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Diskretnost seznamov in informacijski obrat v humanistiki
Narvika Bovcon, Aleš Vaupotič, 2024, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: Besedilo obravnava informacijski obrat, ki današnjo realnost razume kot infosfero, agente v njej pa kot relacijsko povezane informacijske organizme, človeške, naravne ter umetne ali hibridne. Pri razumevanju komunikacijskega delovanja sodobnih algoritmov izhaja iz ugotovitev Elene Esposito, ki razlikuje med informativnostjo sporazumevanja in inteligenco ter najde kontingentnost, ki je temelj za dojemanje inteligentnih odzivov v komunikaciji, ne v algoritmih, ampak v velepodatkih, kamor so jo odložili ljudje pri izdelavi in uporabi spleta. Podatke, organizirane v obliki diskretnih seznamov, ki jih pridobimo z odstranitvijo konteksta, algoritmi obdelujejo: reorganizirajo in asociativno povezujejo. Podobno kot v računalništvu obravnava sisteme tudi humanistika, na obeh področjih imamo opravka z diskretnimi podatki. Ta skupna lastnost podatkov v humanistiki in računalništvu omogoča prenos metod med disciplinama, npr. metodo ravni abstrakcije za obravnavanje sistema, zato v nadaljevanju predstavimo delovanje Turingovih strojev, njihovo števnost izračunljivih števil, povezano z mehanskostjo postopka. Implikacije Turingovih odkritij so pobuda za informacijsko filozofijo Luciana Floridija, ki informacijskemu obratu reče tudi četrta revolucija človeškega samorazumevanja in ga obravnava v tetralogiji, posvečeni infosferi. Predstavljena je Floridijeva konceptualna logika informacij, ki je logika načrtovanja modela sistema, ki zadosti zahtevam in skozi izdelovanje proizvaja vednost ab anteriori. Gre za inženirskooblikovalsko metodo, ki je v vedno bolj konstrukcionistično naravnanem svetu tudi metoda za podajanje odgovorov na odprta filozofska vprašanja. V sklepu besedila metodo izdelave informacijskega modela sistema predstavimo na primeru digitalnohumanističnega projekta, ki uporablja digitalizirano zbirko umetniških del, interdisciplinarno sodelovanje in računalniške algoritme za generiranje novih informacijskih organizmov, tj. modelov, ki interpretirajo Rembrandtov umetniški sistem.
Keywords: informacijski obrat, digitalna humanistika, informacijski organizem, metoda ravni abstrakcije, informacijska logika načrtovanja
Published in RUNG: 17.01.2025; Views: 253; Downloads: 5
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Splitting friends, wives, and boxes of books
Tue Trinh, 2017, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: Cross-linguistic variation with respect to the pronunciation of topicalized verbs make up most of my argument for the Edge Condition (EC), a principle of chain linearization, in Trinh (2009, 2010). In section 5 of Trinh (2009), I argue that variation within Vietnamese with respect to the pronunciation of split NPs also supports EC. After the publication of that paper, I became aware of some additional facts about NP-Split in Vietnamese, which I then discussed in chapter 3 of my dissertation. I believe these facts and my analysis of them suffice to warrant presentation in a small but self-contained contribution. The present squib, which is a contribution to a Festschrift for David Pesetsky, is a long overdue result of that belief, and I am particularly happy about its venue of publication, as David Pesetsky’s guidance and support were essential in all of my works on this topic.
Keywords: topicalization, linearization, NP-split, Vietnamese
Published in RUNG: 16.01.2025; Views: 306; Downloads: 0
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Well-formedness is meaningfulness: exploring an old idea : lecture at the Università degli Studi di Siena, 27. 11. 2024
Tue Trinh, 2024, invited lecture at foreign university

Keywords: Wittgenstein, Grammar, Logic
Published in RUNG: 16.01.2025; Views: 308; Downloads: 2
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Colloidal metal nanoparticles as a source for the growth of thin films
Saim Emin, 2022, published scientific conference contribution abstract (invited lecture)

Abstract: Synthesis of colloidal nanoparticles (NPs) which offer good colloidal stability is quite important for different applications like spin-coating, dip-coating etc. Having metallic nanoparticles in the form of stable suspension allow the generation of thin films with desired thicknesses. We will present the production of different classes of materials starting from colloidal metal NPs. An example will be given on the preparation of Fe2O3 and WO3 thin films which are used in photoelectrochemical oxidation of water (e.g. water splitting). Another transformation which involves metallic NPs include the preparation of MoSe2 and WSe2 thin films which is achieved in a tube furnace at elevated temperatures. Very recently, the use of metallic NPs were also extended for the preparation of transition metal carbides. We managed to produce W2C and WC phases starting from metallic W NPs. The details of this phase conversion will be discussed. The presentation will provide details on how transition metallic NPs can be used to prepare metal oxide, metal selenide and metal carbides.
Keywords: colloidal metal nanoparticles, thin films, water splitting
Published in RUNG: 16.01.2025; Views: 259; Downloads: 0
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Recent advances in recombinant production of soluble proteins in E. coli
Ario De Marco, 2025, review article

Keywords: recombinant proteins, E. coli, protein yield, protein functionality, protein solubility
Published in RUNG: 16.01.2025; Views: 235; Downloads: 3
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Quality assurance : lecture at the Tsing Hua 2018 Workshop on Syntax and Semantics, 20. 5. 2018, at the National Tsing Hua University, Tsing, Taiwan
Tue Trinh, 2018, unpublished conference contribution

Keywords: implicatures, alternatives, symmetry
Published in RUNG: 14.01.2025; Views: 288; Downloads: 2
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In defense of structural alternatives : lecture at the National Tsinghua University, Hsinchu, 5. 1. 2018
Tue Trinh, 2018, invited lecture at foreign university

Keywords: alternatives, implicatures
Published in RUNG: 14.01.2025; Views: 281; Downloads: 0
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Anteriority and simultaneity in Vietnamese
Tue Trinh, Thị Huyền Trang Phan, Điền Đinh, 2018, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: tense, present, past, null morpheme, Vietnamese
Published in RUNG: 14.01.2025; Views: 262; Downloads: 2
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Questioning and time
Andreas Haida, Tue Trinh, 2018, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: questions, tense, implicatures
Published in RUNG: 14.01.2025; Views: 278; Downloads: 4
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Notes on classifiers in Bahnar, Mandarin and Vietnamese
Hung Phan, Thị Huyền Trang Phan, Tue Trinh, 2018, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: classifiers, Bahnar, Mandarin, Vietnamese
Published in RUNG: 14.01.2025; Views: 233; Downloads: 2
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