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2. The Cherenkov Telescope Array performance in divergent modeA. Donini, Christopher Eckner, Gašper Kukec Mezek, Samo Stanič, Serguei Vorobiov, Lili Yang, Gabrijela Zaharijas, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, Lukas Zehrer, 2019, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci Opis: Two of the Key Science Projects of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) consist in performing a deep survey of the Galactic and Extragalactic sky, providing an unbiased view of the Universe at energies above tens of GeV. To optimize the time spent to perform the Extragalactic survey, a so-called “divergent mode” of the CTA was proposed as an alternative observation strategy to the traditional parallel pointing in order to increase its instantaneous field of view. The search for transient VHE sources would also benefit from an extended field of view. In the divergent mode, each telescope points to a position in the sky that is slightly offset, in the outward direction, from the center of the field of view. In this contribution, we present the first performance estimation from full Monte Carlo simulation of possible CTA divergent mode setups. Ključne besede: very-high-energy gamma rays, Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) Observatory, CTAO Key Science Projects (KSPs), galactic survey KSP, extragalactic survey KSP Objavljeno v RUNG: 15.11.2024; Ogledov: 518; Prenosov: 4
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3. Dreamer : live coding, algorave and the artistic exploration of dreamsLazar Mihajlović, 2024, magistrsko delo Opis: Observing the developments and intersections between music, graphics, video, code and club culture in the music scene around the year 2010, primarily based in England, a new cultural movement known as ”Algorave” has emerged, reshaping the boundaries of new artistic expression. While the practices of live and creative coding had been present on the global stage for some time, the “Algorave” scene emerges as a unique blend of these artistic directions, combining various elements and offering a distinctive sound-visual artistic expression. Unlike traditional music performances, artists of this movement openly share their live coding processes with the audience, guiding them through the entire process of the performance. By utilizing live coding as the primary artistic tool and integrating it with artificial intelligence, the work Dreamer demonstrates a fusion of these two approaches. It visually explores dreams using images generated by AI technology. These images are then manipulated through live coding techniques, creating a visual narrative that is accompanied by ambient-electronic sounds. The sound complements the visual elements, achieved through the use of various synthesizers, samplings and granular synthesis, a technique that fragments sound into small grains to create complex sound textures. Beyond its practical execution, Dreamer addresses dreams as something unknown and undisclosed. It raises the question of whether dreams can be considered insights into our parallel lives, or are they merely products of our imagination? Should we explore them rather than just observe them? Based on these questions, the work examines dreams through programming and technology, seeking new possibilities for artistic expression. Ključne besede: code, sound, algorithm, visual art, algorave, technology, master's thesis Objavljeno v RUNG: 03.10.2024; Ogledov: 656; Prenosov: 7
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4. Experiments & excursions in art & science between school & capital : lecture at the CoP and JRC workshop Community of practice SciArt in education, Bruselj, 28. 5. 2024Peter Purg, 2024, prispevek na konferenci brez natisa Ključne besede: art science, naturarchy, art-sci, forest, JRC, xmobil, ecoc Objavljeno v RUNG: 10.06.2024; Ogledov: 1023; Prenosov: 5
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5. Foods2012 Ključne besede: food sciences and technology, food chemistry and physical properties, food engineering and production, food security and safety, food toxicology, sensory and food quality, food analysis, functional foods, food and health, food psychology, food and environment Objavljeno v RUNG: 10.05.2024; Ogledov: 1267; Prenosov: 3
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6. Bodies of noise at the Bell Laboratories : early automated speech recognition, contribution at the Editorial Workshop - A Special Issue on Acoustic Space, November 9-10, 2022, Frankfurt/MainEszter Polónyi, 2022, druga izvedena dela Opis: This paper is about the first automated systems developed to recognize identity. While automated recognition in the twenty-first century is widely associated with images of the human face, its roots are to be found in attempts to visualize identity in other, non-figural types of trace left by human bodies, ranging as widely as shadows, astrological signs, handwriting, the prints left by palms and fingers and the acoustics of the human voice. This paper investigates one such system of recognition as it emerged from within the telecommunications industry context in the midcentury U.S. Ostensibly built to reduce human labor and cable bandwidth, Bell Labs developed three different phone devices in the 1950s to photograph, formalize and analyze the sounds of speech as they traveled through the telephony system. And while the device called “Audrey” indeed succeeded in recognizing spoken digits, it was its failure to recognize the speech contents without prior awareness of the identity of the speaker, that is to distinguish between the individuality of the speaking “medium” and their intended meaning, that arguably made the experiment a landmark in the history of machine-driven recognition. Accounting for the “noise” made by the body and the environment from which sound emanated into the device, which the lab’s technicians defined as ranging from “speech defects” to “inflection” and “background interference” proved more important than phonetic analysis in determining the intended message of given speech spectogram. Similarly to a range of experiments with noise by formalist filmmakers such as Tony Conrad, John Cage, Kurt Kren and others, it was on the principle of contingency and irreproducible uniqueness that Bell Lab technicians sought to train machine-driven intelligence. Ključne besede: History of computer science, machine learning, Bell Labs, history of telecommunications, sound studies Objavljeno v RUNG: 19.02.2024; Ogledov: 1633; Prenosov: 8
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7. Cherenkov Telescope Array Science : a multi-wavelength and multi-messenger perspectiveUlisses Barres de Almeida, Christopher Eckner, Gašper Kukec Mezek, Samo Stanič, Serguei Vorobiov, Lili Yang, Gabrijela Zaharijas, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, Lukas Zehrer, 2019, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci Opis: The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will be the major global observatory for
VHE gamma-ray astronomy over the next decade and beyond. It will be an explorer
of the extreme universe, with a broad scientific potential: from understanding the role of relativistic cosmic particles, to the search for dark matter. Covering photon energies from 20 GeV to 300 TeV, and with an angular resolution unique in the field, of about 1 arc min, CTA will improve on all aspects of the performance with respect to current instruments, surveying the high energy sky hundreds of times faster than previous TeV telescopes,
and with a much deeper view. The very large collection area of CTA makes it an important probe of transient phenomena. The first CTA telescope has just been inaugurated in the Canary Islands, Spain, and as more telescopes are added in the coming years, scientific operation will start. It is evident that CTA will have important synergies with many of the
new generation astronomical and astroparticle observatories. In this talk we will review
the CTA science case from the point of view of its synergies with other instruments and
facilities, highlighting the CTA needs in terms of external data, as well as the opportunities and strategies for cooperation to achieve the basic CTA science goals. Ključne besede: very-high-energy gamma-ray astronomy, Cherenkov Telescope Array, CTA performances, transient VHE sources, CTA science Objavljeno v RUNG: 04.12.2023; Ogledov: 3271; Prenosov: 6
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8. Investigative Arts as Grassroots Empowerment to Environmental Research: the Cases of Taming the Forest and xMobilPeter Purg, 2023, prispevek na konferenci brez natisa Opis: In the current state of multiple and repeating planetary-scale crises, ranging from climate disasters to resource mismanagement, the complexity of problems often takes humanity into exploring unknown unknowns. Through a gradual consolidation of networks and platforms across realms of education, economy and both NGO as well as public cultural institutions, it is especially the media-artistic practice (and discourse!) of the investigative kind that trailblazes possible itineraries and develops (at least speculative) toolbelts for venturing into any kind of livable future, possibly such that might surpass the aporia of the anthropocene and find a new way of making (up to) kin.
The selected project cases depict two possible strategic approaches lending well to grassroots initiatives, even if both are embedded within either wide-ranging multi-million supported (structural) platform endeavors, or trans-national programmes such as the European Capital of Culture.
An ongoing collaborative process between art and science, Taming the Forest (2022-) is being implemented by a group of students, artists and researchers charting an interdisciplinary cross-field among bioeconomy, cultural history, policy, and art(ivism). Researching the conflicting narratives of history and economy about biodiversity in general, and specifically on forests, the project brought about several public formats such as lectures, video installations and AV performances. The project-as-process shows how different blends of methodologies in artistic-cum-scientific research can become truly relevant for both of their respective realms, opening new creative pathways and pedagogical registers, while repeatedly returning to the local (forest). Moreover, Taming the Forest manifests the need for a new sensibility and complex knowledge, moving beyond the objective study and becoming attentive to different dimensions of research and its outputs that emerge through the introduction of Art Thinking. This becomes crucial in order to tackle the manifold big-scale problems such as climate and biodiversity crises which call for both acting decisively and transforming radically, above all in regards to how we perceive, relate to and manage forests.
xMobil (2021-) is a multi-stakeholder prototype development process of a mobile laboratory in a solar-powered car trailer, assembled mostly of salvaged technology parts and reused materials, geared for investigative-art and DIY/DIWO-workshop applications. Empowering creativity and innovation in off-grid public and remote locations, and promoting autonomous art-science practices as well as creative-community projects, particularly in the realm of environmentalism, it combines the work of artists, designers, architects, researchers and engineers who act as mentors to both students and non-formal learners coming from diverse educational programs, both formal and non-formal. xMobil was conceived by a community of developers and future users representing highly diverse sectors, from industry, independent arts production, natural sciences and education (teachers and students), to activism, and even local governance or cultural policy.
The contribution will eventually raise the issue of visibility, sustainability and preservation of such transitory projects or platforms, where artistic(-cum-scientific) works are based on grassroots research and experimentation, examining their methodological approach as well as their topic-setting as regards the limits of growth, and not least discussing their costs to social and natural ecosystems, increasingly permeated by technology. Ključne besede: art thinking, ecology, bioeconomy, DIY, autonomy, art and science Objavljeno v RUNG: 25.09.2023; Ogledov: 2088; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
9. Dancing sympathy beyond human failure : artistic research as cosmopolitical defuturingPeter Purg, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: abstract
The article explores the concepts, tools and methods that may be taken on board by artistic researchers when venturing into uncertain futures. The approaching hay-day of Artistic Research calls for a repositioning of this academic and cultural avantgarde that is assuming real power and must thus take clear opposition against dominant politics and corporate capitalism keeping the human and non-human kinds in perpetual crisis. Next to Science and Technology, Art has finally reached a status of an equivalued cornerstone, and within this level playing field a new research-based approach is needed where power relationships, decision-making mechanisms, dominant narratives or prevalent aesthetics are boldly investigated and critically questioned, (re)instituting the importance of artistic disruption and establishing art-thinking as the key to not only question but also design pathways to meaningful change. Deeply intertwined research methodologies ranging from social to natural sciences, from humanities via (critically reflected) technologies to the (technologically emancipated) arts, should be left to safely mingle and mutually inspire. Rather than colonizing it with yet another false supremacy, we should be learning from the Global South, where collective dancing, storytelling or performing still presents a norm of how to generate new knowledge or reach consensus. Artistic Research can contribute to crafting better worlds even once AI entities get accepted as fellow researchers (if not dancers), their agency reflected in an attitude of radical sympathy (re)instituting care, justice and solidarity by ways of sound research activism. Ključne besede: artistic research, interdisciplinary, posthumanism, art-science-technology, critical Objavljeno v RUNG: 15.06.2023; Ogledov: 1943; Prenosov: 21
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