51. The parameters that set word order in Slovenian Sign LanguageMatic Pavlič, 2015, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci Opis: The field of word order (WO) research in oral languages was opened with Greenberg (1963), who discovered that possible WOs are not evenly distributed in his sample of 30 languages. Linguists have ever since struggled to find out how do prevalent WOs emerge in the human brain (for the overview see Kemmerer 2012), how they are derived (for the overview see Dryer and Haspelmath 2013) and acquired (for the overview see Franck et al. 2013). According to Generative Grammar, basic WO is an output of the Head parameter (Chomsky 1981) and the Binarity principle (Kayne 1984). It reflects most transparently in the pragmatically unmarked surface order of subject, object and verb. The research on WO in sign languages (for the overview see Leeson and Saeed 2012) focused on exceptions, that may be triggered by modality specific factors: spacial verb-argument agreement, semantic
reversibility and iconicity. In this paper I provide the first description of Slovenian Sign Language (SZJ) arguing that its basic WO is SVO. I examine overt agreement and semantic reversibility and conclude, that these phenomena do not affect WO in SZJ. In the second part, I discuss non-basic SZJ WO that appears in role-shifting and classffer constructions due to the presence of verb-incorporated object classffers. All examples are from SZJ, elicited from L1 SZJ signers by Picture Description Task (see Volterra et al. 1984). Ključne besede: Word order, Slovenian Sign Language, classifier predicate Objavljeno v RUNG: 07.11.2017; Ogledov: 6066; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
52. Sharing space is Slovenian Sign Language (SZJ)Matic Pavlič, 2015, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci Opis: In this paper my aim is to introduce Slovenian Sign Language (henceforth SZJ), provide evidence for the sublexical structure of SZJ signs and classify SZJ verbs with regard to their place of articulation. Using Picture Description Task methodology (Volterra et al. 1984) I interviewed seven SZJ native deaf signers and defined two main verb classes: those that are signed on the body and those that are not. According to the tradition of sign languages research (Padden 1983 for American Sign Language) they can be termed as body-anchored, non-agreeing or plain verbs and space-anchored or agreeing verbs, respectively. SZJ body-anchored verbs cannot adjust their place of articulation to the place of articulation of their arguments while SZJ space-anchored verbs move between two distinct loci in signing space adjusting the starting and the ending point of this movement to places where two of their arguments are articulated. I analyze this process as an overt verb-argument agreement and justify SZJ space-anchored verbs as agreeing verbs. I also consider non-manual agreement markings such as eye-gaze, head- and body-lean and show that these markings accompany space-anchored verbs more often than body-anchored verbs. Furthermore, I distinguish a subclass of SZJ verbs that are signed in one locus in space (usually on the non-dominant hand). I examine whether such verbs express agreement overtly or not. I conclude that they do because it shares the very same place of articulation with all of its arguments that are not body-anchored signs. Ključne besede: agreement, Slovenian Sign Language, plain and agreeing verbs Objavljeno v RUNG: 06.11.2017; Ogledov: 6150; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
53. Sign order in Slovenian Sign Language locative constructionsMatic Pavlič, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: In both sign and spoken languages, locative relations tend to be encoded within constructions that display the non-basic word/sign order. In addition, in such an environment, sign languages habitually use a distinct predicate type – a classifier predicate – which may independently affect the order of constituents in the sentence. In this paper, I present Slovenian Sign Language (SZJ) locative constructions, in which (i) the argument that enables spatial anchoring (“ground”) precedes both the argument that requires spatial anchoring (“figure”) and the predicate. At the same time, (ii) the relative order of the figure with respect to the predicate depends on the type of predicate employed: a non-classifier predicate precedes the figure, while a classifier predicate only comes after the figure. Ključne besede: locative construction, locative adposition, figure and ground, classifier predicate, Slovenian Sign Language Objavljeno v RUNG: 06.11.2017; Ogledov: 5234; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
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55. Age-related effects on language production : A combined psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic perspectiveAndrea Marini, Sara Andreetta, 2016, samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji Opis: This chapter focuses on the effects of aging on the process of language production from a psycholinguistic, and neurolinguistic perspective. The first section provides a detailed description of the language production system by outlining the notions of micro- and macrolinguistic processing and introducing to some of the most influential psycholinguistic models of message production. The second part focuses on psycholinguistic investigations assessing age-related variations in the ability to produce a verbal message. A conclusive section outlines the complex interplay between the neural changes induced by aging and the reorganization of the language production system. Ključne besede: aging, language, neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics Objavljeno v RUNG: 09.05.2016; Ogledov: 6429; Prenosov: 0 |
56. A multi-level approach to the analysis of narrative language in aphasiaAndrea Marini, Sara Andreetta, Silvana Del Tin, Sergio Carlomagno, 2011, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Several studies have shown that traditional standardised aphasia tests may not be sensitive enough to adequately assess linguistic deficits and recovery patterns in persons with aphasia. As a result, both functional and structural methods for the ana- lysis of connected language samples from people with aphasia have been devised (see Armstrong, 2000; Prins & Bastiaanse, 2004).
The present article focuses on our attempt to provide a comprehensive, multi-level procedure for both structural and functional analysis of narrative discourse produced by speakers with brain damage. Accordingly, we will describe a method for analysis of connected language samples elicited on single picture and cartoon story description tasks. This method has proven sensitive in the assessment of language deficits in many neurogenic populations.
A comprehensive description of the language production sys- tem, a thorough discussion of the different approaches to discourse analysis in persons with aphasia, and the procedure for the analysis of narrative discourse are detailed. The characteristics of the eliciting stimuli, the procedures for their administration and the transcription of the language samples are carefully explained. The analysis focuses on four main aspects of linguistic processing: productivity, lexical and grammatical pro- cessing, narrative organisation, and informativeness. To further illustrate the analytic procedure, two case reports and an appendix with the analysis of a narrative sample are provided.
We will provide direct evidence of the usefulness of the multi-level procedure for discourse analysis for assessing changes in discourse performance of two persons with fluent aphasia, with different aetiologies, that were not captured by tradi- tional standardised aphasia tests.
The method of analysis presented in this paper has strong grounds in linguistic and psychological theories of linguistic structure and functioning. It also has the advantage of being both quantitative and functional as it captures selective aspects of linguistic processing, and can provide relevant information about the person's communicative and informative skills. Ključne besede: aphasia, language, narrative analysis Objavljeno v RUNG: 07.03.2016; Ogledov: 5531; Prenosov: 1 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |