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Characterization of PM10 sources in a pre-alpine valley with traffic, biomass burning and industrial sources
Kristina Glojek, Thuy Vy Dinh Ngoc, Manousos Ioannis Manousakas, Jean-Luc Jaffrezo, Andre S. H. Prevot, Griša Močnik, 2024, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Abstract: The contribution of traffic and wood burning to particulate matter (PM) across the Alps is widely recognized and studied (Herich et al., 2014 and references therein; Glojek et al., 2021). However, studies on valleys with cement production are scarce despite its large PM emissions and potential toxic properties (Kim et al., 2003; Rovira et al., 2018; Ervik et al., 2022; Weinbruch et al., 2023). In this study, we aim to identify and chemically characterize PM10 sources in a pre-alpine valley influenced by cement industry. A comprehensive SA study on the local and regional PM sources and their size-segregated elemental fraction will be presented. PM10 was sampled daily on quartz filters from November 2020 to November 2021 and analyzed for a large array of chemical species. Equivalent black carbon (eBC) measurements were taken with the Aethalometer AE33. Hourly elemental PM10 and PM2.5 composition was measured in parallel with two Xact 625i from February until May 2021. Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) was used to determine the sources of PM10 (off-line PMF) with 24-hour time resolution, and of the elemental fraction of PM (on-line PMF) with 1-hour time resolution for the overlapping time period. A combination of the different PMF models with various instrument data resulted in improved SA in terms of number of identifies sources and their uncertainties. The off-line PMF resolved ten PM10 sources (Fig. 1, left), while the on-line elemental PM10 and the combined elemental PM2.5+coarse PMF recognized 6 and 7 factors, respectively (Fig. 1, right). Due to large number of samples, we were able to separate between the sources with strong seasonality and sources featuring stability throughout the year. The study disclosed two rarely encountered factors, i.e., chloride-rich (chlorine-rich in case of on-line PMF) and cement dust. We associate these two factors to different processes in the cement plant. The high-resolution on-line PMF enabled us to distinguish between regional and local sources. Furthermore, the size-segregated on-line PMF provided more speciated sources (traffic separation into heavy-duty and light-duty vehicles). The outputs of the study provide vital information about the influence of cement production on PM10 concentrations and OP in complex environments and are useful for PM control strategies and actions. Further work involves more detailed comparison of offline and online PMF factors and additional sampling and analysis of the samples around the cement industry.
Keywords: positive matrix factorization, PM10 composition, metals, Xact, HVS digitel
Published in RUNG: 24.01.2025; Views: 348; Downloads: 2
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Comparison of on- and off-line source apportionment with wood-burning, traffic and industrial sources
Kristina Glojek, Thuy Vy Dinh Ngoc, M. Manousakas, Sylvain Weber, Gaëlle Uzu, Rhabira Elazzouzi, Katja Džepina, Markus Furger, Sophie Darfeuil, Griša Močnik, 2024, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Abstract: Recent studies show that combining data with different time resolutions results in more detailed and likely more accurate source apportionment (SA) (Hopke et al., 2020; Manousakas et al., 2022; Via et al., 2023). Despite the advantages, SA studies, combining 24-hour filters and highly time-resolved analyses, are limited. This research aims to compare on- and off-line SA results in a pre-Alpine valley with a variety of sources. A comprehensive SA study of the local and regional PM sources and their size-segregated elemental fraction will be presented. PM10 was sampled daily on quartz filters from November 2020 to November 2021 and analyzed for a large array of chemical species. Equivalent black carbon (eBC) measurements were taken with the Aethalometer AE33. Hourly elemental PM10 and PM2.5 composition was measured in parallel with two Xact 625i from February until May 2021. Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) was used to determine the sources of PM10 (off-line PMF) with 24-hour time resolution, and of the elemental fraction of PM (on-line PMF) with 1-hour time resolution for the overlapping time period. For off-line PMF, chemical species together with the source-specific eBC (Sandradewi et al., 2008) were used. For on-line PMF, two analyses were performed on the elemental composition: using PM10, and using a combination of PM2.5 and PMcoarse (PM10-PM2.5). The final off-line PM10 PMF results were compared to on-line elemental PM PMF and assessed accordingly. A combination of the different PMF models with various instrument data resulted in improved SA in terms of the number of identified sources and their uncertainties. The off-line PMF resolved ten PM10 sources (Fig. 1, left), while the on-line elemental PM10 and the combined elemental PM2.5+coarse PMF recognized 6 and 7 factors, respectively (Fig. 1, right). Due to large number of samples, we were able to separate between the sources with strong seasonality and sources featuring stability throughout the year. The study disclosed two rarely encountered factors, i.e., chloride-rich (chlorine-rich in case of on-line PMF) and cement dust. Introduction of source-specific eBC in the off-line PMF model resulted in more stable factor solutions.The high-resolution on-line PMF enabled us to distinguish between regional and local sources (see mineral dust factors). Furthermore, the size-segregated on-line PMF provided more speciated sources (traffic separation into heavy-duty and light-duty vehicles). A very good regression (R2 > 0.7, slopes = 0.05–0.35, p < 0.001) between the compared off-line PM10 and on-line elemental PM10 (daily averages) factors’ concentrations confirmed the adequacy of the SAs. Further work involves a direct comparison of fractions of the elements in the sources’ chemical profiles. The study clearly shows the advantages and limitations of the different PMF models. A combined use of various SA approaches appears to be a promising way towards a comprehensive analysis of the PM sources in complex environments.
Keywords: positive matrix factorization, PM10 composition, metals, Xact, HVS digitel
Published in RUNG: 24.01.2025; Views: 329; Downloads: 7
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Ženski glas v Gradnikovi ljubezenski poeziji in v Le Livre pour toi Marguerite Burnat-Provins
Vita Žerjal-Pavlin, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: V več vložnicah z ženskim lirskim subjektom iz prvih treh zbirk Alojza Gradnika (Padajoče zvezde, Pot bolesti, De profundis) je izražena močna erotična želja ženske. Z žensko erotično senzualnostjo pa je bistveno opredeljeno tudi knjižno pesniško delo Le Livre pour toi iz leta 1907 francosko-švicarske avtorice Marguerite Burnat-Provins, ki ga je Gradnik prevedel in je z naslovom Knjiga za Tebe izšlo leta 1923. Neposrednega vpliva te francoske knjige na Gradnikove ljubezenske vložnice ni mogoče potrditi, zato prispevek predvsem pogloblja dosedanjo literarnozgodovinsko primerjavo literarizacije ljubezni pri obeh avtorjih, in sicer z analizo koncepta ljubezni ter položajem ženske v ljubezenski zvezi.
Keywords: erotična poezija, pesnice, pesem vložnica, slovensko-francoski literarni stiki
Published in RUNG: 23.01.2025; Views: 206; Downloads: 6
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Ne sanjajte sanj : 1985-1995/1995-2018
2023, exhibition catalogue

Abstract: Spletni katalog razstave Ne sanjajte sanj: Izbor iz zbirke Telekom in novi deli, 3. maj - 17. september 2023, Moderna galerija v Ljubljani. Odprtje razstave: torek, 23. maj 2023 ob 20. uri. V umetninah, ki so arhivi elementov, je najpomembnejše urejanje množice sestavin, ne pa njeno odpravljanje, na primer tako, da bi se skupek elementov nadomestil s splošnim, s pravili, po katerih nastajajo oz. ki predstavljajo njihovo enovito, globljo poanto. Od soočanja z zgodovino umetnosti, prek kozmologij, edukacijskih situacij, urbanizma, do zbirk risb in t.i. psiholoških gledališč ter antropomorfnih skulptur – v petih dvoranah MG+ bo na ogled več kot 40 del in projektov 25 umetnic in umetnikov, ki prihajajo iz vzhodne in jugovzhodne Evrope. V okviru razstave bosta predstavljeni tudi dve novi naročeni deli. Saša Auerbah, Jane Čalovski, Danica Dakić, Aleksandra Domanović, Kyriaki Goni, Petrit Halilaj, Pravdoljub Ivanov, Hortensia Mi Kafchin, Ali Kazma, Luka Kedžo, Eva Kot'átková, Marija Kulikovska, Marek Kvetan, Piotr Łakomy, Ciprian Mureşan, Paul Neagu, Paulina Ołowska, Roman Ondák, Agnieszka Polska, Stepan Rjabčenko, Slavs and Tatars, Marko Tadić, Iza Tarasewicz, Krasimir Terziev, Martina Vačeva. Novi produkciji: Maja Babič Košir: Brat, povej mi, Lana Čmajčanin: Ne sanjajte sanj. Kustosa razstave: Nathalie Hoyos, Rainald Schumacher. Koordinacija: Robert Simonišek, Jure Vuga. Konservatorsko-restavratorska priprava gradiva, koordinacija: Simona Škorja. Besedila: Aleš Vaupotič, Nathalie Hoyos, Igor Španjol. Grafično oblikovanje: Eduard Čehovin. Odnosi z javnostmi: Mateja Lavrič. Tehnični koordinator: Tomaž Kučer. Spletišče: Aleš Vaupotič, Jaka Železnikar, Vikida. Tehnična ekipa: Boris Fister, Armin Salihović, Duško Škrbin. Producenta: Moderna galerija, Deutsche Telekom.
Keywords: razstave, sodobna umetnost, Art Collection Telekom, Moderna galerija
Published in RUNG: 21.01.2025; Views: 308; Downloads: 4
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Umetnostni žanri kot okvir za raziskovanje in dolgoročno ohranjanje novomedijske umetnosti
Aleš Vaupotič, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Umetnostni žanri so način razdelitve homogenega področja. Mihail Bahtin v svoji viziji dialoškosti segmentira celoten svet na govorne žanre, kar vključuje tako ideje in besedila kot stvari, ki so del kulturnih praks. Ta najsplošnejša ideja žanra v svoji visoki stopnji abstraktnosti služi namenom Bahtinovega programa prepoznati in zavarovati človeške ideje. Na konkretnejši ravni so žanri vezani na tradicijo literature in umetnosti ali pa, na obravnavanem ožjem področju, na prakso novomedijske umetnosti, v teh primerih so uporabljeni v konstrukciji in razumevanju artefaktov. Razprava je sestavljena iz treh delov. V prvem je predstavljen človekov spoznavni odnos do sveta kot odprtost za čutne vtise in hkrati tudi kot uporaba deduktivnega logičnega sklepanja, kar primerjamo z delovanjem računalnika. V drugem delu so predstavljeni žanri kot način uvajanja reda v igrivo ustvarjalnost (Scott Rettberg, Lev Manovič, Espen Aarseth); žanri so hevristična orodja, ki omogočajo sorazmerno stopnjo stabilnosti pri našem delovanju in koordinaciji v različnih kontekstih. Sklepni tretji del je posvečen raziskovanju digitalne kulturne dediščine, ki je trenutno v nevarnosti, da izgine zaradi hitrega razvoja informacijskih tehnologij ter menjav platform in standardov. Gre za projekt ohranitve spomina na t. i. informacijsko revolucijo v fiksiranem predmetu, ki pa mora ujeti vsaj določen del sporočilnosti izjave, kot se daje prek recepcije v času muzejske hrambe in predstavitve. Tako so zbirke razumljene kot proces, ki uporablja arhiv predmetov za premislek in rekonstrukcijo sodobnega trenutka.
Keywords: izvorno digitalna kulturna dediščina, umetnostni žanri, novomedijska umetnost
Published in RUNG: 20.01.2025; Views: 241; Downloads: 9
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Osebni podatki v zakonodaji in etiki novomedijske kulture
Aleš Vaupotič, 2024, professional article

Abstract: Digitalna in spletna novomedijska umetniška dela podobno kot ostale storitve t. i. novih informacijskih tehnologij zbirajo in nato uporabljajo podatke, ki so zelo pogosto povezani z uporabniki. Je to dovoljeno, za koga veljajo pravila, povezana z osebnimi podatki, na kaj je treba paziti? Vprašanja o zakonitosti in etičnosti obdelave podatkov povezujejo novomedijsko umetnost s splošnimi vprašanji informacijske etike in etike hitro razvijajočega se področja, ki ga imenujemo umetna inteligenca. (Članek je del tematskega sklopa Novi mediji v umetnosti in kulturi / New Media in Art and Culture.)
Keywords: Splošna uredba o varstvu podatkov, Akt o umetni inteligenci, Akt o digitalnih storitvah, Akt o digitalnih trgih, mehka etika, informacijski organizem
Published in RUNG: 20.01.2025; Views: 268; Downloads: 2
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“I am all up for free male love” : blueprints of Ljubljana’s queer underworlds in the (maga)zines Viks, Gayzine, Revolver, and Kekec
Tery Žeželj, Darko Ilin, 2024, unpublished conference contribution

Keywords: queer print, Ljubljana, urban, zines, gay men
Published in RUNG: 20.01.2025; Views: 257; Downloads: 2
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Inference of the Mass Composition of Cosmic Rays with Energies from 10[sup]18.5 to 10[sup]20 eV Using the Pierre Auger Observatory and Deep Learning
A. Abdul Halim, Andrej Filipčič, Jon Paul Lundquist, Shima Ujjani Shivashankara, Samo Stanič, Serguei Vorobiov, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, 2025, original scientific article

Abstract: We present measurements of the atmospheric depth of the shower maximum Xmax, inferred for the first time on an event-by-event level using the Surface Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory. Using deep learning, we were able to extend measurements of the Xmax distributions up to energies of 100 EeV (10[sup]20 eV), not yet revealed by current measurements, providing new insights into the mass composition of cosmic rays at extreme energies. Gaining a 10-fold increase in statistics compared to the Fluorescence Detector data, we find evidence that the rate of change of the average Xmax with the logarithm of energy features three breaks at 6.5 ± 0.6 (stat) ± 1 (sys) EeV, 11 ± 2 (stat) ± 1 (sys) EeV, and 31 ± 5 (stat) ± 3 (sys) EeV, in the vicinity to the three prominent features (ankle, instep, suppression) of the cosmic-ray flux. The energy evolution of the mean and standard deviation of the measured Xmax distributions indicates that the mass composition becomes increasingly heavier and purer, thus being incompatible with a large fraction of light nuclei between 50 EeV and 100 EeV.
Keywords: ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs), extensive air showers, Pierre Auger Observatory, UHECR mass composition, depth of the shower maximum, fluorescence detector, surface detector, deep learning
Published in RUNG: 20.01.2025; Views: 301; Downloads: 5
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Kultura - vznemirljiva pretakanja med generacijami in civilizacijami, kot jih osvetljuje Martin Puchner
2025, radio or television broadcast, podcast, interview, press conference

Abstract: Kulturni, umetniški dosežki, spoznanja in znanja, vedenja, predstave, ideje, verovanja, pravni dokumenti, etični kodeksi, nenazadnje politični in družbeni sistemi, so se po različnih civilizacijah širili neovirano, krožili nenačrtno, z navdušenimi posamezniki, z državnimi podporami, včasih pa so poniknili in bili znova najdeni in izumljeni, neredko, sploh v primerih imperializma in kolonializma, tudi izkoreninjeni. Tokrat bo osvetljenih nekaj zgodovinsnko izjemnih trenutkov vznemirljivega in presenetljivega povezovanja ter medcivilizacijskega prenašanja vzorcev kulture in njenih elementov, zaradi miroljubne vedoželjnosti ali preračunljivega koristoljubja. Pred časom je namreč izšla mojstrovina, knjiga z naslovom Kultura, s podnasovom Nova svetovna zgodovina, slovitega avtorja Martina Puchnerja. Naj gre za namerne ali nenamerne komunikacije, interakcije, izposoje ali delitve, avtor, ki ne daje prednosti evropskim umetniškim, kulturnim ali tehničnim dosežkom, meni, da ni toliko pomebna izvirnost, kje in kako je določen fenomen nastal, ampak je pomembno, da produkte kulture ohranjamo in si jih ne lastimo; kultura namreč ni muzejski predmet, ampak prepletajoča se mreža v nastajanju in spreminjanju. Gost: dr. Peter Purg, sicer dekan Fakultete za humanistiko Univerze v Novi Gorici in izredni profesor za Nove medije na Akademiji umetnosti, ki je doktoriral je iz medijske umetnosti ter komunikoloških in literarnih ved na Univerzi v Erfurtu, ukvarja se z intermedijsko in raziskovalno umetnostjo, zanimajo ga vloge humanistike in umetnosti v ekologiji in idejah odrasti, pri socialnih inovacijah ter skupnostnih praksah. Bil je tudi član skupine za pripravo kandidature Nove Gorice z Gorico za evropsko prestolnico kulture 2025.
Keywords: medkulturnost, kulturna zgodovina, mediji, prevzemanje, umetnost, civilizacija
Published in RUNG: 20.01.2025; Views: 221; Downloads: 4
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