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Aleksandar Šobot, 2017, doktorska disertacija

Opis: The Europeanisation of Southeastern Europe led to the pre-accession and accession process of joining countries of the former Yugoslavia to the European Union. Slovenia's accession to the formal process of accession to the European Union started in 1999. This process lasted until 2003. Then, in 2004, Slovenia joined the European Union. Croatia's access to the formal process of accession to the European Union started in 2003. This process lasted until 2012. Then, in 2013, Croatia joined the European Union. Bosnia and Herzegovina entered the pre-accession process with the process of stabilization and association with the European Union, which lasted from 1999 to 2015. Then, in 2016, Bosnia and Herzegovina officially submitted its application for European Union membership. This paper examines the impact of the Europeanisation during this period on the nature protection system in the case of Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina while establishing multi-level governance system of protected areas within NATURA 2000 network. The analysis of the establishment of multi-level governance system is performed according to the morphogenetic model in three cycles as a case study. The case study is organized with the help of interviews and desk analysis of the relevant documents. In the first cycle were explained the projects/process of implementation of NATURA 2000 in Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina and its changing impacts on national legislation in the area of nature protection (environmental policy). The second cycle explains the role of the main actors in the establishment of multi-level governance system of NATURA 2000 such as the European Union institutions, competent ministries, national parks and non-governmental organisations (environmental polity). The third cycle outlines the contribution to the establishment of multi-level governance system of NATURA 2000 on the nature protection systems of Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina and their future challenges (environmental politics). The main conclusions point to the major changes in the nature protection systems of Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina during the process of implementation/establishing multi-level governance system of NATURA 2000. Main legal and institutional points of implementation of NATURA 2000 with all positive and negative sides are presented here. In the end, implementation of the European ecological network NATURA 2000 in Slovenia is marked as an excellent example with significant changes in legal (laws on nature protection) and institutional (transformation of governmental institutions, establishment of new institutions and inclusion of NGOs in decision making) framework. This process in Croatia was marked as good with significant changes in legal (laws on nature protection, adopting new strategy of sustainable development) and institutional (transformation of governmental organisation, establishment of new institutions and inclusion of NGOs in decision making) framework. This process in Bosnia and Herzegovina was marked as satisfactory with significant changes in legal (adopting new entity laws on nature protection) and institutional (adopting coordination mechanism for inter-entity and inter-institutional cooperation as well as inclusion of NGOs in decision making) framework. There are also significant weak points during the process of N2000 in all three countries (such as the late change of national legislative, not following the national legislative from governmental institution and not including NGOs into decision making), which during the proces of implementation of N2000 (for Croatia and Slovenia) or the process of preparation of implementation (for Bosnia and Herzegovina) cause significant problems, that call for action in the future in order to improve governance of natural resources /NATURA 2000. On the other hand, these points could serve as an example for all countries that underwent/or should undergo ...
Ključne besede: The Europeanisation of Southeastern Europe, the pre-accession process, the accession process, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the nature protection system, NATURA 2000 protected areas
Objavljeno v RUNG: 06.11.2017; Ogledov: 6876; Prenosov: 318
.pdf Celotno besedilo (2,77 MB)

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