1. Study of grapevine early leaf removal sustainability potential by means of targeted metabolomic approachMelita Sternad Lemut, Paolo Sivilotti, Lorena Butinar, Ajda Lemut, Urška Vrhovšek, 2017, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci Ključne besede: Pinot gris, early leaf removal, sustainable viticulture, grape compactness, targeted metabolomics, phenolic compounds Objavljeno v RUNG: 21.09.2017; Ogledov: 6216; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
2. Combined effects of early season leaf removal and climatic conditions on aroma precursors in ‘Sauvignon blanc’ grapesPaolo Sivilotti, Rachele FALCHI, Jose Carlos Herrera, Branka Škvarč, Lorena Butinar, Melita Sternad Lemut, Marijan Bubola, Paolo SABBATINI, Klemen Lisjak, Andreja Vanzo, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Early leaf removal around the cluster zone is a common technique applied in cool climate viticulture, to regulate yield components and improve fruit quality. Despite the increasing amount of information on early leaf removal and its impact on total soluble solids, anthocyanins and polyphenols, less is known regarding aroma compounds. In order to verify the hypothesis that defoliation, applied before or after flowering, could impact the biosynthesis of thiol precursors, we performed a two year (2013 and 2014) experiment on Sauvignon blanc. We provided evidence that differential accumulation of thiols precursors in berries is affected by the timing of defoliation and this impact was related to modifications in biosynthetic pathway. Furthermore, the possible interaction between leaf removal treatment and seasonal weather conditions, and its effect on the biosynthesis of volatile precursors are discussed. Our results suggested that in Sauvignon blanc the relative proportion of 4-S-glutathionyl-4-methylpentan-2-one (G-4MSP) and 3-S-glutathionylhexan-1-ol (G-3SH) precursors can be affected by defoliation, and this could be related to the induction of two specific genes encoding glutathione-S-transferases (VvGST3 and VvGST5), while no significant effects on basic fruit chemical parameters, polyphenols and methoxypyrazines were ascertained under our experimental conditions. Ključne besede: early leaf removal, cluster exposure, thiol precursors, methoxypyrazines, glutathione S-transferase, Vitis vinifera Objavljeno v RUNG: 31.08.2017; Ogledov: 5372; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
3. Vitis vinifera root and leaf metabolic composition during fruit maturation: Implications of defoliationGerhard, C. Rossouw, Baverley, A, Orchard, Katja Šuklje, Jason, A Smith, Celia Barril, Alain Deloire, Bruno, P. Holzapfel, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: leaf removal, metabolomics, primary metabolsim, vitis vinifera Objavljeno v RUNG: 26.07.2017; Ogledov: 6100; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
4. EFFECT OF TIMING OF LEAF REMOVAL ON YIELD PARAMETERS, GRAPE AND WINE QUALITY OF VITIS VINIFERA L. CV. 'SAUVIGNON BLANC' Daniela MARKOVICDaniela Markovic, 2016, diplomsko delo Opis: Z odstranjevanjem listov v predelu grozdov se lahko spremeni mikroklima grozdov, ki lahko izzove spremembe v sekundarnem metabolizmu vinske trte, ki so odvisne tudi od časa izvedbe ukrepa. Uravnavanje sinteze aromatskih komponent je zanimivo pri belih sortah kot je sorta 'Sauvignon blanc', kjer so metoksipirazini in tioli tisti, ki oblikujejo značilno aromo vina te sorte.
Eksperiment diplomske naloge smo zastavili na Oslavju (Gorica, Italija) v vinogradu sorte grozdja 'Sauvignon blanc' (Vitis vinifera L.). Želeli smo preveriti vpliva odstranjevanja listov v predelu grozdja pred in po cvetenju na količino in kakovost pridelka ter aromatske lastnosti grozdja in vina.
Količinski parametri pridelka so pokazali majhne vplive izvedenih ukrepov razlistanja; pozno razlistanje na količino pridelka ni vplivalo, v nasprotju z razlistanjem pred cvetenjem, kjer smo opazili rahlo zmanjšanje pridelka po trsu in mase grozdov. Tudi pri osnovnih zrelostnih parametrih smo opazili manjše spremembe, predvsem večje vsebnosti topne suhe snovi pri razlistanju pred cvetenjem.
Pri aromatskih komponentah smo zaznali vpliv razlistanja pred cvetenjem na količino prekurzorjev tiolov tako v grozdju kot tudi vinu; večjo vsebnost 4-merkapto-4-metilpentan-2-on (4MMP) in nižje koncentracije 3-merkaptoheksan-1-ol (3MH). S poznejšim odstranjevanjem listov smo zmanjšali koncentracije 4MMP, na vsebnost 3MH ta ukrep ni vplival.
Tudi s senzorično oceno vina smo potrdili pomembne vplive razlistanja pred in po cvetenju na določene note v aromi vina 'Sauvignon blanc'.
Leaf removal changes cluster microclimate, and thus modifications in the secondary metabolism are triggered, but differently as regard to the timing of application. In case of white grape varieties, the interest on the modification of aroma characteristics is searched, and in case of 'Sauvignon blanc', the shift in concentration of methoxypyrazines and thiols is responsible for the bouquet of the wines.
An experimental trial was set up in Oslavia (Gorizia, Italy) with the aim to evaluate how pre-flowering and post-flowering leaf removal applied on 'Sauvignon blanc' vines could change the aromatic occurrence in grapes and wines.
The yield parameters were slightly affected by the treatments of leaf removal; while late leaf removal did not impact on production, pre-flowering leaf removal slightly promoted a reduction on yield and cluster weight. Also basic maturation parameters were slightly changed, mainly higher soluble solids in case of pre-flowering leaf removal.
As regard aromatics, both thiol precursors in grapes and thiols in wines revealed to be shifted in case of pre-flowering leaf removal, with higher values of 4-mercapto-4-methyl-pentan-2-one and lower values of 3-mercaptohexan-1-ol. In case of late leaf removal lower concentration of 4MMP were revealed and similar of 3MH.
Also the degustation of the wines revealed some peculiarities of pre-flowering and late leaf removal treatments for some important sensorial notes of 'Sauvignon blanc' wines. Ključne besede: Vitis vinifera L. cv. 'Sauvignon blanc', razlistanje pred cvetenjem, razlistanje po cvetenju, aromatske komponente, tioli, LC-MS
Vitis vinifera L. cv. 'Sauvignon blanc', pre-flowering leaf removal, post-flowering leaf removal, aromatic compounds, thiols, LC-MS Objavljeno v RUNG: 14.01.2016; Ogledov: 9146; Prenosov: 308
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