1. STUDY OF ELECTRONIC STATES OF THIN METAL FILMS ON HEAVY METAL SURFACES : MASTER'S THESISLuka Novinec, 2018, magistrsko delo Opis: V magistrskem delu smo se osredoto£ili na pripravo in karakterizacijo
heterogenih ve£plastnih tankih filmov sestavljenih iz kovin ter teºkih kovin.
Za izdelavo vzorcev smo izbrali dve feromagnetni kovini, Fe in Gd, ter
eno divalentno kovino iz redkih zemelj, Yb. Tanke filme smo nana²ali na
kristalno povr²ino volframa W(110) ter molibdena Mo(110). V primeru Fe
na povr²ini W(110) in Mo(110) ter Yb na pov²ini Mo(110) smo uspe²no
dolo£ili pogoje, potrebne za nana²anje atomsko enakomernih filmov. S pomo
£jo kotno odvisne fotoemisije smo preu£evali kvantna stanja v Fe in Yb
filmih na Mo in W kristalih. Celotno eksperimentalno delo je potekalo na
ºarkovnih linijah VUV-Photoemission in²tituta (ISM-CNR) ter BaDElPh
pri sinhrotronu Elettra v Trstu. Ključne besede: electronic states, thin metal films, heavy metal surfaces Objavljeno v RUNG: 04.12.2019; Ogledov: 5274; Prenosov: 118 Celotno besedilo (25,10 MB) |
2. THE MORPHOLOGY DEPENDENCE ON GROWTH PARAMETERS IN NANOSTRUCTURED SEMICONDUCTORSMiha Gunde, 2014, diplomsko delo Opis: Poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) is an organic semiconductor material that is widely studied in the photovoltaics and transistor fields of research. The polymer exhibits a relatively high charge carrier mobility when the molecules are ordered in a crystalline way. In this
case the material exhibits a fibril-like morphology, which is usually studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Previous studies show that blending P3HT with graphene can further improve the charge carrier transport properties of the film. In this experiment, the scanning electron microscope (SEM) has been chosen, due to its practical aspects such as speed of operation and ease of use. Three sets of samples have been analyzed, containing films made of P3HT+graphene blends at different concentrations. The aims of the experiment are:
i) to find good conditions for the observation of the morphology features of the film
ii) to perform a morphological analysis of the surface of three sets of samples containing both pure P3HT, and P3HT+graphene blend, and possibly to highlight correlation between morpholgy and the charge transport properties.
Surface analysis is done by detecting the secondary electron (SE) emission, which is sensitive to topographical features of the surface. Good observation conditions were established by coating the specimen with a thin layer of conductive coating, using a high energy beam (30 keV), and tilting the sample to an angle (30 ◦ ). In two out of three of the analyzed pure P3HT films, the presence of fibrilles indicated a possibly good charge mobility, which has
been confirmed by electrical measurements using time-of-flight photoconductivity method (TOF). The presence of graphene has only slightly modified morphology of the film. Features of graphene flakes, which lie flat in the film, have been observed such as flake edges and folds. The flakes are homogeneously dispersed in the film without forming any connected network. TOF measurements have shown an increase in mobility of the charge carriers in the P3HT+graphene film. Ključne besede: scanning electron microscope, organic semiconductor thin film, P3HT, graphene, morphology Objavljeno v RUNG: 01.12.2016; Ogledov: 7695; Prenosov: 174 Celotno besedilo (30,93 MB) |
3. RAPID UPLC-ESI-MS/MS BASED ASSAY FOR DISCOVERY OF UDP-N-ACETYLMURAMOYL-L-ALANINE:D-GLUTAMATE (MurD) LIGASE INHIBITORSVjekoslava Car, 2016, magistrsko delo Opis: A rapid, selective, robust and sensitive analytical assay method, operating in a short time frame with acceptable levels of precision, linear range and the accuracy necessary for successful Mur ligases inhibitors discovery, was developed.
An LC-MS/MS analytical procedure was designed for the determination of a MurD ligase reaction product (UMAG). The special focus of this work was on UDP-N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanine:D-glutamate ligase (MurD) activity. The assay method is especially valuable as an orthogonal (secondary) assay for the primary high throughput fluorescent-based assay screening of potential Mur ligase inhibitors. The LC-MS/MS assay is fully compatible with the components from the primary fluorescent-based assay and enables the analysis of the same samples by both methodologies. The presented LC-MS/MS assay procedure is used for the evaluation of the false positive hits (molecules) from the primary, fluorescence based, high throughput screening assay experiments. This is important for the elimination of false positive hits from the prohibitively expensive and time-consuming investigation process.
Method development describes the evaluation and optimization of the various stages of sample preparation, chromatographic separation, MS/MS determination and quantification. An enzyme reaction is performed in a 96-well plate. The quenched reaction mixture samples were spiked with an internal standard (phenacetin). The permeate was injected onto the U(H)PLC-MS/MS triple quadrupole system after sample ultrafiltration. Chromatographic separation was achieved on the ACQUITY UPLCTM HSS T3 column (100 x 2.1 mm i.d., 1.8 µm particle size) using an ammonium format buffer at pH 2.8 and acetonitrile as eluent. Elution initiated with an isocratic-hold for 1.1 min, followed by a two-step linear gradient of up to 3 min, giving a total run time of 5 min including equilibration. The flow rate was kept at a constant 0.4 mL/min.
UMAG quantitative analysis was performed by positive electrospray ionization, followed by tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS). The analytical assay quantifies UMAG in a linear range from 0.25 to 20 µM using 70 µL of samples. Validation results demonstrated that UMAG concentrations can be accurately and precisely determined in samples from the primary assay.
Evaluation of inhibitory activities of compounds measured by both the fluorescence and the LC-MS/MS method demonstrated that the values were in a very good agreement. This analytical method can be used to screen a compound library at a defined concentration of each compound to obtain the percentage of inhibition, or with a series of compound concentrations to obtain inhibition potency of a compound (IC50). The selected Lek compounds no. 1 and 2 from the virtual screening campaign were presented, tested and further investigated due to the expression of significant MurD ligase inhibitory action acquired by primary high throughput tests.
This assay has been developed for MurD, but during development, chromatographic and MS/MS conditions for UM and UMA were studied and defined as well. Therefore, this analytical assay method can easily be applied to other Mur ligases (i.e. MurC, MurE) enzyme activity monitoring in the process of bacteria cell wall peptidoglycan formation. This method enables the identification of many different Mur ligase inhibitors in a continued search for new Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria antibiotics. Ključne besede: Mur ligases, UDP-N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanine:D-glutamate (MurD) inhibitors, UNAM-Ala-Glu, LC-MS/MS, liquid chromatography, tandem mass spectrometry, antibiotics, drug discovery Objavljeno v RUNG: 23.09.2016; Ogledov: 8167; Prenosov: 279 Celotno besedilo (2,62 MB) |
4. KINETICS OF CELLULOSE DEGRADATION STUDIED USING SIZE EXCLUSION CHROMATOGRAPHYAneta Balažic Fabjan, 2016, magistrsko delo Opis: For more than five centuries, paper has been the predominant carrier of information and numerous medieval manuscripts bear witness of its durability. However, increasing demand for paper led to several changes in its production in the 19th century. High quality rag fibres were replaced by inferior wood-originating ones. Acid manufacturing technology was introduced which, due to its simplicity and low cost, continued to be used until the end of the 20th century. Inherently stable paper rapidly degrades in the presence of acids and its decay is further promoted by the poor storage conditions and environmental pollutants. As a result, the amount of degraded paper in libraries, archives and museums is reaching enormous proportions. In order to prolong the usable time of the vast quantities of original materials, paper collections may be deacidified and/or stored at lower temperatures. While preservation options are known, lack of the competent comparative studies leaves collection keepers hesitant of their use. The introductory part of the project is focused on development of analytical methodologies and model materials, representative of historical acid paper. As uniqueness and inherent value of cellulose-based cultural heritage limits the use of analytical methodologies to the non-destructive or micro-destructive ones. A new methodology for determination of the condition of paper was developed. The analytical technique-size exclusion chromatography for the first time allows us to reproducible determine the condition of paper which contains a significant amount of wood derived lignin. A few fibres suffice for the analysis, which renders the methodology suitable for characterisation of historical materials. The results of the research will represent the effect of deacidification processes with use of micro destructive analytical methodologies. As written word is all what we have for our legacy from generation to generation, evaluating preservation strategies for decaying collections, safekeeping and long term access to the endangered written cultural heritage is one of the most important facts. Ključne besede: paper, size exclusion chromatography, kinetics, deacidification process Objavljeno v RUNG: 02.09.2016; Ogledov: 7446; Prenosov: 287 Celotno besedilo (1,33 MB) |
5. Chemical and structural investigation of the cobalt phthalocyanineMatija Stupar, 2015, magistrsko delo Opis: In the last two decades, studies on organic molecules mimicking substances of fundamental importance in nature, like chlorophyll or hemoglobin, have attracted researchers’ attention. These molecules are building blocks for a family of materials also referred to as “organic semiconductors”. Such compounds can be implemented in numerous applications, ranging from data-storage to light harvesting. Some of their fundamental advantages include low cost, light weight, relatively easy engineering and mechanical flexibility, compatible with bending plastic substrates.
In this thesis work we investigated the chemical, structural and electronic properties of cobalt phthalocyanines (CoPc). These molecules have promising applications in the field of magnetic data storage and spintronics in general, due to the ferromagnetic properties of the cobalt atom. Several techniques like photoemission core-level spectroscopy and valence band spectroscopy, together with X-ray absorption, have been used in order to determine the CoPc properties in gaseous phase, i.e. in the absence of interaction with the surrounding environment.
Another set of experiments was devoted to the commissioning of the CITIUS time-resolved photoemission setup, that will be used in future studies of CoPc molecules on surfaces. Ključne besede: Cobalt phthalocyanine (CoPc), photoemission spectroscopy (PES), X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), synchrotron radiation, laser, high order harmonic generation (HHG), time resolved spectroscopy Objavljeno v RUNG: 29.09.2015; Ogledov: 10011; Prenosov: 286 Celotno besedilo (2,96 MB) |
6. Vpliv dielektrika na delovanje organskega tankoplastnega tranzistorja: organski in anorganski dielektrikiAnže Peternel, 2015, diplomsko delo Opis: Organski tankoplastni tranzistorji (OTFT) so polprevodniški elementi, ki opravljajo funkcijo stikal v elektronskih napravah. Med njihovo najpomembnejšo lastnost štejemo
hitrost preklapljanja električnega toka. Hitrost preklapljanja je odvisna od mobilnosti nosilcev naboja, ta
pa je odvisna predvsem od stične površine med plastjo dielektrika in polprevodnika.
Preučili smo vpliv dielektrika
na mobilnost vrzeli v OTFT-jih s polprevodnim polimerom
poli(3-heksiltiofen) (P3HT). Primerjali smo dielektrike
parilen C, termični oksid (SiO2) in oktadekiltriklorosilan
(OTS). Ugotovili smo, da na mobilnost vrzeli močno vplivata
hrapavost in polarnost dielektrika. Za najboljši dielektrik
se je izkazal OTS, saj je bila mobilnost vrzeli najvišja
glede na ostale preučene OTFT-je. Najvišja izmerjena
mobilnost vrzeli je znašala 0.03 cm^2 V^−1 s^−1 . Pri
OTFT-jih z dielektrikom OTS smo izmerili upor stika med
elektrodama in plastjo polprevodnika. Upor je znašal 1 MΩ in
predstavlja veliko oviro za tok, ki teče skozi OTFT.
Iz pridobljenih rezultatov sklepamo, da so OTFT-ji z organskimi dielektriki boljši kot OTFT-ji z dielektrikom
SiO2, če je njihova površina ravna in hidrofobna. Sklepamo
da z optimizacijo upora stika med elektrodo in plastjo
polprevodnika lahko pripravimo OTFT-je, ki so primerni za
izdelavo fleksibilne organske elektronike. Ključne besede: konjugirani polimeri, P3HT, termični oksid SiO2, parilen C, OTS, tokovno-napetostna karakteristika, mobilnost nosilcev naboja, pragovna napetost, upor stika kovina – polprevodnik Objavljeno v RUNG: 28.09.2015; Ogledov: 9674; Prenosov: 300 Celotno besedilo (10,50 MB) |
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