to Experiments to TheoryJana Willer Gold, Franc Marušič, Tina Šuligoj, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Agreement with coordinated subjects in Slavic languages has recently seen a rapid increase in theoretical and experimental approaches, contributing to a wider theoretical discussion on the locus of agreement in grammar (cf. Marušič, Nevins, and Saksida 2007; Bošković 2009; Marušič, Nevins, and Badecker 2015). This paper revisits the theoretical predictions proposed for conjunction agreement in a group of South Slavic languages, with a special focus on gender agreement. The paper is based on two experiments involving speakers of Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (BCS) and Slovenian (Sln). Experiment 1 is an elicited production experiment investigating preverbal-conjunct agreement, while Experiment 2 investigates postverbal-conjunct agreement. The data provide experimental evidence discriminating between syntax proper and distributed-agreement models in terms of their ability to account for preverbal highest-conjunct agreement and present a theoretical mechanism for the distinction between default agreement (which has a fixed number and gender, independent of the value of each conjunct) and resolved agreement (which computes number and gender based on the values of each conjunct and must resolve potential conflicts). Focusing on the variability in the gender-agreement ratio across nine combinations, the experimental results for BCS and Sln morphosyntax challenge the notion of gender markedness that is generally posited for South Slavic languages. Ključne besede: skladnja, slovenščina, srbohrvaščina, eksperimentalna skladnja, ujemanje, sestavljeni osebek, priderno vezan osebek, ujemanje sestavljenega osebka Objavljeno v RUNG: 06.07.2016; Ogledov: 7120; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
70. K-premik iz vprašalnih in osebkovih zvez v slovenščini ter njihove omejitve: Eksperimentalna študija skladenjskih otokovManca Mušič, 2015, diplomsko delo Opis: Tema diplomske naloge so skladenjski otoki vprašalnih in osebkovih stavčnih zvez v slovenščini, izvedena je bila eksperimentalna študija. Glavni cilj raziskave je bil razjasniti empirično paradigmo skladenjskih otokov vprašalnih in osebkovih stavčnih zvez v slovenskem jeziku z uporabo modela iz eksperimentalne skladnje, t. i. faktorske opredelitve učinka skladenjskih otokov Sprousa in drugih (2012 in 2015). Za raziskavo je bila uporabljena novejša metodologija, t. i. metoda ocene magnitude (Magnitude Estimation), s katero smo preprečili preskriptivne bralce. Analiza pridobljenih rezultatov je pokazala zanimiv vpogled v stanje slovenščine glede na obstoječe teorije skladenjskih otokov, kot so načelo stičnosti, načelo neizraženih prvin in prepoved premeščanja iz nedopolnil. Raziskava odpira tudi nova vprašanja na področju skladenjskih otokov. Ključne besede: skladenjski otoki, k-premik, omejitve, eksperimentalna skladnja, slovenščina, metoda ocene magnitude Objavljeno v RUNG: 23.09.2015; Ogledov: 6410; Prenosov: 301
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