31. Digital and social ICT in the interpretation of Cultural Heritage: a new paradigm for valorisation?Guendalina Ciancimino, 2016, magistrsko delo Opis: Today it is widely acknowledged by international institutions, national and local
administrations, and the civic society at large, that the whole of Cultural Heritage
(CH), in its tangible and intangible forms, is part of our individual and collective
memory, a marker of cultural identity and at the same time a demonstration of
social heterogeneity and complexity. This has led to a progressive recognition of the
importance of not only protecting, but also valorising CH, through its promotion and
the facilitation of its fruition.
Benefiting from CH depends on what and how is done to promote it and also to create
a competitive advantage for the ‘cultural economy’ which is based on its reproduction.
Tourism is an industry which uses CH and to some extent achieves the objective of
its valorisation, widening the market for its fruition and the significance of heritage
for different ‘publics’, but only to the extent that it is sustainable in its widest sense.
This sets a number of challenges regarding how the heritage is offered, explained, and
made accessible to visitors.
In this sense, the valorisation of CH is at the core of value generation in tourism,
and the use of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) is the channel
through which increasingly cultural resources are experienced in competitive and
sustainable way. New ICT tools restructure the relationship between image and
word, leading to new ways to imagine and interpret CH, and offer great potential
for value creation in tourism whereby perception and visual processing are essential
elements of communication and experience. Interpretation, which can be informative,
inspirational and entertaining, spurs understanding and appreciation, and ultimately
engages visitors in CH. Besides, online social networks have a central place in the
shaping of experience of the contemporary visitor and offer potential for a smart
marketing approach.
This Master thesis aims to demonstrate that managing the flows of information through
the new technologies may indeed enhance CH valorisation, and that the introduction
of digital devices and virtual technologies should follow a visitor-centred approach.
It also intends to acknowledge that the application of ICTs can have a significant return
in terms of economic income, stimulating and generating a stronger understanding
among cultural and public institutions and organizations.
The first section of this work reviews the relationship between CH and its social
dimension, presenting CH as a lever to enhance social and economic development;
it presents ICT and their relation with cultural tourism, illustrating the ongoing
transformation of visitors into active actors in the valorisation of CH.
The second section presents two case studies of digital devices applied to CH
valorisation in different contexts; the impacts of the two projects in relation to heritage
itself, its users and the territory are carefully analised.
The research represents a starting point for more work encased in contemporary studies
on the management of CH, as well as in the developing area of digital interpretation,
towards a more general development of a model of sustainable CH tourism. Ključne besede: CH management, cultural tourism, ICT, interpretation, CH experience Objavljeno v RUNG: 17.03.2017; Ogledov: 6145; Prenosov: 236 Celotno besedilo (2,87 MB) |
32. Cherenkov Telescope Array Data ManagementG. Lamanna, Andrej Filipčič, Gašper Kukec Mezek, Samo Stanič, Serguei Vorobiov, Lili Yang, Gabrijela Zaharijas, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, 2015, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci Ključne besede: Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), public observatory, data management Objavljeno v RUNG: 02.03.2017; Ogledov: 4453; Prenosov: 174 Celotno besedilo (1,09 MB) |
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35. General framework for the conservation of historical rural landscape. Case study of Qadisha Valley in Lebanon.Bachir Zarif Keyrouz, 2016, doktorska disertacija Opis: The international community has reacted to the challenges faced by historic cities and cultural landscapes. In 2011, UNESCO adopted the international recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape in order to draw the attention of governments and local communities to the need to improve the management of historic urban areas. The aim of the present dissertation is to expand the UNESCO definition to Historic Rural Landscapes, and to explore how the proposed methodology could be applied to the management of rural areas. The dissertation takes the Qadisha Valley in Lebanon as an example, where some elements have already been recognised for their outstanding universal value. It is considered however that these historic-cultural elements are part of the larger context of the Qadisha Valley, which has its specificity and its qualities that merit being recognised. It is also considered that the management of the elements already recognised by UNESCO can only be successfully safeguarded if the management is understood in the context of the entire valley. Consequently, the thesis is articulated taking into account the following parameters:
1. UNESCO has already set the restoration plan to solve the problems of Qadisha Valley. Based on this plan, the question can be raised whether or not the rural planning in Qadisha is well managed at the present?
2. In case Qadisha Zone is not well conserved, what improvements could be brought about and implemented in order to safeguard the cultural heritage and historical rural landscape, and what should be the guiding policies of restoration?
3. Once a restoration plan is implemented in Qadisha Zone, what management plan should be brought up and implemented to safeguard its cultural heritage and historical rural landscape?
4. How can conservation of cultural heritage in Qadisha Zone be done culturally and in a socially acceptable way?
5. What sectors of the nation are to be involved in the Management plan? How can the MP preserve and restore Qadisha Zone?
The aim of the dissertation has been to examine the possibilities of involvement of the local community and relevant authorities in a more structured management of their properties within the context of the entire valley and its exceptional historic and landscape qualities. It is hoped that the study can generate more interest in the management of the rural context within the increasingly globalising society, and draw attention to the qualities of historic rural landscapes as the setting for an improved quality of life. Ključne besede: Historic Rural Landscape, Qadisha World Heritage, Heritage Community, Sustainable Tourism, Strategic Urban Management, Outstanding Universal Values & Conservation Process. Objavljeno v RUNG: 07.10.2016; Ogledov: 7212; Prenosov: 131 Celotno besedilo (58,03 MB) |
36. Building the shared dimension of the rural landscape: tools, principles and methods : An integrated approach to conservation and management of the rural landscape in Venice and its LagoonCaterina Groli, 2016, doktorska disertacija Opis: This research investigates the rural landscape of the lagoon of Venice and its surrounding territory focusing on the forms of exploitation of its natural resources, the transformations that occurred throughout the course of history and the consequent formation of its primary economical sector.
New economic sectors, new agricultural policies and other spatial and sectorial drivers transformed the primary sector itself which changed and adapted its productive schemes to the main economic patterns, heavily affecting the former rural asset of the landscape of the lagoon by changing its demographic, economic activities and land use practices.
The study carries out a systematic and detailed analysis of all economic, cultural and social features that have interacted and impacted this specific landscape, relying mainly on the comparison of historical and current land-use maps through three different historical spans: 1823-1840 (pre-industrialization phase), 1933-1966 (industrializing process, considered as a determining factor of the transformation of this landscape) and 2013 (present post-industrialized condition). The maps, combined with relative data, are compared with the aid of the Geographical Information System (GIS) computer software. As a result, a set of new maps has been obtained, which point out the historical landscape permanencies, defined through in situ surveys on the territory. A multitude of other archival documents from direct and indirect sources have been examined in order to build up a sound and detailed socio-economic context and the overall historical background.
Resources, goods and services provided by the rural landscape and its development are an important part of regional and EU policy instruments and also an essential factor of identity and growth for local communities. The consumption of resources, their availability and maintenance over time and accessibility through property regulations are all factors that shape the common and public dimension of the rural landscape, which represents another study challenge of this work.
This study proposes the establishment of the rural park of the lagoon of Venice, through the implementation of the multi-functional role of agriculture, for the fulfilment of two fundamental conditions of the peri-urban rurality: the need of safeguarding the landscape and its significance, by preserving the authenticity and integrity of the rural characters and the dynamism of the primary sector, which is strictly related to the survival of the rural landscape. Ključne besede: Rural landscape of the lagoon of Venice, UNESCO Management Plan 2012–2018, European Landscape Convention, Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), Italian Constitution, Cultural Heritage and Landscape Code, authenticity and integrity of the rural heritage, intangible heritage, landscape evaluation, land-use cartography, Geographical Information System (GIS), fish-farming, multifunctional agriculture, new rural community, common pool resources, public goods, club goods, property rights, rural park Objavljeno v RUNG: 04.10.2016; Ogledov: 6320; Prenosov: 223 Celotno besedilo (21,33 MB) |
37. Strateško načrtovanje v dejavnosti turizma in gostinstva: študija primera turistične destinacije v izbrani mestni občiniMartin Bizjak, 2015, magistrsko delo Opis: V magistrskem delu obravnavamo problematiko strateškega managementa v izbrani turistični destinaciji, ker smo na področju raziskovanja in predhodnega preučevanja omenjene problematike identificirali raziskovalno vrzel. Namen magistrskega dela je, na podlagi sistematičnega pregleda domače in tuje strokovne literature ter zasnovi konceptualnega modela strategije razvoja turizma, empirično preveriti stopnjo razvitosti strateškega načrtovanja turistične in gostinske dejavnosti v izbrani turistični destinaciji ter podati morebitne predloge za izboljšanje stanja.
Za empirični del raziskave smo uporabili kvalitativno metodo raziskovanja in oblikovali raziskovalna vprašanja ter nato opravili intervju s štirimi predstavniki turističnih ponudnikov in tremi predstavniki organizacij, ki so vpete v lokalni turizem. Ugotovili smo, da tako konkurenčne prednosti kot družbena odgovornost in vrednote statistično značilno vplivajo na uspešnost turističnega podjetja. Izidi iz raziskave predstavljajo prispevek k širšemu vpogledu na strateški management v turizmu ter bodo uporabni za vse tiste, ki se teoretično, raziskovalno ali strokovno ukvarjajo s to dejavnostjo. Ključne besede: Management, organizacija, raziskava, strateški management, turistična destinacija Objavljeno v RUNG: 29.09.2015; Ogledov: 8039; Prenosov: 468 Celotno besedilo (1,06 MB) |
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39. Uvajanje metode 20 ključev v podjetjeNerma Čotar, 2015, diplomsko delo Opis: Osnovni namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti probleme poslovanja, komunikacije in organizacije znotraj podjetja ter spoznati metodo 20 ključev, ki skuša oceniti trenutno stanje v podjetju in najti ustrezne izboljšave. V obravnavanem podjetju smo opravili intervjuje s šestimi zaposlenimi ter izvedli anketiranje o predlogih za izboljšanje stanja na področju štirih sidrnih dejavnikov. Na osnovi izidov iz vprašalnika smo ugotovili, da so bili ti dobro sprejeti (povprečna ocena 4,4) ter da se predlogi po pomembnosti malo razlikujejo (standardni odklon 0,54). Ugotovitve iz teoretičnega pregleda domače in tuje strokovne literature ter spoznanja iz opravljene terenske raziskave v izbranem podjetju naj bi lastnikom, managerjem in zaposlenim služile kot pripomoček za trajnostno izboljševanje poslovanja. Ključne besede: management, metoda 20 ključev, podjetje, predlogi, vprašalnik Objavljeno v RUNG: 08.07.2015; Ogledov: 8504; Prenosov: 357 Celotno besedilo (1,08 MB) |
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