1. Enhancing optical biosensing : comparing two physical treatments for GPTES chemical functionalization of cyclo-olefin copolymer foilBarbara Ressel, Jurij Urbančič, Marco Beltrami, Erik Betz-Güttner, Cinzia Cepek, Martina Conti, Ayesha Farooq, Patrizia Melpignano, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Cyclo-olefin-copolymer (COC) transparent films are currently the best choice for micro-fluidic bio-sensors for point-of-care diagnostic applications using optical signal detection. However, while the optical and mechanical properties of this polymer are extremely good, the adhesion of the bio-probes on this surface is not optimal, due to its chemical structure, that presents only saturated carbon bonds. The deposition of organo-silane molecules on the COC surface is one of the most effective ways to overcome this problem. But, for the surface functionalization, a surface physical treatment is necessary before the chemical modification of the COC surface. In this paper a comparison of the effectiveness of two different physical treatments, oxygen plasma and UV-ozone, is reported. In particular, the exposure time of the UV-Ozone treatment has been selected to avoid the problem of auto-fluorescence of the modified COC surface, that was observed also for relatively short UV exposure (around 10 minutes). An investigation of the reactive radicals created on the surface after the physical treatments and the following chemical modification with the organo-silane molecule (GPTES) has been performed using X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. The surface energy and morphology of the films have been also measured by contact angle and optical profilometry. Finally, the bio-probes adhesion performances of the COC surfaces obtained with the two physical treatments and the chemical modification were tested in a fluorescence-based assay, using an organic light emission diode to excite the fluorescence. We observed that the UV-ozone treatment allows to obtain a siloxane network with some reactive epoxy radicals on the COC surface, however, their quantity and distribution are less important and homogeneous than in the oxygen plasma treated surfaces. Ključne besede: cyclo-olefin-copolymers, organo-silane, oxygen plasma, UV-ozone, XPS, OLED Objavljeno v RUNG: 26.06.2024; Ogledov: 1745; Prenosov: 6
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2. Analiza utjecaja zagađenja zraka na zdravlje ljudi u Bosni i Hercegovini : predavanje na 2. Studentskom kongresu okolišnog zdravlja s medjunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Rijeka, Hrvatska, 6. 6. 2018Katja Džepina, 2018, prispevek na konferenci brez natisa Ključne besede: PM2.5, Ozone, Sarajevo, Tuzla, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, US EPA BenMAP, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Adverse health effects Objavljeno v RUNG: 29.05.2021; Ogledov: 3579; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
3. Long-term ozone data analysisVjera Butković, Tomislav Cvitaš, Katja Džepina, Nenad Kezele, Leo Klasinc, 2002, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Various approaches to the analysis of 10-year continuous ozone monitoring from the EUROTRAC-TOR network station Puntijarka near Zagreb are reported. The site has a rural character (45.90degrees N; 15.97degrees E, 980 m a.s.l.) and is representative of the lower troposphere of a wider region. Mean hourly ozone volume fractions measured from 1990-1999, autocorrelation plots for all data and for data for summer periods (May-Sep.), box and whiskers representations of diurnal variations during winter (Nov.-March) and summer periods, mean monthly values and 12-month moving averages, and the Fourier transform of the complete set of 94,248 hourly mean ozone volume fractions are discussed. The data show no increase, or possibly a slight decrease, of the ozone volume fraction toward the end of the decade. Ključne besede: long term ozone data, fourier analysis, ozone trend analysis, Puntijarka field station Objavljeno v RUNG: 12.04.2021; Ogledov: 3143; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
4. Use of reactive tracers to determine ambient OH radical concentrations: Application within the indoor environmentIain R. White, Damien Martin, Maria Paz Muñoz, Fredrik K Petersson, Stephen J Henshaw, Graham Nickless, Guy C Lloyd-Jones, Keven C Clemitshaw, Dudley E. Shallcross, 2010, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The hydroxyl radical (OH) plays a key role in determining indoor air quality. However, its highly reactive nature and low concentration indoors impede direct analysis. This paper describes the techniques used to indirectly quantify indoor OH, including the development of a new method based on the instantaneous release of chemical tracers into the air. This method was used to detect ambient OH in two indoor seminar rooms following tracer detection by gas chromatography- mass spectrometry (GCMS). The results from these tests add to the small number of experiments that have measured indoor OH which are discussed with regard to future directions within air quality research. Ključne besede: Ozone, Indoor air pollution, Indoor ozone, chemical tracers Objavljeno v RUNG: 18.07.2019; Ogledov: 4086; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
5. An estimation of the global emission of methyl bromide from rapeseed (Brassica napus) from 1961 to 20032008, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Gan et al. [Gan, J., Yates, S.R., Ohr, H.D., Sims, J.J., 1998. Production of methyl bromide by terrestrial higher plants. Geophysical Research Letters 25 (19), 3595–3598] have reported that plants of the family Brassicaceae take up bromide from soils and subsequently release methyl bromide (CH3Br) to the atmosphere deriving a significant emission from this source of about 7 Gg(109 g) yr−1. In this study, we determine a yearly global emission rate for CH3Br from one such species, rapeseed, from 1961 to 2003 using data on crop harvest index and growth rate in conjunction with global production data. This study suggests that CH3Br emissions from rapeseed have increased 10-fold from 1961 to 2003 and by a factor of 3–4 since 1980. It also suggests that the geographical distribution of emissions has also changed substantially in the last 40 yr. The annual emission of CH3Br from mustard and cabbage is also estimated; whilst relative levels emitted from these species are less significant, as these crops are continually exploited for new applications CH3Br emissions are set to increase. Ključne besede: CH3Br, Rapeseed, Brassica, Ozone, Biosphere Objavljeno v RUNG: 17.07.2019; Ogledov: 3894; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
6. Reuse of TiO2-based catalyst for solar driven water treatment; thermal and chemical reactivationSubhan Salaeh, Marin Kovacic, Dominik Kosir, Hrvoje Kušić, Urška Lavrenčič Štangar, Dionysios D. Dionysiou, Ana Lončarić Božić, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: Solar photocatalysis, TiO2-FeZ, Thermal and chemical reactivation, Ozone, Diclofenac Objavljeno v RUNG: 03.11.2016; Ogledov: 5963; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |