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Birokratski stil v srbskem in slovenskem časopisju v času socializma
Jelena Budimirović, 2016, magistrsko delo

Opis: Glavni namen birokratskega stila ni komunikativen, temveč ritualno-ideološki. Takšen stil služi kot sredstvo jezikovne manipulacije in birokratom zagotavlja monopol pri političnem odločanju. Birokratski stil je v srbščini razcvet doživel v socializmu, v slovenščini pa se je razvijal pod vplivom srbščine. V tej nalogi analiziramo jezik srbskega časopisa Borba, oziroma slovenskih časopisov Ljudska pravica in Delo v času socializma, in sicer skozi dve obdobji – obdobje začetka socialističnega sistema v Jugoslaviji (1944–1947) ter poznejše obdobje, v katerem je imel socializem v Jugoslaviji za seboj že več desetletij (1974–1979). Za jezik prvega obdobja so značilni enostavnost, ideološkost in čustvenost. Za stil drugega obdobja je opazna izjemno močna birokratiziranost novinarskega stila, in smo ga zato analizirali glede na klasifikacijo značilnosti birokratskega stila: nominalnost, splošnost, nedoločenost, eksplicitnost, evfemizmi, presežek besed, kvaziznanstvenost in uporaba besed tujega izvora. Analiza opisuje slovnična in leksična sredstva birokratizacije in razlaga njihove učinke v sociolingvističnem kontekstu.
Ključne besede: birokratski stil, socializem, Borba, Ljudska pravica, Delo, manipulacija
Objavljeno v RUNG: 19.09.2016; Ogledov: 6040; Prenosov: 152
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Miodrag Đorđević, 2016, magistrsko delo

Opis: In 2009, a Drop in centre for street children - MARA was established in Niš, Serbia. The purpose of the project was to provide health protection of adolescents, who lived in structural disadvantages, was exposed to the risk of HIV, and who have not been addressed by the institutional social care system. Once on the streets, children have difficulty meeting their basic needs such as obtaining food, clothes or shelter. Therefore, they employ a range of survival strategies. Begging, car washing, collecting secondary resources, borrowing money, and dealing drugs are common ways how to provide subsistence. Perhaps the most dangerous survival strategy pertains to exchanging sex services for food or money. Drug and alcohol use are common practices among street children. The main goal of this thesis was to obtain new knowledge about these young people in order to achieve a better understanding of their behaviours in the framework of social marginalization, their coping strategies and their own contributions to social exclusion. To provide better social, health and educational services for street children in Niš a qualitative approach is necessary to understand their survival strategies and their several needs as the persons at risk in certain social contexts. The main approach was ethnography encompassing participant observation during the fieldwork in Drop in centre in Niš. Following methods were employed: Review of the scientific literature on the issue and analytical reading; Review and analysis of existing documents and archive materials: UN/NGO/Government documents, and the documentation on the projects from Drop in centre; Participant observation in the group of MARA; Semistructured interviews with MARA; An ethnographic diary and ethnographic fieldnotes of fieldwork in the Drop in centre in Niš. This thesis was focused on the following research questions: What is the relationship between social stereotypes about MARA and MARA’s behaviour? Are the stereotypes affecting MARA’s identities, behaviour and appearance or vice versa? How do MARA act within their several environments? How MARA relate to each other? How “street groups” influence MARA’s risky behaviour? What are interactions within these groups? What are the commonly shared values among the members of the groups? My research will explore more in detail common values in the groups of drug users and sex workers. How MARA understand the risk of drug use and commercial sex? What is the social context of risk perception? Do they have any ideas how to prevent the risk? Did they have any concepts about the risk? And how their concept coincides with the mainstream, project concepts? Discussing all above research questions, the main expected result refers to obtaining new knowledge in order to find better solution to their problems compared to existing practices and understandings by several actors. Therefore, this work will fight against poorly informed images and understandings of adolescent Roma and street children, which are as a rule seen and understood within ideological, commonsensical, racial and stereotypical considerations. Roma studies have little academic research on at risk adolescent children, especially in the Western Balkans. The originality of this study is related to the unique material collected in the ethnography through participant observation and fieldwork with appropriate techniques of data collection with adolescent street children in Niš. The study was carried out on the territory of former Socialist Yugoslavia, in Central Serbia, Niš. No similar studies on structural inequality, marginality and Roma has been conducted in this region. Finally,concepts of structural inequality, marginality, street children, which have been coined and developed by several authors in the contexof the Western capitalist system, will be now reflected in the context of transition and postsocialist radical social changes.
Ključne besede: Roma, marginality, childhood, street children, risky behaviour, stereotypes
Objavljeno v RUNG: 16.09.2016; Ogledov: 5988; Prenosov: 266
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Lidija Sinovčić, 2016, magistrsko delo

Opis: Pharmaceuticals in aquatic environment are considered as emerging environmental contaminants due to their constant presence, evironmental resistance and toxic effect they could have on aquatic organisms. Studies for Slovenia have shown the presence of pharmaceutical substances in waters to be comparable with published results of pharmaceutical water pollution in Europe. As conventional methods do not reach efficient pharmaceutical removal from water sources, more powerful and effective methods like heterogeneous photocatalysis using TiO2/UV have been implemented. Titanium dioxide coatings in silicate binder were prepared by the sol-gel process and deposited on a glass support with dip-coating technique. The films showed good quality and possibility of multiple use. The characterization of the films was performed with scanning electron microscope (SEM), x-ray diffraction (XRD) and hardness test (Elcometer 501 Pencil Hardness Tester). Effectiveness and quality of prepared TiO2 coatings for photodegradation of pharmaceutical compound paracetamol (PCT) were assessed during photocatalytic treatment and compared to photolysis, a process without presence of a catalyst. Photolysis caused substantial changes in paracetamol concentration between 120 and 180 minutes of irradiation where 92% of degradation was achieved, but with no changes in mineralization. Photocatalytic treatment was much faster and effective where 95% of paracetamol degraded within 90 minutes of UV irradiation and after prolonged irradiation time from 120 to 240 minutes also mineralization of paracetamol solution increased from 59% to 83%. Accordingly, toxicity decreased, but it was still not lower than in the starting PCT solution as it was shown by acute toxicity test on Daphnia magna aquatic organisms. The master thesis represents a step forward in studying photocatalytic removal of paracetamol from water, because to my knowledge all the published investigations on this pharmaceutical up to now include photocatalyst mostly in powder and not in immobilized form, which is more advantageous from application point of view.
Ključne besede: Pharmaceuticals, paracetamol, titanium dioxide, photocatalytic degradation, Daphnia magna.
Objavljeno v RUNG: 14.09.2016; Ogledov: 8065; Prenosov: 303
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Kontrabantka. Njene poti s koščkom svobode. Življenje in vloga žensk v Vipavskih brdih prve polovice 20. stoletja.
Darja Gorup, 2016, magistrsko delo

Opis: V magistrski nalogi so predstavljene trgovske poti Gaberk iz Vipavskih brd ter vpliv le-teh na spreminjajočo se družbeno vlogo ženske v družini in vasi. Zaradi specifičnih družbeno-gospodarskih razmer, v katerih so živele, je bilo njihovo življenje kmečke gospodinje vse prej kot vpeto med štiri stene. Igrale so več vlog: bile so matere, žene, vaščanke, trgovke oziroma brangerce, kontrabantke in migrantke. Brangerca je ženska, ki je na razne nelegalne ali pollegalne načine nosila jajca, maslo, sezonsko zelenjavo, maline, meso, žganje in druge pridelke v italijanska mesta, jih tam prodala ali menjala in prinesla domov nekaj denarja ali živil in gospodinjskih potrebščin. Ker je državna oblast brangerski način trgovanja omejevala s plačilom taks in dajatev, predvsem pa je bila obdavčena dobičkonosna trgovina z žganjem in tobakom, so ženske pričele s tihotapljenjem. Tako so iz legalnih brangerc postale kontrabantke oziroma tihotapke, trgovke, ki so skušale priti do svojih strank po skrivnih poteh, predvsem pa z domiselno skritim trgovskim blagom. V iskanju boljših pogojev za življenje so se Gaberke tudi izseljevale v bližnja italijanska mesta. V uvodu je predstavljen koncept naloge, teze in metodološka izhodišča. Jedrni del vstavi zgodbe brangerc v različne zgodovinske okoliščine (prva svetovna vojna, vinska kriza po postavitvi rapalske meje ter končno postavitev državne meje med Jugoslavijo in Italijo). Na podlagi podatkov, pridobljenih z metodo ustne zgodovine ter ohranjenega arhivskega ter matičnega gradiva, je predstavljeno vsakdanje življenje žensk ter njihove vloge. V sklepnemu poglavju so zgoščena spoznanja o vrednotenju ženskega dela in vlogah ženske znotraj družine ter vasi. Sklepnemu poglavju sledi seznam literature in virov ter povzetek v angleškem jeziku.
Ključne besede: brangerca, kontrabant, krožne selitve, izseljevanje, Trst, Vipavska brda, rapalska meja
Objavljeno v RUNG: 14.09.2016; Ogledov: 7022; Prenosov: 266
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Patrik Baksa, 2016, magistrsko delo

Opis: The majority of the world’s goods are transported over water and dredging is essential for the development of harbors and ports. Therefore, the management of dredged material is a worldwide issue. Due to its chemical and petrographic, mineralogical and homogeneity composition, marine sediments are an appropriate raw material to use in the brick industry. Marine sediments can serve as raw material for the production of clay blocks, roofing and ceramic tiles. Different analyses were carried out in order to determine if the dredged material from the Port of Koper is environmentally friendly and suitable to use in the brick industry. These analyses included: a chemical analysis, a mineralogical analysis, a particle size analysis and a chloride content (Cl-) analysis, and tests of firing in a gradient furnace. Furthermore, tests of mechanical properties, as well as tests of frost-resistance of the samples were carried out. On the basis of primary analyses and samples prepared in a lab, it was established that marine sediments from the Port of Koper without any additives are only conditionally suitable as a source material for producing brick products. In collaboration with Gorica brickworks (Goriške opekarne), a pilot production from a mixture of 60% component B from Gorica brickworks and 40% component A (marine sediments) from the Port of Koper was prepared. Different tests showed the mixture could be appropriate for brick production.
Ključne besede: marine sediments, recycling, clay bricks, chemical analysis, mechanical properties, brick production.
Objavljeno v RUNG: 05.09.2016; Ogledov: 7002; Prenosov: 278
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Janez Škarja, 2016, magistrsko delo

Opis: In a developed world, water is used in a variety of installations and devices for the improvement of life standard. It is important for these elements to be suitably managed and maintained, otherwise they can present a risk to people's health. Although potable water from a public plumbing system coming via the water supply into an internal plumbing system normally is compliant with the regulations, the quality of water in an internal plumbing system often changes – water gets contaminated. There are several types of microorganisms that can grow in water. They carry a great potential for the growth and proliferation of bacteria from the genus Legionella that cause Legionnaires' disease and Pontiac Fever. Even the fact that Legionella infection has for several years been mentioned in the accident insurance conditions of insurance companies in relation to receiving the insurance fee as compensation for bed day, shows the extent and foremost the seriousness of the disease (5–15% mortality rate). The research part of the master thesis focused mainly on determining the presence of bacteria from the genus Legionella in the water of internal plumbing systems of healthcare facilities. During the entire research period of 8 years, 2,676 samples of cold and hot water were acquired from 23 healthcare facilities. The main purpose of the research was to determine the efficiency or adequacy of applied approaches, i.e. physical disinfection with heat and chemical disinfection with chlorine, in eliminating or reducing the amount of Legionella present in the water of selected healthcare facilities. Another aim was to evaluate the impact of softening potable water with polyphosphates on the proliferation of certain microorganisms in water, and to determine the by-products of chemical disinfection. Upon sampling, an organoleptic examination of water (appearance, odour), electrometric measurements of water temperature, and colorimetric measurements of free chlorine concentrations in water were performed. The data for the analysis of Legionella presence were acquired by water sampling and the isolation of bacteria found in the water. In order to acquire laboratory results of specific physical and chemical parameters, ion chromatography, gas chromatography, spectrophotometry, titration, and inductively coupled plasma – mass detector were used. Although water samples from only two healthcare facilities showed no presence of Legionella, the number of water samples with the presence of Legionella decreased for at least 25% from the beginning to the end of period set. Also, after certain general sanitary and technical measures a noticeable improvement within healthcare facilities after 2008 could be observed. Regarding the initial part of the set period, a more favourable relationship between positive and negative samples, a lower number of samples with highest concentrations of present Legionella, and a higher number of samples with lower concentrations of present Legionella were determined. The research has shown that the existing system of ensuring health-compliant water is fairly efficient; however, the results could be improved additionally by investing more into the preparation and renovation of systems. Due to a limited number of samples, a direct impact of adding polyphosphates to potable water could not be linked to the occurrence of Legionella. None of the samples showed an increased concentration of by-products of potable water disinfection. In its conclusion, the research has shown that the procedures after overheating and after chlorine disinfection result in a similar success. While filtration proved to be most efficient, from the perspective of Legionella infections the use of medical bathtubs can present a high risk to people's health, therefore such devices should be subject to more frequent maintenance and supervision.
Ključne besede: potable water, internal plumbing system, biofilm, health facilities, disinfection, Legionella
Objavljeno v RUNG: 05.09.2016; Ogledov: 6750; Prenosov: 280
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Tatjana Kobal, 2016, magistrsko delo

Opis: Manganese-functionalized silica with interparticle mesoporosity and isolated Mn sites (Mn/Si = 0.01) is an excellent Fenton catalyst for water cleaning. However, there is a problem that needs to be solved, i.e., Mn leaching from the silica support during the reaction. The solution may lie in using aerogels as the silicate supports for the manganese. The goal of this master thesis is the synthesis and characterization of manganese-functionalized silica aerogels with different Mn/Si molar ratios and a determination of their structural properties. The emphasis is on the preparation of manganese-functionalized silica aerogels with isolated manganese sites. Firstly, manganese-functionalized microporous and mesoporous silicates with a molar ratio Mn/Si = 0.005–0.02 were synthesized according to the literature and characterized as reference materials for manganese-functionalized aerogels. Manganese silicalite-1 (MnS-1) as a microporous zeolite-type silicate and manganese-functionalized silica (MnKIL-2) as a mesoporous silicate were prepared by the sol-gel process with a hydrothermal and solvothermal treatment, respectively. MnS-1 and MnKIL-2 with a molar ratio of Mn/Si ≤ 0.01 contain manganese as isolated sites in the silica framework and with a molar ratio of Mn/Si > 0.01 contain manganese as manganese oxides. Secondly, manganese-functionalized aerogels (MnAEG) with a molar ratio Mn/Si = 0.005–0.02, were prepared according to the acid-base of the sol-gel polymerization of a tetraethylorthosilicate precursor, which is followed in combination with a supercritical drying using CO2. The prepared materials were characterized using the following techniques: X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), energy-dispersive X-ray elemental analysis (EDX), nitrogen physisorption, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The characterization results on manganese-functionalized aerogels (MnAEG) showed Mn oxide nanoparticles incorporated into the aerogel already at a low Mn concentration (Mn/Si = 0.005), which means that Mn aerogels are not promising silica supports for Mn catalysts applied for water cleaning, because they do not contain isolated Mn sites.
Ključne besede: : SiO2 aerogels, manganese-functionalized SiO2 aerogels, sol–gel process, CO2 supercritical drying
Objavljeno v RUNG: 02.09.2016; Ogledov: 7627; Prenosov: 244
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Peter Bohinec, 2016, magistrsko delo

Opis: With the adjustment of the Slovenian legislation with the European one we have an obligation to increase the reuse and recycling target for municipal solid waste by up to 65% by 2030 and gradual limitation of the landfilling of municipal solid waste to 10% by 2030 (Directive 2008/98 on waste, 2015). This represents a major challenge for municipalities in Slovenia. This study contains a plan for establishing new waste treatment facility in the Municipality of XY. As all new constructions in Slovenia, the presented facility needs to provide all the environmental protective measures predicted by the legislation. Beside the legislation, it is also important to ensure that new waste treatment facilities will have a low or no effect on the environment. Based on the Environmental Protection Act and the Construction Act of Slovenia, measures to ensure long term monitoring of the waste treatment facility as a case study in the Municipality of XY are presented. Before constructing the new facility, the track of “baseline” – a one-year monitoring of the following environmental parameters was crucial: groundwater, air dust deposit, condition of the soil on the area where new facility will operate in the future. The thesis points out the importance of the so-called track “baseline” monitoring of environmental parameters before new waste treatment facility will operate. This will be the basis for the introduction of operating monitoring for the new waste treatment facility in the future. Data for the analysis of presence of pollutants were acquired from groundwater, air dust deposit, soil sampling and containment of chemical pollutants. The following methods of analysis were employed in the acquisition of laboratory results of specific physical and chemical parameters: ion chromatography, gas chromatography, spectrophotometry, titration, inductive coupled plasma – mass detector, measurement with an electrode. It was determined that in the period between 2011 and 2012, the groundwater samples taken from three drilled wells containing pollutants as for example in the P-2 well there were adsorbable organic halogens - AOX, boron and mineral oils found. The results of the dust deposit show increased value of lead and zinc. More concerning are analysis of the soil samples where the quantity of copper at the MM2 measuring point were 530mg/kg, on 20 April 2012 the present critical level was 300 mg/kg. At the same measuring point (MM2) on the same day, the value of zinc was 650 mg/kg and almost reached the critical level of 720 mg/kg. The levels of heavy metals as cadmium, copper, lead and zinc in the soil samples taken at the MM2 and MM3 measuring points were at the warning level. All the detected parameters were evaluated and present a good basis for future operational monitoring of the environment in the area of the new waste treatment facility in the future. This case study has shown that planned steps in the improvement of the waste management in the Municipality of XY are crucial to protect the environment. The analysis and interpretation present an important basis for planning and monitoring a new waste treatment facility which will help to improve our goals and reduce landfilling to 10% and increace recycling by up to 65% by 2030 as predicted by the Directive on waste (Directive 2008/98 on waste, 2015).
Ključne besede: odpadki, krožno gospodarjenje z odpadki, podtalnica, zemljine, prašni delci v zraku, spremljanje stanja okolja.
Objavljeno v RUNG: 20.07.2016; Ogledov: 5668; Prenosov: 318
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Renata Janja Slovša, 2016, magistrsko delo

Opis: The purpose of this master’s thesis is to present the operation of a large municipal waste water treatment plant in Slovenia with over 300.000 PE and its efficiency, and through a theoretical analysis to present the current practice and alternative options of sewage sludge treatment in Slovenia and around the globe. The main objective of master's thesis is to present the most possible alternative scenarios for the final managing of sewage sludge from WWTPs and at this objective we take into consideration the impact on Carbon Foot Print (CFP). Due to scenarios (thermal utilisation of dried sludge (90% d.m.) in a cement plant, co-incineration of dehydrated sludge (25% d.m.) in a local power plant, thermal utilisation of dried sludge (90% d.m.) in a local power plant, incineration of dehydrated sludge (25% d.m.) in own plant, incineration of dried sludge (90% d.m.) in own plant, and also prohibited scenarios such as sludge utilisation in the soil -fertilization, sludge disposal in the landfill) we calculated CFP and we find out that CFP of various methods of thermal sludge treatment are more or less similar but absolutely smaller than convetional sewage sludge treatment. The CFP is more favourable for dehydrated sludge than for pre-dried sludge, and it is also more favourable for treatment in industrial furnaces (heat power plant, cement plant) than in individual waste incineration facilities.
Ključne besede: odpadne vode, odpadno blato iz čistilnih naprav, čistilne naprave, primerjalne analize, analiza življenjskega cikla, ogljični odtis, toplogredni plini
Objavljeno v RUNG: 20.07.2016; Ogledov: 6310; Prenosov: 301
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Determination of spray deposit on different collectors : master thesis
Simona Luskar, 2007, magistrsko delo

Objavljeno v RUNG: 19.02.2015; Ogledov: 4493; Prenosov: 372
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